King's Business - 1926-04

April 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


ages have been so imposed on by ridiculous stories of that kind that this very circumstance w^pld be a full proof of the cheat!” Verily, a Daniel come to Judgment! Here is a learned man, a prince among sceptics, who says in one breath that “ no kind of testimony for any kind of miracle can possibly amount to a probability, much less to a proof:” then, in another breath, concedes that "there may be miracles of such a kind as to admit of proof from human testimony, and be received by philosophers as certain;” and, yet in another breath, hastens to say that if such miracle be used as a sign of a divine religion we must again reject it! The Jewel of consistency evidently burns very dimly in the diadem of this deist: a miracle cannot possibly be cred­ ible, yet it may be credible; and again even a credible mir­ acle may be also incredible! The fact is Mr. Hume was bound to overthrow Christianity, and he would hesitate at no violation of logical consistency, or moral candor, to avoid giving the religion of the Bible a show of support. If one should descend to such unfairness in dealing with reli­ gious doubts and difficulties, he would be met, and deserve to be, by a pelting hail of hisses. Let one guard be put about what has been said, to pre­ vent perversion. Some, in arguing for the truth of Revela­ tion, start by proving miracles to be credible, and inferring the doctrine to be divine-because so sanctified. But this is by no means the whole truth. Our Lord Himself did not seek to force a faith or even conviction upon the minds of men whose hearts were hostile to Him and His work. If a man, by his bondage to his philosophy, or to an accusing conscience, or to selfish interests, is predisposed' and deter­ mined not to see that Christianity is of God, no amount of evidence will convince him. Light does not1reach a shut eye, which is for all purposes of seeing, a blind eye,. The heart makes the theology. If a man comes to the Bible with open eye he will find two influences operating together to produce conviction. First he will find such truth and such a person there as dispose him to expect divine credentials: and then he will And divine credentials disposing him to believe the truths and the person to be all that they claim, essentially divine; the written Word and the living Word of God. And many an examiner of Scripture scarce knows which way convic­ tion first takes hold of his mind, that Christ must be a divine being; whether from His teaching and life, or because His wonderful works reveal His divinity. You stand in sunlight and you are at the same moment dazzled by its brightness and thrilled by its warmth. Whether you were conscious of light or heat first, you scarce know. You approach the Bible; there breaks upon you a sense that you are walking in light: If there be truth anywhere it is here. You find a record of miraculous signB, confirming the teachings of the Book of God. Whether the signs lead you to look at the truth, or the truth leads you to expect the signs, you cannot tell. “ It becomes easier to believe in the miracles, because of our personal faith in Him as a being of whom such extra­ ordinary deeds might be reasonably expected, than to believe in Him primarily on the ground of His having exer­ cised miraculous powers.” Some have been drawn to the cradle of this wonderful child by seeing His star in the east, and being prepared to find the holy One, by the signs that herald Him. Others first found Him at the cross, and, when the precious drops fell on them with cleansing, heal­ ing power, could well believe the story of the magi. We have no hope of convincing a sceptic simply by mir­ acles. But, if in a candid spirit any man will search the Scriptures, he shall find that they testify of Christ, that



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