King's Business - 1926-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

April 1926

A REAL RESURRECTION (Continued from page 195)

BOOKS FOR JUNIORS and for their Patents and Teachers So often the Juniora have only a Volume of The Bible Illustrated in Colors. Suph a Plan is fine but we List Here Three Wonderfully Lovely Books which should alio he in your child’ s library. A Child’s Ramble Through The Bible By Robert C. Falconer "Choosing with rare discrimination such scenes in Holy Writ which, by reason of their rich imaginative quality, are best calculated to appeal to the juvenile mind. Mr. Falconer guides his young readers through a most delightful country. He has an indubitable eye for color and a rare ability to utilize it to spiritual profit. Such methods as he has followed in this volume are among the best imaginable, not only to create in young people a genuine interest in the unmatched story— quality of the Bible, but to foster a love for its long bead- roll of fascinating characters and saints and heroes. C loth $1.35 The Child’s Acts of the Apostles Tabernacle Talks with Little People By Lettie Bell

held that there is in the human body a spiritual body, and that this spiritual organism rises at death, so that the soul is not yet clothed with an immortal tabernacle. This is one form of the modern doctrine of the resurrection of the body. In a sentence, then, the modern doctrine of the resurrection of the body, so far as that doctrine is in any form intelligently held, is that the spirit has in the other life a spiritual organism, and that this spiritual organism has some sort of connection, not by us understood, with the material organism which is possessed upon the earth.” Churoh leaders whose standards of dictum hold to the literal resurrection have fallen in with this modern idea. The modern idea is essentially rational. It has no special regard for revelation, no great reverence for authority. The modern idea takes its cue from the Bible, but makes havoc of Bible facts and principles. It may range itself under the name of some great Bible doctrine, but it disembowels the doctrine, and leaves us nothing but an empty, delusive name. No one conversant with the trend of things can be ignor­ ant of the fact that rationalism, under the cover of modern ideas or thought, is affecting the granite foundations of God’s truth. Doctrines which the wisdom and faith of the Church have reduced to axiomatic dogmas are so changed by the transforming process of modern thought that no essential part of the original doctrine remains. The new dress has changed not only the outward appearance, but the heart of the precious old truths is entirely changed. It is marvelously strange how wide-spread are false views of Christ, His atonement, the resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. These pernicious views are found in literature, commentary, exposition; they are clothed in such attractive garb and found in so many places that they fix themselves in thought before we are aware of it, and we have so little knowledge of the Bible that we cannot detect the counterfeit. And so It' comes to pass that views always in the past rejected by the great body of «believers as unscriptural are now referred to without scrutiny or protest. It is one of the problems of this age to And out the pro­ cess by which the current of orthodoxy,— purified, deepened, and made strong by the confluent piety of ages, finds itself almost lost in the shallows and sands of the ancient and worst forms of heterodoxy. These modern ideas are not modern, though they may bear its imprint. They are almost as old as Christianity, and are as heterodox as they are old. We would not oppose them because they are new, nor reject them because they are hoary reprobates. We put no store by the modern idea. No special store do we put by the ancient idea. We do, ■though, put store, all the store we can muster, by the Bible idea. We measure aU that is old and all that is new by that infallible standard; and of whatever is new or whatever is old which does not agree with that, we say, “ Let it be accursed, and he who bids it Godspeed is partaker in the sin.”

A Narrative and Commen­ tary, written in simple, lan­ guage, with notes for use of Teacher or Parent. Few parts o f the sacred volum e seem m o r e fitted to arrest the youthful mind. The ascent of our blessed Lord in the clouds o f heaven,— the g i f t and descent o f the H oly Spirit,— the sin and awful end o f the tw o who lied unto the Lord, the shorter accounts of Peter and John,—-the life and labors and shipwreck o f Paul,— all these ana other events o f the book ap p ears, to possess a thrilling power, a charm even for the youngest. Cloth 7Sc Joel— A Boy of Galilee

A ltho designed for '’Little P eople" this delightfully clever volume appeals to adults in Its marvelously clear way o f pre­ senting the tabernacle, its ser­ vices and the need o f under­ standing It to comprehend the significance o f the sacrifice o f Christ. There are e l e v e n outline sketches to be colored— a c ­ cording to the Bible directions o f colors— Even children of seven grasp the meanings of this book. Y ou'll never regret owning it. If you're a Chris­ tian, order a copy. Cloth 7S c

By Annie Fellows Johnston In this, volume, it has been the purpose o f the author to pre­ sent to children, through "J oel," as accurate a picture o f the times o f the Christ as has been given to older readers through "Ben Hur.** W ith this in view, the custom s of the private and public life o f the Jews, the temple service with its sacerdotal rites, and the minute observances of the numerous holidays have been studies so carefully that the descriptions have passed the test o f the m ost critical inspection. An eminent rabbi p ro ­ nounces them correct in every detail. Cloth $2.00 Toys and Things By Herbert Booth I Dolls, T ops, Balls. [-Wonder-Why- Stories By George Adams U t u s u a 1— D ra­ matic— eagerly en­ Outline and Object

By J. W. Jordan A recent arrival from England which gives 400 scripture outlines for bla ck ­ board talks. O bject Lessons and Bible Readings. W e re­ commend this to the leader o f the Junion Church program s.. Cloth $1.25

joyed by children who a s k "W on der W h y" and who in this book find the true value o f smilea, bravery, unselfish­ ness and the char­ acteristics o f a Christian. __________Cloth $1.2S

Boats, B icycles and other things dear to a child's heart are the center o f little sermons. T k i s is another volume o f great help to lead­ ers o f Junior P ro­ grams. Cloth $1.25

The Children's Hour

By Stuart N y , Hutchison A great m inister has given a great book to your children. F ifty-tw o charm ing littla atoriea “ The Horse that was afraid o f hit shadow, “ The Man in the Moon.” “ The Eagle’ s Nest and "T h e Ciant Ferryman" are a few o f the chapter titles which will interest you. . . . Each story is a “ Five Minute story. Cloth $1.2S If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D., If goods are to come by mail add 10% for poataga. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

Jesus lives, to Him the throne Over all the world is given; May we go where He is gone, Rest and reign with Him in Heaven. Alleluia. — C. F. Gillert.

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