King's Business - 1926-04

April 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


DoYouKnowThisBook? We donot ask what you know about i t . . but do you KNOW IT? There is all the difference in the world. rarpenter or a machinist doesn’t know ABOUT THEM; what they will do, HOW TO USE 1HEM. THE BIBLE IS A GREAT LIBRARY— The .ource o f «11 Wisdom— How much o f it have you mastered) unn IT MEETS EVERY NEED O f EVERY MAN: lu 66 Book«, written during a period ot Iouu llam by 4 0 dSerent Au thor^Cattle Herder. Shepherd Brick Maker. Poet. Mus.mam Soldier, General, King«, Tax Collector Phy.ician. Fi.herm.n, e tc .-C A N ANSWER HUMANITY’S CRY THE WORLD AROUND. •The law o f the L ord is perfect, converting the soul, the testim ony o f the Lord is sure, making w se iThe*‘ prPe « P t . o f the. L ord are right, rejoicing the heart, the commandment of the L ord is pure, enlightening the eyes"— P«a- • YOUNGNAN, YOUNGWOMAN, ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN? Have you consecrated your life to Christ for His service? Then Listen! The very first requisite is a thorough working knowledge of THIS BO O K - •Study to .how thyself approved unto Cod. a workman that needeth not to be rightly dividing the word of truth. — 2 Tim. ¿:I3 . THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES OFFERS YOU AN UNPARALLELED OPPORTUNITY

to obtain thorough, practical and ef­ ficient BIBLE TRAINING and a practical knowledge of MISSION­ ARY WORK.

It i« a school interdenominational in Direc­ tor«. Faculty and Student Body. Pledged to Evangelical Bible teaching and avoiding un- scriptural extreme« of all kind*. Located in the finest city on the Pacific Coast. The moet salubrious climate in Amer­ ica, thoroughly cosmopolitan, all nationalities and denomination, congregated together. A Home and Foreign Mission field combined with the practical training in its midst. Building, fireproof. 600 fine room, with steam heat, hot and cold water. Class rooms and auditorium seating over 4000. Regular Course, two years of two semes­ ters each. Pastors Course, three years. TUITION IS F R E E . Board and Room $8.50 per week. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES AND CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL

FACULTY Dr. John M. Maclnnis. Dean Dr. Ralph Atkinson. A ssociate Dean Rev. John H. Hunter, Sec. o f Faculty Rev. Wm . H. Pike. Sec. Evening School Rev. Keith L. Brooke. • Sec. Correspondence School Rev. John A. Hubbard, Supt. o f Men Mrs. Besse D. McAnlis, Supt. o f W om en Dr. John Marvin Dean P rof. H. W . Kellogg P rof. J. B. Trow bridge. V oice, Conducting Prof. H. G. T ovey, V oice, Conducting Prof. Arthur A. Butler, Organ, Piano Prof. Christian M. Book«, V oice Miss W ilma Krag, Piano Miss Marie Carter Miss Florence Chaffee Miss Crace T odd Music

Catalog and complete information on request Extension Department Bible Institute ofLos Angeles 536-558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California

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