contribution received will be devoted entire ly to this purpose. We trust for your co-operation. Send Coupon Now It only costs 50 cents to purchase and distribute each Testament. How many will you personally, and your organization, be responsible for? T o how many factory toil ers. students, and office workers will you send the joyful message of Jesus Christ? Send the coupon. These Men Direct Your Aid PRESIDENT— Joseph M. Steele, President W illiam Steele and Sons Co., Architects. Engineers, C onstructors VICE-PRESIDENTS— Augustus I. W o o d , President W est Philadelphia T itle and Trust Co. David D. Lupton, V ice-President David Lup- ton's Sons Co., Steel Sash Products. Harry E. Paisley, Treasurer Philadelphia and Reading Railway Co. Frederic M. Paist, President F. M. Paist Co., Manufacturing Confectioners. Alfred E. Freeman, Attorney at Law. Samuel R. B oggs, President Model Mills Co., W ilton Rugs and Carpets. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Allan Sutherland RECORDING SECRETARY Roland K. Armes TREASURER T. Edward Ross, Lybrand, Ross Bros, and Montgomery; Accountants. EXECUTIVE Roland K. Armes Frank E. Baker Franklin L. Bettgér COUNCIL S. A. McClure Harry E. Paisley Frederic M. Paist George H. Randall
T " ¿ •^jl IE Husincss Men's Council of the cket Testament League was organ ized at the time of the W orld War to help in ministering to the spiritual needs of our soldier and sailor boys. This Council is the outgrow th of the world-wide work of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Alexander in estab lishing the Pocket Testament League. During the Great War more than half a million of our sailors and soldiers received Testaments from workers of this Council signing a card agreeing to carry and read the Word. Of this number more than 125,- 000 signed upon th* cards which were re- ' turned to us : “ I Accept Christ!” After the War, in response to a call, the Business Men's Council of the Pocket T esta ment League sent its field workers into these industrial establishments. Meetings are being held in shipyards, car barns, lo c o motive shops, foundries, textile mills, new s paper offices, police stations, fire houses, periitentiaries, baseball clubs, and other e s tablishments. The work is successful beyond our most sanguine expectations. In these days when it is increasingly d if ficult to get the indifferent to attend relig ious services. the Pocket Testament League carries the W ord of God to men and women where they are found in large numbers. Stimulates Churches A careful system of follow -up work has been inaugurated, by interesting nearby I f churches in these readers of. God s Word. As the cards have the name and address of the signers, together with the church p ref erence. it is possible to find a church home for them. It is a quiet but very effective system of evangelism and ingathering. The eagerness of our foreign-born vyojk- men to receive the W ord o ,f God is most, en - cou raging. A large number of Testaments have been givep to Poles, Italians, Russians, and Greeks. Marty of these people have very little to read in their own tongue, and Testaments are eagerly received. Christianizes - American izes the Foreign-Born Is there a better way to Christianize and Americanize these strangers in our m idst> We distribute Testaments and Gospels in Modern Greek, French, Bohemian, R oum an ian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Russian, Span-, ish, Italian, Polish, and Yiddish. One pastor stated one year he had 155 men join his çhurch whose mem bership he can trace directly to the work of the Pocket Testament League.
par Frienils.: i De Tin; I'uck.i .TV*tament League In* receive»l many blessed ns>iinincis that thrmiRh ,tl»e ni money which1 haw enabled It to distribute New Testaments in our industrial centers and elsewhere, men have bei n brotmht to a sa\ inti knowledge of Obtl. and smils have been led to Christ. . During the year 10‘jr». through the generous n.utrihut ions of our friends, we have had the privilege-"*-- of ilistri lotting 6J.I7:t Testament* ami of receiving 1.773 decisions for Christ. As we continue In 1920. w;e "Thanh Cod art I take .courage." for We are nuts« I»»us of 11is Messing upon. our. work.—* work which has been possible only through the generosity of friends whose hearts have hejn loyal to Him The fields are white to the harvest, a harvest which is plentiful and filled with eternity- reaching opportunities. We have the prom ise: "M y Word shall not return unto me void.’ so In quietness alid In confidence we appeal to you to aid in this Chrislly work.- while we pray tor you a Idessed year. -—one in widen through vour gifts many precious souls may vbo sawd. \Ve shall appreciate your help, whether it he Urge mi small, With all good wishes, 1 am. Very sincerely yours. JOSEPH M ST KKldv President Since the work o f the Council is- free and no Testaments are perm itted to be sold for profit, the necessity for financial support is apparent. $100 Places 200 Testaments Fifty .cents will* purchase and place a T es tament in the hands of an industrial worker. W e recently received a check for $100 from a man who bec'ame very much interested in the work by attending one of the meetings. His check was the means of putting 200 Testaments in the hands of as many incius- ’ trial workers. The work is interdenominational, and the'ÇounCil is composed of men of sound Evangelical faith. The Bible is the point of contact, second only to the Christ of whom it tells. We solicit your help in this work, as d e mands for Testaments are increasing and we desire to meet every need. We know of no more profitable investment than placing Testaments in the hands of the toilers. Any
Samuel R. Boggs. Harvey L. Elkins George G. Embick Frank Foster Alfred E. Freeman Philip E. Howard Robert Killough Robert L. Latimer David D. Lupton
Samuel Reid Henry Ross T. Edward Ross Joseph M. Steele Allan Sutherland Morgan H. Thomas Augustus I. W ood E. A. Zeller. Jr.
The Business Men’ s Council of the Pocket Testament League, Inc. 711 Witherspoon Bldg., Philadelphia !F Mr. T. Edward R oss, Treasurer, 711 W itherspoon Building, Philadelphia. For the enclosed $ will you kindly purchase and distribute..... Testaments and “ 1 accept Christ" cards?
Name ...........................................................-........ .
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