


Saint-Isidore hockey fans enjoyed wat- ching their team beat Vankleek Hill Sunday night. The final score finished 9-7 for the Eagles over the Vankleek Hill Cougars at the Saint- Isidore Arena, with the home team rallying in the third period with six goals to win the game. The Cougars scored every period of the match and had a 6-3 lead over Saint-Isidore after punching in two unanswered goals in the second period. Jonathan Lacroix nailed a hat trick during his time on the ice for Vankleek Hill, with Nikolas Ayotte, Zacharie Leblanc, Samuel Lemay, and Christophe Quann finishing up the Cougars’ score. Top shooters for the home team were Yanick Dicaire and Jonathan Paquette, each with two goals apiece. Scoring single pointers to help win the game that night for Saint-Isidore were Philippe Brunet, Kevin Howson, Alexis Leclerc, Nicholas Roy, and Ryan Wells. Clarence Creek The Clarence Creek Castors enjoyed a winning weekend against the Bytown Royals and the West Carleton Inferno. The Castors crowned the Royals 5-2 at the Bernard-Grandmaître Arena after a scoreless first period for both sides. Clarence Creek and Bytown each managed two goals in the second period, but third belonged to the Castors with three unanswered goals to win the Friday night match. Kyle Goodman punched in a pair of points against the Royals while teammates Nicho- las Gaumond, Logan Lefebvre, and Jacob L’avant vedette des Hawks, Dovar Tinling, a été nommé élève émérite Hockey Hair de la Central Canada Hockey League (CCHL), une distinction qui souligne le rendement scolaire de joueurs encore à l’école secondaire. «C’est une belle récompense», reconnait timidement le jeune homme de 16 ans, qui étudie à St. Thomas High School, dans sa ville natale de Pointe-Claire, au Québec. C’est aussi un gage de la discipline et du sérieux qu’apporte l’attaquant à sa vie à l’extérieur de la patinoire. «Chaque jour, après l’école, mon grand frère vient me chercher et nous partons pour l’aréna», a-t-il expliqué. Son frère, c’est Azzaro Tinling, qui est également son compagnon de trio chez les Hawks. Alors, est-ce que c’est son ainé qui l’aide à faire ses devoirs dans la voiture, entre Pointe-Claire et Hawkesbury? «Non, a-t-il dit en souriant, c’est ma sœur.» Lors de son séjour avec l’équipe natio- nale, il recevait ses leçons par courriel et avait des appels vidéo avec certains professeurs. À ce sujet, quand on lui demande

Les Cougars de Vankleek Hill sont en tête de la division Est de la Ligue de Hockey junior de la capitale nationale, mais Saint- Isidore a une solide troisième place, grâce à leur dernière victoire, le dimanche soir 19 janvier sur les Cougars. —photo fournie

Servant finished up with singles. Scoring for Bytown were Jérémie Bourbonnais and Mathieu O’Toole. Sunday afternoon, at home, the Castors blew out the chances of a win for the West Carleton Inferno 5-1, with three unanswe- red goals spread across first and second periods and another pair of goals in third. The Inferno’s one goal from Colin Gourgon went into the net in the third period. Scoring two points for the Castors was Jordan Croll-Stevenson while teammates Samuel Gaudet, Austin Laprade, and Jacob Servant popped in singles. The Vankleek Hill Cougars are leading the East Division of the National Capital Junior Hockey League (NCJHL) with 38 points after 27 games played. The Castors are sitting in second place in the division with 33 points after 27 games, and Saint-Isidore is third with 30 points after 29 games. In the overall combined standings for the NCJHL, the South Grenville Rangers are first with 49 points after 27 games, followed by Vankleek Hill, Clarence Creek, and Saint-Isidore. Game Schedule The Cougars host the Castors Saturday night, over the January 25 weekend, and again January 29 as the makeup game for the January 11 match, rescheduled because of bad weather. The Cougars also host the North Dundas Rockets, late Sunday after- noon, January 26. Saint-Isidore faces the South Grenville Rangers January 25 at the Cardinal Arena, then hosts the Gatineau Hull-Volant Sunday.


Hawks star Dovar Tinling has been named the Hockey Hair Academic High School Player of the Month for December, keeping an A- average, even as he joined Team Canada at the World U-17 Hockey Challenge in Medicine Hat. —photo André Farhat

quelles sont ses matières préférées, il répond sans hésiter : «Les mathématiques et la biologie.» Et entre coéquipiers, lors des parties à

l’extérieur, est-ce que les Hawks discutent de leurs travaux et de leurs classes? «Jamais, a affirmé Dovar. Ici, on parle de hockey!»

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