
XPLORNET HAS BIG PLANS FOR RURAL INTERNET SERVICE " ' ' " * 3 & 4  r  # 6 4 * / & 4 4


Les besoins en infrastructures et le service ambulancier régional faisaient partie de la liste des priorités des maires de Prescott- Russell, lors de leurs rencontres avec les ministres provinciaux et les hauts fonctionnaires lors de la conférence annuelle de Rural Ontario Municipal Association, le weekend du 19 janvier à Toronto. —archives


provincial government reviews applica- tions for funding under the program, and UIFOSFDPNNFOETUP0UUBXBUIFPOFTUIBU deserve priority consideration. .POEBZT30."TFTTJPOIBEUISFF 6$13EFMFHBUJPONFFUJOHTTDIFEVMFEGPS UIFNPSOJOH TUBSUJOHXJUIBCSFBLGBTU hour meeting with MPP Andrea Khanjin, parliamentary assistant for environment, DPOTFSWBUJPOBOEQBSLT.BZPS(VZ%FT - KBSEJOTPG$MBSFODF3PDLMBOEXBTEFT - JHOBUFEMFBEFSGPSUIBUNFFUJOH UPUBML about assistance for the local wastewater treatment plant upgrade. The remaining two Monday morning meetings saw Warden Pierre Leroux UBLFPWFSBTEFMFHBUJPOMFBEFSGPSUPQJDT GPDVTFEPO6$13QSJPSJUJFT'JSTUXBT a meeting with Transportation Minister Caroline Mulroney regarding the future four-lane expansion of the County Road )JHIXBZMJOLCFUXFFO3PDLMBOE BOE0SMÊBOT 5IFMBTUNFFUJOHCFGPSFUIFOPPOCSFBL was with Health Minister Christine Elliott and concerned the ambulance dispatch TJUVBUJPOCFUXFFOUIF6$13BOEUIF$JUZ PG0UUBXB

Roads and water works are the main topics for Prescott-Russell delegates to this year’s rural municipalities’ conference. All eight mayors gave their unanimous support to strategy for highlighting local JOGSBTUSVDUVSFOFFETJOUIF6OJUFE$PVO - UJFTPG1SFTDPUUBOE3VTTFMM 6$13 QSJPS UPBUUFOEJOHUIFBOOVBM3VSBM0OUBSJP Municipal Association conference, over UIF+BOVBSZXFFLFOEJO5PSPOUP %VSJOHJUT+BOVBSZDPNNJUUFFPGUIF XIPMFTFTTJPO 6$13DPVODJMSFWJFXFEUIF four topics for its delegation, throughout meetings with provincial ministers or se- nior executives for ministries, during the two-day conference. Infrastructure needs made up three of four items on the list. 4VOEBZ 6$13NFNCFST MFECZ.BZPS 1BVMB"TTBMZPG)BXLFTCVSZ XFSFTDIFE - uled to meet with MPP Stephen Crawford, parliamentary assistant for infrastructure, UPEJTDVTT6$13QSPKFDUT XIJDIDPVME qualify for assistance through the Invest- ing in Canada Infrastructure program. The

Steve Van Groningen , de Xplornet , présente le plan du fournisseur d’accès Internet rural , pour une mise à niveau de 24 millions de dollars de son système pour les ménages et les entreprises de Prescott-Russell , lors de la session du 15 janvier du conseil des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell. —photo Gregg Chamberlain


XJUIGBTUUSBDLJOHQFSNJUUJOHBQQSPWBMT BOE support for rights-of-way access, to speed up project construction when it begins later in the year. Alfred-Plantagenet Township Mayor 4UÊQIBOF4BSSB[JOBTLFEIPXNVDIUIF upgraded Internet service would cost house- holds. He noted that some rural homeown- ers have limited budgeting flexibility and might need to choose between necessities MJLFHSPDFSJFTPWFSCFUUFS*OUFSOFUBDDFTT Van Groningen indicated the company JTSFBEZUPNBLFJOEJWJEVBMQSFTFOUBUJPOT to the councils for all eight municipalities in Prescott-Russell, on details of the CTI project.

Rural Internet service in Prescott- Russell could become faster and better than ever when a private-sector upgrade project gets underway. “We have many (service) towers which will be upgraded over the next few months,” said Chris Phillips, Xplornet sales manager GPS&BTUFSOBOE/PSUIFSO0OUBSJPXIPNFU  along with several company officials, with 6OJUFE$PVOUJFTPG1SFTDPUUBOE3VTTFMM DPVODJM 6$13 +BOVBSZ UPFYQMBJOUIF company’s Connect to Innovate project (CTI) . “CTI will allow us to expand broadband service to 38,000 households in Prescott- Russell and Stormont-Dundas-Glengarry,” explained Steve Van Groningen, corporate af- GBJSTNBOBHFSGPSUIF/FX#SVOTXJDLCBTFE Internet service company, which specializes in serving rural areas, “There will be an overall improvement in speed and capacity BDSPTTUIFOFUXPSLu CTI is a $24 million expansion project for 9QMPSOFU XJUIUIFDPNQBOZJOWFTUJOH million of its own funds and the federal HPWFSONFOUQSPWJEJOHNJMMJPOVOEFS its rural broadband improvement program fund. The project involves installing 366 LJMPNFUSFTPGIZCSJEàCSFPQUJDMJOFUISPVHI - PVUUIFSFHJPO TFUUJOHVQXJSFMFTTTNBMM cell tower booster stations, and installing or upgrading 32 main towers. When complete, Van Groningen noted, all 38,000 rural households in Prescott-Russell BOE4%( MJOLFEUPUIF9QMPSOFUTZTUFNXJMM have faster Internet access service, with BDDFTTTQFFETPGVQUPNFHBCZUFTQFS second downloading time. 7BO(SPOJOHFOOPUFEUIBUUIF6$13T support for Xplornet’s CTI proposal helped the company get federal investment in the QSPKFDU)FUPMEUIFFJHIUNBZPSTPO6$13 DPVODJMUIBUUIFDPNQBOZOPXTFFLTIFMQ

Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398 1100, rue Aberdeen Street, C.P. / P.O. Box 1000, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3H1 1-800-267-0850 Fax.: 613-632-6383

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