Clean air Technology
Alongside the use of HEPA or ULPA filters, cleanrooms maintain clean air through the use of air flow principles. Using unidirectional air flow systems to direct filtered air downwards in a constant stream or turbulent flow principles which, as the name suggests, offers multi directional air flow.
By managing the air flow within the cleanroom in this way, it is possible to move particles away from the operator and operating area towards the filters positioned in either the ceiling or the walls of the cleanroom. The particles are then captured in the filters and clean air is recirculated into the cleanroom. The diagram below shows the air movement within a cleanroom.
Air flow patterns in Clean room
Turbulent dilution of dirty air Turbulent Diluati of dirty air
Uni-directional / laminar displacement of dirty air Uni-directional / Laminar Displacem nt of irty air
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