Cornwall Opportunities Magazine - Issue 2

Cornwall Opportunities

Cornwall’s Key Statistics Enterprises by employment size band (2023)

Over 88% of businesses in the County are smaller micro businesses employing between 0-9 staff. Cornwall has a slightly lower share of micro enterprises than the UK. Cornwall also has fewer large and medium-sized enterprises than nationally. Full and part-time employment for Cornwall (2024 June)

Cornwall has a much lower percentage of both males and females working full time than in the South West and England, but it has significant levels of part-time. The causes of high levels of part-time employment are multiple including lifestyle choices or caring responsibilities. 69% of part-time workers in Cornwall are women.

Reason for economic inactivity for Cornwall (2024 June)

Tackling economic inactivity (people not in work) is key in terms of breaking down barriers to opportunity for people in Cornwall, and there is a clear link between public health and economic growth. Currently 7.8% of the working-age population in Cornwall is not in education, employment, or training due to factors like long-term sickness, and caregiving responsibilities.


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