
10A — July 11 - 24, 2014 — Pennsylvania — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


P ennsylvania

Esposito of CBRE represents PTV Aliquippa PantoniofColliersInternational| Pittsburgh executes $ 355,000 sale

ittsburgh, PA — Colliers Interna- tional | Pittsburgh represented MV Holdings in the execution of a sale with PTV Aliquippa LLC. Anthony Pantoni , VP of Industrial Bro- kerage of Colliers Internation- al | Pittsburgh represented MV Holdings and Steve Es- posito of CBRE represented PTV Aliquippa. The 2.1 acre development site sold for $355,000. In a separate transaction, ElectroMechanical Engineer- ing (EME) Associates, Inc. acquired the 8,550 s/f combined office andmanufacturing build- ing located at 150 Seco Rd. in Monroeville Business Park. John Bilyak , principal, and Jessica Jarosz , VP of tenant advisory services at Colliers International | Pittsburgh, represented the buyer. EME Associates purchased the property from 221 Allegh- eny Avenue Partnership rep- resented by PRC Commercial. “Working with Colliers In- ternational | Pittsburgh, EME established its present home in Forest Hills which has served EME for the past 7 years, and now our new home in Monro- P

The 2.1 acre development site on Pleasant Dr.

150 Seco Rd.

eville which will serve our ex- panding office and manufactur-

ing needs,” said Alan Spisak, owner of EME Associates. n

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