12A — July 11 - 24, 2014 — Pennsylvania — M id A tlantic
Real Estate Journal
E astern PA
Will be constructed on Mericle ReadyToGo! sites Mericle to build two spec buildings for CenterPoint - 134,400 s/f flex building and 22,601 s/f office building
ast , Jenk i ns Twp., PA — Mer- icle Commercial Real Estate Services will construct two buildings on speculation in CenterPoint Commerce & Trade Park - a 134,400 s/f flex building and a 22,601 s/f office building. The 134,400 s/f flex build- ing at 425 Keystone Ave. in CenterPoint East, Jenkins Township, will accommo- date up to six tenants and has been designed to fit the needs of manufacturing, dis- tribution, office, and medical companies. The property will E
have six entrances and 20 loading doors and can be eas- ily subdivided into smaller customized spaces. Steel will arrive in early July and Mericle expects the building to be ready for ten- ants by year’s end. The 22,601 s/f office build- ing at 150 Enterprise Way in CenterPoint West, Pittston Township, will accommodate up to eight tenants and is expected to be attractive to medical and financial ser- vices firms. Steel will arrive on site this fall and the build- ing will be available for lease early in 2015.
Mericle vice president of marketing Jim Cummings said the company is con- structing the buildings to keep pace with market de- mand and to make sure there is a variety of space available to accommodate all types of companies, especially those that need space quickly. Cummings used the re- cently announced Maximus and C3i projects to illustrate the importance of having modern space available the moment a company needs it. “Maximus and C3i won con- tracts that required them to move into customized office space with abundant parking very quickly,” he said. “Both had very challenging dead- lines. Fortunately, because we had recently finished construction on a speculative flex building in CenterPoint, we were able to fast track their projects and meet their deadlines.” Together, Maximus and C3i will create up to 950 jobs in CenterPoint over the next three years. The two new buildings will be constructed on Mericle ReadyToGo! Sites and will be easily accessible from Interstate 81 and Interstate 476. Mericle’s ReadyToGo! Sites are cleared, graded and compacted and have all permits and approvals in place. Mericle is developing more than 90 such sites in 11 Northeastern Pennsylvania business parks. Mericle’s excavation divi- sion is putting the finishing touches on a 10.09 acre Rea- dyToGo! Site in CenterPoint East, for which the developer has designed a 90,000 s/f, class A office building. The site is located along Keystone Ave. across the street from the flex building housing Maximus and C3i. “This may be the most visible site in our entire portfolio,” said Cum- mings. “Thousands of cars drive right by the site every day. We are hopeful that the property will be attractive to a major office company that needs a high-profile location.” The new spec buildings be the 24th and 25th buildings constructed in CenterPoint since 2006. The park is home to 39 tenants and approxi- mately 4,500 employees. n
Mericle has begun constructing the footers and foundations for a 134,400 s/f speculative flex building in CenterPoint Commerce and Trade Park East, Jenkins Township. The new building will be ready for tenants by year’s end.
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