
16A — July 11 - 24, 2014 — Pennsylvania — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


E astern PA

Company promotes McNulty to VP of management services and adds Lewis to team Haines of NAI Summit brokers 12,431 s/f in Allentown, Pennsylvania G. Brady.


llentown, PA — Jay Haines re- cently represented

Haines represented the County of Lehigh in two multi-year lease transac- tions for their office building located 638 Hamilton St. in Center City, direct neighbors to the new PPL Center Sports Arena and Lehigh County Government Center. MSE Corporate plans to use the 2,200 s/f space as a satellite office for their computer se- curity systems services. The Northeast Revenue Service LLC plans to occupy the 4th floor which consists of 3,075 s/f to be used as an adminis- trative office. LEHIGH VALLEY, PA — NAI Summit , the Greater Le- high Valley’s only full-service

the owner of 798 Haus - man Rd. in Allentown, Diakon Lu- theran So- cial Minis- tries, in the 5+ year lease transaction

Jay Haines

with tenant, Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center, P.C. The 7,156 s/f office suite will be the main office for Dr. John

798 Hausman Rd.

638 Hamilton St.


commercial/ i n d u s t r i a l real estate f i rm s e r v - ing Eastern Pennsylva- nia has pro- moted Jack McNulty to vi ce pres i - dent of man- agement ser- vices. McNulty is a graduate of Michigan State School of Manage- m e n t a n d Business Ad-

Jack McNulty

Christopher Lewis

ministration and is a member of the Building Owner and Management Association (BOMA) . With over 30 years’ experience in residential, retail, commercial and indus- trial real estate property man- agement, Jack has worked for NAI Summit for the last 18 years. Jack is also a licensed Realtor and holds a RPA des- ignation with BOMA. NAI Summit is pleased to announce Christopher Lewis as a recent addition to the brokerage team. Lewis earned his Bachelor’s degree of Arts and Sciences at Penn State University and is an active member of the Blue and White club, as well as the Penn State Communication Club. Prior to joining NAI Sum- mit, Lewis worked for Auto- matic Data Processing. He was among the top percentage of his sales division and received distinguished Presidential awards as a result of thorough product knowledge and sound sales techniques. n

• 103,905 sf industrial space available (2,442 sf office area) • Set on 10.29 acres • 15 tailgate docks with levelers & drive-in door • Air conditioned office area consists of lobby, bull pen area, 5 private offices, cafeteria and rest rooms • Convenient location just off Rt. 611 with easy access to I-380, I-80 and PA Turnpike 476 191 Industrial Park Drive, Mount Pocono, PA

For more information, please contact:

Mike Adams 610 871 1701 madams@naisummit.com

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