Real Estate Journal — Pennsylvania — July 11 - 24, 2014 — 21A
M id A tlantic
PA P roject N ews
Design & construct two new climate controlled bldgs. IREC wins new contract for CaGe Self Storage inDillsburg Y ork, PA — Invest- ment Real Estate Construction, LLC
IndustRIAL I OffICE I REtAIL I InvEstmEnt I muLtI fAmILY
Representing clients in the Central Pennsylvania region of: • Harrisburg • Carlisle • York • Lebanon • Lancaster • Hershey
(IREC) is quickly filling up for 2014 and beyond, as de- mand for new construction, renovation and expansion projects continues to be very strong. They have announced the signing of a new contract at CaGe Self Storage in Dills- burg, PA to add two climate controlled buildings. Dillsburg is located in York County near the state capital of Harrisburg. The town sits at the intersection of PA Rte. 74 and US Highway 15. CaGe Self Storage sits a short dis- tance off of US Highway 15. IREC will design and con- struct two new climate con- G r o u p , Inc. , an en- g i n e e r i n g and l and - scape archi- tecture firm, of Lititz and State Col - l e g e P A hires Law- Lawrence Lawyer, II as a project manager and architect to support the firm’s on-go- ing growth in our Pitts- burgh office. “ M a r k ’ s a b i l i t y t o manage multiple projects, Mark Lusik PITTSBURGH, PA — Mark Lusik has j o ined ThenDesign Architecture
20 Erford Road, Lemoyne, PA 17043 I 717-731-1990 I
Penns Buildi Is D
building to match existing structures. The project will begin this month with comple- tion scheduled for November 2014. n trolled buildings for an already existing facility. The new building will have a standing seam roof, roll-up doors and swing doors, and will be a steel ELA Group hires Lawyer, II as senior proj. mgr. Lititz , PA — ELA Larry has a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil En- gineering from The Pennsyl- vania State University and is a registered Professional Engineer. He brings over 40 years of experience in the field of engi eering. Most re- cently, he was vice president of Delta Development Group, Inc. in Mechanicsburg. n ThenDesign Architecture grows its Pittsburgh staff
rence Lawyer, II as a se- nior project manager in their civil/municipal engineering department. Lawyer is responsible for civil/municipal engineering, storm water management and roadway engineering and will provide engineer- ing support for both office locations. ranging from interior tenant improvements to new con- struction projects will provide great value to our firm particu- larly as our Pittsburgh office continues to grow, with the addition of Mark to our staff, we will be able to broaden our service offerings” said Robert A. Fiala, AIA, NCARB , man- aging partner. Prior to joining ThenDe- sign Architecture, Lusik was a Project Architect for 10 Philadelphia | Washington
Developments Construction Renovations Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal Contact: Elaine Fanning 800-584-1062/781-871-5298 Ext. 212 years with different firms in the Philadelphia area. His breadth of experience ranges from design development and creating/coordinating con- struction documents to man- aging tasks associated with the construction administra- tion phase.
Serving building owners, developers, real estate professionals, and architects since 1953.
He is a graduate of the Phil- adelphia University where he earned a Bachelor of Architec- ture degree and is a registered architect in the State of PA. n
Renovations & Additions
New Construction
Condition Assessments
Due Diligence
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal Contact: Elaine Fanning 781-878-7420 x212
400 Market Street, Suite 1250 Philadelphia, PA 19106 215.625.0099 1350 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 412 Washington, DC 20036 202.223.1941
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