Georgia Hollywood Review Fall 2021


Publisher/Founder/Editor-In-Chief: Miles K. Neiman

Managing Editor: Jennifer Thompson

Girls on Film

Proofreader: Sloane Neiman

captivating and compelling ways to tell a story in the universe as we know it. The Georgia Hollywood Review magazine and TV is dedicated to this storytelling. In the pages that follow, and on our TV channel, you will find the stories of the people, places, and things who are telling these stories through the classic and revered art of moving pictures. Whether it’s in Georgia; Hollywood, California; or around the world, we will profile and honor the artists and working men and women who spend their days and nights telling these stories. Beginning in first quarter of 2022, we will be launch- ing our magazine in Los Angeles, California as well. Our goal is to bridge a direct connection, intellectually, and spiritually, between Georgia and Hollywood. A connec- tion of respect, honor, and collaboration. Not only with Georgia being seen as a great incentive for locations, but also celebrating Georgia’s talent pool of artists and hard- working men and women, as well as celebrating Georgia’s unique ability and perspective to tell stories by and about people of color, diversity, and the LGBTQIA space. We welcome you to enjoy and experience our journey. This is just the beginning.

Got your attention? Girls on Film is the third single by Duran Duran, re- leased on July 13th, 1981. The original writer of the song, Andy Wickett, first titled the song Girls in Film . It was an homage to the captivating power of women in cinema. From day one, wom- en have been captivating us in film, including most re- cently Scarlett Johansson’s role as Black Widow, or Jennifer Hudson as iconic

Magazine Designer: Brenda J. Oliver

Advertising Design: Sharon Jollay

Photography: Richie Arpino Dee Flores Mia McCorkle Aaron Romano

Distribution: TGS Media

Aretha Franklin in director Liesl Tommy’s Respect . The list of great and iconic female actors would fill up this entire magazine on its own. Film and cinema have garnered our attention since the first moving pictures were recorded by the Oberammergau Passion Play of 1898. Since then, the art of telling stories through film has continued to be one of, if not the, most

Advertising Sales:

Sales Support: Brenda Page Miles Neiman

Georgia Hollywood Review TV Hosts: Angelo Diaz Andry Palacio Jai Santiago

Miles Neiman

Videographer: Jason Jones MONUMENTALmedia Contributing Writers: Carol Badaracco Padgett Connor Judson Garrett Echo Montgomery Garrett Tracey Hawkins Julie Herron Carson Jessica Holthaus Badour Ellen Howle

about the cover

The Georgia Hollywood Review is published every other month by Georgia Hollywood Review, LLC. Reproductions in whole or in part, without expressed written permission of the publisher, are strictly prohibited. The Georgia Hollywood Review is not responsible for the content or claims of any advertising or editorial in this publication. All information is believed to be accurate but is not warranted. Copyright 2021. Send inquiries to 227 Sandy Springs Place, Suite D-288, Sandy Springs, GA 30328. For more information, contact admin@georgia

Pictured: Actress Melanie Zanetti

Photography: Lauren Orrell

Jerome Jackson Denise K. James

Jessa Jansen Chris LeDoux Autumn Murray Michael J. Pallerino Mary Welch

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Social Media: FB @gaholllywoodreview IG @georgiahollywoodreview

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