Annual Meeting Agenda 2024

Annual Report of the Chair, Board of Governors And the General and Special Committees 2024

were voted on unanimously by both the House and Governance Committee. Furthermore, the changes were voted unanimously out of the EXCOM. We found it important to implement a grace period of over a month to allow both members and staff to adjust to the changes. We created an email account in which members could provide feedback. While we understand some of these changes might have caused some concerns, the overall feedback has been positive. I want to thank all the Board members involved in this effort as well as the membership for their assistance in increasing our attire standards. CAPT Joker Jenkins along with the assistance of CDR Michael Paul and MAJ Jazmin Flores are looking at our 40-person board ratio and making sure it is properly capturing the demographics of our Club. They will look at all our categories which include active-duty military, retired military, and civilians. This working group is being led by three former or active-duty military officers and in no way will the potential ratio changes impact the amount of military representation on the board. It is proper governance to review board ratios every few years. Nothing will be changed this year ahead of the election but could be a 2025 priority to finalize in the Governance committee. Last year, MAJ Jordan Gray and Col D’Anne Spence led an effort to introduce electronic voting during last year’s election. We learned a lot from last year’s election, and we are looking to make some changes to streamline the process while also expanding it. We believe this year will go smoother and allow more opportunity to vote electronically ahead of the annual meeting. Finally, per my note earlier this year to the membership, we are implementing the process to allow members to receive the annual meeting packet electronically. To do this, members must opt-in, in writing, to not receive the annual packet by mail. As a reminder, moving the packet to electronic distribution would save the Club $15,000 - $20,000 a year along with saving significant staff hours. With that said, I hope you have already “opted-in” and are reading this report through a PDF and if not, please opt-in to receiving the report electronically next year. You can contact the Administration office for the form to opt-in to receive the annual meeting packet. As I mentioned at the beginning, we have had a busy year. I would like to thank the fellow members of my committee for their hard work and dedication this year; MAJ Jazmin Flores, MAJ Jordan Gray, CAPT Joker Jenkins, Mr. John Ladd, CDR Michael Paul, Mr. Ken Quinn, LTC Eric Schnabel, and Mr. John Tuck III.


MR. M. DAVID SKILES, CHAIR It is an honor and privilege to provide my third annual report to the Membership since becoming Chairman in 2021. The strength of our membership remains strong which is fitting as the Club continues to celebrate its Centennial. As with any organization, our Club has experienced good times and bad times over its century of existence but through the dedication, commitment, and passion of our members, Army Navy Country Club is celebrating its 100 th Birthday stronger than ever. This strength leaves no doubt that the Club is well positioned to thrive and succeed over the next one hundred years!


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