Pulse Forward 13 | Appetite for Innovation


kinds of other beans like mung beans, adzuki beans, and cowpeas. These are all consumed domestically. There are some minor ones such as lima beans and also chickpeas, where they have made major gains in yields. Lentil production is small now and all goes into domestic use, so all pulse production is basically stable or slightly decreasing. Pulses used to be more important, but with soybeans and rice being more heavily supported, it's very hard for pulse acres to grow. In my opinion, as income continues to rise, as will healthy eating. This is what always comes up when you read about anything to do with Chinese eating habits. There were some good studies recently from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) that projected very good increases in pulse consumption in Asia, but specifically in China. Demand for imports will rise as they’ll have no choice. About peas specifically, the most important thing is

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