SUPPOSE Suppose that Christ had not been born That far-a*vay Judean morn. Suppose that God, Whose mighty hand Created worlds, had never planned A way for man to be redeemed. Suppose the Wise Men only dreamed That guiding star whose light still glows Down through the centuries. Suppose Christ never walked here in men's sight, Our blessed Way, the Truth, and Light. Suppose He counted all the cost And never cared that we were lost, And never died for you and me, Nor shed His#blood on Calvary Upon a shameful cross. Suppose That having died, He never rose, And there was none with power to save Our souls * from death beyond the grave. As far as piteous heathen know, These things that I've supposed are so. — Martha Snell Nicholson GOD'S GREAT GIFT The first great Christmas gift to men was hung upon a tree; It was not by a fireside, where only those could see Who near of kin or friendship were, and gifts exchanged would be; But out upon a mountainside for ail the world to see. He gave His all, His life, His blood, that men redeemed might be. Then what can man give in exchange for love so boundless, free? The debt of sin, He paid it all; naught ir> ourselves have we, Nothing to bring unto our King, Maker, Redeemer, He. Our hearts, if emptied of this world, filled with His love shall be; Our hands, if free from selfish toil, filled with His tasks shall be; Our sin-sick souls, if brought to Him, shall pure and cleansed be. What shall I render unto God for all His gifts to me? This only do; call on His Name, ac cept salvation free.
CHRISTMAS PROCLAMATION They tell me Jesus was not born on Christmas Day And Christmas trees were just a pagan rite they say, That decorations were idolatry, a work of art, Not symbols of the adoration of a heart That worship Christ as Son of God apart. It may be that the world is blind, Is worshipping mere trifles of this kind, And some folks blinded by the glare of customed gift Will miss the star and see not in earth's clouds a rift. But to the Christian this does symbols mean, In every Christmas tree he sees a gleam, For dates and signs are lost in Christ mas story, "H is advent," "and the hope of glory." He came! He came, the fact and not the time. Proclaimed in carols, and the truth sublime Is sounded through the earth on Christmas Day And the Light of all the world shines on the way. What though a fantasy on earth is reached If through the mist the Son of God is preached Though still in sinful pleasure men are found, Yet once a year they pause to hear the sound. That Christ may still be known, let carols ring, And trees and lights their age-old message bring Of God's great love and all redeeming grace, His Gift unspeakable to all the human race. — Anne E. Hitt
Many a man is too busy making a living to make life worth living. 17
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