filled with Him and He will h i filled with you. The Holy Spirit is a person, not a gift, or a thing. I have heaid people say, “Pray through to get Now “it” isn’t what the Bible is talking about. The Scriptures refer to a person, just as real as the Lord Jesus Himself. You say, “Oh well, I got the Spirit when I was saved.” But did you give Him a welcome? Did you tell Him that you were glad that He came? If I came to your house as a physician, and you didn’t speak to me, I wouldn’t feel at home at all. I would think you didn’t want me. This is the unfortu nate way all too many of God’s dear people treat the Holy Spirit. It may be true that you are glad He came, but you pay no attention to Him. The Spirit of the Lord clothed Himself with these four men. In the New Testament we find that the Holy Spirit did it with Paul and Peter, as well as with others. He Him self took such complete charge of their lives that all that was left was their clothing. They may have looked like Peter and Paul, and James and John, but really it was the Holy Spirit wear ing those fellows as clothing. The Holy Spirit will make you love God’s people. You will expect Him to do things in your life. Why don’t you see Him do something? “If the Lord be with us, where then are His mira cles?” Why don’t we see Him doing things that are unusual? Folks who go to the mission field expect miracles. We expect them to have those experi ences. But how about those of us who stay home? Do we see miracles in the church or Sunday school? How about in our daily business and in our home
God's Constant Gift O n e of G od ’ s greatest gifts to the believer is the Spirit-filled life. No one can find fau lt. with such a blessed experience. That kind of a life never bothers the neighbors; never causes family fights; never gets into criminal court. The Spirit-filled life is a life of peace, joy, fruitfulness and usefulness. There is much in the Bible concerning this subject and it provides wonderful material for profitable study. The Spirit-filled life is the normal, natural existence for everyone who has been saved by grace. There are four men in the Old Testament who had un usual experiences. Othniel (Caleb’s younger brother), Gideon, Amasai, and Zechariah (a priest). Judges 3:10, Judges 6:34, II Chron. 24:20 are some of the Scripture references. The Spirit clothed Himself with these men so that they coujd fight God’s battles, and protect God’s people. They were to go out and lead the people of God in paths of righteousness and victory. In addi tion, the Spirit of the Lord clothed Himself with them for fellowship. Amasai said, “Thine are we, David, and on thy side, thou son of Jesse (I Chron. 12:18).” He left Saul, Jerusalem and. the armies of Saul and gave himself over to fight with David. Zechariah was a priest. He re proved the king for living like he was doing. The monarch lived an idola trous, wicked life and was reproved for it. So the king ordered Zechariah to be stoned to death between the altar and the temple. But the wonderful thing about it is that the Holy Spirit wants to clothe you as well. You be
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