of God more clearly. It may be that you need your ears touched and opened so that you may hear His voice more easily. It may be that you need more temperance, kindness, faith, patience or care for others. Or you may lack lib erality in your soul. Go to our lovely Saviour. He has everything you need. He sent the Holy Spirit to make the fulfillment of this possible in your heart. When the night season comes think of His different and wonderful names. King David had a night season. He was hiding in a cave from King Saul and his army. He said, “O God, thou art my God. Early will I seek thee, and my soul shall be satisfied, and my lips shall praise thee when I remem ber thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches.” Samuel had anointed him king of Israel. He wasn’t a king yet. He was running away as a fugitive poet. Yet he could lie down and sleep oil the hillside or in the cave with owls and bats. Perhaps you remember the dark day or night when death came to call and snatched away one of your loved ones. Our Lord Jesus reminds us that He is the resurrection and the life. Remem ber, we shall meet again. We shall see each other and be caught up to gether with our departed loved ones, meeting them in clouds with the Lord in the air. Everybody has a night time with sorrow, grief, pain and shadows. You didn’t know what was going to happen the. day after. You believed it might be terrible. Perhaps there was a fear of sufficient funds, or health. We imagine all sorts of things. Then, in a wonderful way, the Lord comes in the night seasons to speak peace to our hearts. Whatever His name in the night that meets your need, He will be that. Perhaps the name you need for the Lord is High Priest. You have sinned against the Lord and broken His law as well as breaking your own heart and the hearts of others. We have a wonderful Saviour who forgives and forgets. We read in Isaiah 44:22, “I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy (continued on next page) 31
• • • • The Names of God O n e of t h e most interesting chap ters in the Bible is Psalm 119. It, of course, is the longest and has some twenty-two sections in it with eight verses in each section. It is also an alphabetical Psalm. Hebrew moth ers used this to teach the alphabet to their children. In the 55th verse we read, "I have remembered thy name, O Lord, in the night, and have kept thy law.” That verse is interesting because “night times” in the Bible are usually times of darkness and distress. It is during such periods when the tears flow, shad ows fall and all kinds of sorrows like sea billows roll. It is interesting to realize that the Lord has several hundred names by which He is known. I have counted 226 of them. Each name is a title of something He wants to do for you or me. Suppose I lived in your city and hung 226 different kinds of signs out in front of my office. You would say, “He must be a ‘one man show’ or a ‘jack of all trades’.” But how foolish I would be to try and do more than one or two things effectively. When it comes to the Lord, if you are a lost sinner then the name you want is “Saviour.” He alone can de liver you from all your transgressions and their guilty stain. If you need guidance, the Lord Jesus Christ wants to be your Shepherd. As the Shepherd of the sheep He will protect you from your enemies, give you a fold in which to sleep, rest and pasture. Another wonderful title is El Shaddai. In He brew it means “the God Who is enough.” The Lord is the God Who has all you need and Who is all suffi cient. When the night seasons come, go and rest your head on His bosom. Lean hard on His everlasting arms and say, “Thank You Lord for being all I need.” It may be that you need eye sight so that you can see the things )
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