Biola Broadcaster - 1964-01

T h e B ible tells us that we need to confess the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. In Matthew 10:32 and 33 we read, “Whosoever therefore shall con­ fess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heav­ en. But whosoever shall deny me' be­ fore men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.” This portion of Scripture doesn’t say we are to confess our faith. It doesn’t tell us to confess what church or denomination to which we belong. We are simply and assuredly to confess the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 10:9 says, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Some people erroneously try to con­ fess Christ by outward appearances rather than relying upon the testimony of a clean and pure heart. Our main business in witnessing is not telling others what we are or what we have done, but rather who He is. Tell about His wonderful saving power, the value of Calvary, the message of imputed righteousness, as well as our Lord’s coming again. Tell about His kindness to the poor and needy. Remind others of His love for lost sinners; His saving grace and His matchless mercy. When a woman gets married she immediately drops her own name and takes that of her husband. In this man­ ner she confesses her loye for her

spouse. Beloved, if you have taken the name of Jesus then you are confessing that you belong to Him. You are a part of the Bride of Christ. The .Bible tells us that God has visited the Gen­ tiles to take out from among them a people for His name; those who will wear His name proudly. This means we are to be identified with Him in His life, death and resurrection. Think of Christ’s dying for you and for me; suffering intense agony on Calvary. The evil crowd called Him names, they plucked the hair from His cheeks, they beat His back, all because they didn’t want Him to bear their burdens. They nailed His hands to Cal­ vary so He couldn’t work for them; they nailed His feet there, because they didn’t want Him to walk with them; they tore His back because they didn’t want Him to bear their burdens. Final­ ly, they tore His heart open because they didn’t want His love. But you should be different. You should say, “I am glad He is Lord of all for He is my God anil my Saviour.” You identify yourself with Him and in every way by letting others know that as far as me Saviour is concerned you are His and He is yours. I have been in meetings where the preacher would say at the invitation, “Now, every eye closed and every head bowed; nobody looking around.” Does he mean that somebody wants to sneak (continued on next page) 5

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