A MIXED UP SOCIETY Sociologists tell us that there has probably never been a time in the his tory of the world when more people have been frustrated and confused. As a humorous example, Texas Senator John Tower didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry after reading a letter from a woman in a small Minnesota town who wrote, “If you were a little older and more experienced l would want you for president, but 1 would like you for vice president and then president in four or eight years. Any way, I ’m so worried and mixed up, l had to write to you.” Thank God there is an inerrant chart and compass in this life which is faith in the Lord Je sus Christ. For as the poet penned: Though Christ a thousand times In Bethlehem be born, If He’s not been bom in thee. Thy soul is still forlorn. * * * The longer you look at an obstacle the bigger it will become. * * * THE LONGEST WORD Perhaps you have always thought that the longest word in the dictionary w a s “antidisestablishmentarianism.” That is no longer true. In the third edition of Webster’s new International Dictionary there is the medical name for a miner’s lung disease which is some 45 letters long and a real tongue- twister, “Pneumonoultramicroscopicsil- icovolcanokoniosis.” And yet, there is actually another word in the dictionary much longer than all the rest. It is “eternity.” How this should command the primary attention of every thinking individual. The Bible says, “It is ap pointed unto men once to die and after this the judgment.” Eternity awaits the other side of the grave. Our destiny can only be made assured here and now. The length of words is termin able, but eternity has no ending. Jesus said, “He that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death unto life.” 8
Will a Man Plow on Rocks (continued) Find some place where your soul and heart will be fed and where you will be enriched by the things of God. Don’t stay on a rock where there is no nutri ment and no water. Your soul will dry up if you do. Let the Holy Spirit, the Wind of God, blow you away to some place where there is the presence of the living God. If in our lives or businesses we are doing things which aren’t producing results, now is the time to make a change. There are some things in the Christian life which don’t have any spiritual calories or vitamins in them. What good are they? The Lord says to get away from those things which are not profitable. Maybe you are teaching a class and you don’t see anything happening. Something is wrong some where. The Gospel is the power of God "Life is a book in volumes three, The past, the present, the yet to be. The past is finished and laid away. The present we're living every day. The third and the last of the volumes three Is hid from sight, God holds the key." unto salvation. The Gospel has life in it so perhaps it is your method; the way you present the Lord’s truth. Either change your method or else go where the people have a heart and a desire for it. When one goes into a restaurant he does so because he is hungry and wants something to eat. People who come to church ought to do so only to get fed. If you aren’t being fed, or if your testimony is like plant ing seed on a rock, go find somebody who does have a deep desire and hun ger for the things of God. Your desire is for a spiritual harvest if you are a real sower. By the grace of God you will be surprised at the blessings. He will give you if you use good intelligence and common sense in the things of the ministry through the presentation of the precious Word. Our -desire should be to become fruitful and fruitbearing Christians.
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