Never Too Late - January/February 2024

Aging in Our Community A Message from W. Mark Clark, President and CEO

Spread Love this Valentine's Day!

You'll be hearing more in the coming months about our initiatives aimed at tackling these issues. We are committed to finding sustainable solutions to support our aging population and alleviate the burdens caused by the escalating living costs. Your continued support has been key to our ability to serve older adults. We'll share updates and seek community engagement as we strive to create a more nourished and supportive environment for our older neighbors in Pima County. I express sincere gratitude for your support and invite you to stay connected with PCOA to learn more about our efforts in the coming months. One great place to hear news as it happens is our Facebook page. Please follow us on this platform for updates and essential resources for anyone 60 or older. Finally, 2024 is going to be an especially crucial year in both Congress and the Arizona Legislature. I want to encourage you to keep up to date on important developments in this area by visiting It is a great way to stay informed and take action. Thank you again for your unwavering commitment to our cause and for making our community a better place for all. And best wishes for a safe and healthy New Year.

As we step into the promise of a new year, I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for the unwavering support our community has shown PCOA throughout 2023. Your dedication has been instrumental in our mission to champion the well-being of older adults in our community - through your donations, volunteerism, advocacy, and more. I extend heartfelt appreciation to every individual, organization, and business who has generously contributed resources and time to further our cause. Your donations have been the cornerstone of our ability to make a tangible difference in the lives of older adults within our community. Throughout the past year, your support has driven several impactful PCOA programs, ensuring nutritious meals through Meals on Wheels, combating loneliness among older adults via our support for the Neighbors Care Alliance programs, educating future caregivers with our CareGiver Training Institute and PimaCare at Home, and answering the call of more than 33,000 older adults in the community who have reached out to our HelpLine often in desperate need of resources and help. Your donations have directly fueled these essential services, touching countless lives in immeasurable ways. Thank you. In the coming year, PCOA will focus even more on addressing the pressing issue of food and housing insecurity among older adults in our community. The rising costs of living, particularly the soaring 40% increase in rental prices in Arizona since the pandemic, have significantly impacted older adults on fixed incomes, compounding the challenges they face.

Join us in making hearts soar by granting items from our Amazon Wishlist for low- income clients. Your item donation, big or small, brings warmth and care to those in need. Celebrate the season of love by gifting essentials that we take for granted but would be a great kindness to someone else. Items start at less than $5 and every contribution, no matter the size, is a ray of compassion. Share the love this Valentine's - visit our Amazon Wishlist and make a difference. Together, let's create a brighter, more loving world for those who need it most.

Click here pcoawishlist or use the QR code.

Want to see what your support helped us to accomplish? Check out our 2022/2023 Annual Report to see your

W. Mark Clark President & CEO

support at work! https:// view/497815424/

January/February 2024, Never Too Late | Page 3

Pima Council on Aging

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