Spotlight_Vol 24_Issue_4

TRADITIONAL CRAFT BEEERS Traditional Craft Beers are easygoing, super-drinkable beers. These are well-balanced with low-to-medium alcohol by volume (ABV) but tons of flavor and refreshing and have you going back to the cooler for more.

Coldstream Clear Distillery| Stewiacke, NS Canada Nova Scotia Lager | Lager | 5.0% alc/vol

Coldstream Nova Sco- tia Lager is crisp, smooth, brilliantly clear, and ul- tra-refreshing especially when pulled from an icy cooler. It is brewed for a clean and light taste, then precisely filtered for a truly exceptional quality tradi- tional lager that all beer

CHILLY MOOSE ULTIMATE SUMMER CRAFT COOLER WHAT WE HAD ON ICE THIS SUMMER! H onestly, this is one of the most challenging lists we had to put them fondly because they were al- ways on ice everywhere we went this summer. mer Craft Cooler this summer, how- ever we recommend that you have these on ice all year long. By Ryan Myson

drinkers can enjoy. This easy-drinking beer is one you might just make your new go-to and it was always in our Chilly Moose Cooler this summer!

together because the Ultimate Sum- mer Craft Cooler project forces us to think back on all the festivals, events, and places we’ve been to this sum- mer, including the event pop-ups and taprooms we visited, plus the random cans open opened with col- leagues, friends, and family all sum- mer for this year’s Chilly Moose Ulti- mate Summer Craft Cooler list. Luckily, we keep good notes through- out the summer, because of expense accounts, or this would have been a mental exercise of potentially un- wieldy proportions. And yet, we find the craft traditional beers, radlers, sours, ready-to-drinks, and ciders that make this list are often the ones we don’t need to remember, or rath- er, we never forget—we remember

As a reader, you know that we have featured many craft breweries and distilleries over the years. So, with the help of recommendations and suggestions of those following Chilly this summer along with some in-per- son research by our summer team at craft breweries and distillers on both sides of the border throughout the summer. We have selected twenty-four must- have Craft Beers, Radlers, Sours, Ci- ders and Ready-to-Drink canned cocktails from this past summer rep- resenting brands from Hawaii to Nova Scotia that all have one thing in common, they made their way on ice our 2024 Chilly Moose Ultimate Sum -

Now we wanted to make sure that it was stated that no one on our sum- mer crew or editorial staff is a Cice- rone and these are just our summer crew’s personal preferences. Over 120 different brands and 500 differ - ent styles and types of beverages were sampled, I know tough job eh, for this project, and since we believe in full disclosure, no company has paid for placement in this project. So, let’s reach into the ice of our Chilly Moose Cooler and see what we pull out!

​Cerveza | Mexican-style Lager | 4.25% alc/vol Hawk Tail Brewery | Rimbey, AB, Canada

Hawk Tail Brewery’s Cer- veza Craft Beer is a Mex- ican-style lager that's incredibly light and re- freshingly simple. Brewed with flaked corn and bar - ley, it boasts a clean, crisp taste with hints of toasted marshmallow and citrus, reminiscent of grapefruit.

Our team enjoyed it with a wedge of lime jammed in the can, but equally as good straight up, and no wonder it's one of their best sellers because we were going deep in the cooler every time for one of these!


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