Facet Winter 2024

CALENDAR Program is free but registration is required; email gmoa-tours@uga.edu to reserve a spot.

on the exhibition “Kei Ito: Staring at the Face of the Sun.” Egel’s research focuses on the politics of arms control, nonproliferation and disarmament negotiations. She will expand on exhibition themes such as the legacy of nuclear testing, nuclear disarmament efforts and the human experience and humanitarian implications of nuclear weapons.

at https://bit.ly/90c-feb-24. Not yet a Friend? Visit jointhemuseum.com to join today. Event Partners: Athens Printing Company, Barron’s Rentals, Epting Events, Guide 2 Athens and Perryander Studio. ARALEE STRANGE LECTURE: “LEARNING FROM LOSS: PEDAGOGIES OF ART, CREATIVITY AND CHANGE” Thursday, February 22, 5:30 p.m. Karyn Sandlos, associate professor and head of art education at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, will deliver a lecture that explores artistic responses to loss in education and the public sphere. How do the creative processes we find in art and aesthetic experience be - come a resource for learning to live with loss? In the U.S., amid the catastrophic losses of the COVID-19 pandemic, a national conversation about learning loss has reinvigorated educa- tional debates about the most efficient and engaging ways to convey missed curricular content. At the same time, educators are asked to be responsive to new and more challeng- ing forms of student anxiety, disconnection and disengagement. This, too, is a loss; one that can’t be overcome by innovative teaching alone. We are all learning how to re-engage with learning. STUDENT NIGHT Thursday, February 29, 6 – 8 p.m. Join the Georgia Museum of Art Student Association for refreshments, door prizes and themed activities to celebrate the museum’s latest exhibitions, including “Kei Ito: Staring at the Face of the Sun” and “Richard Prince: Tell Me Everything.” Student Night is gener- ously sponsored by the UGA Parents Leader - ship Council. IMPROV ATHENS PERFORMANCE Thursday, February 29, 7 p.m. Improv Athens is the resident improv com - edy troupe at UGA and is completely run by humans from Earth. They do both short- and long-form improv, which they make inten- tionally funny as they understand this to be pleasing to other humans. Join the group for an improv show presented with the special exhibition “Richard Prince: Tell Me Every- thing.” AN EVENING WITH BAD ATH BABES Thursday, March 14, 7:30 p.m. When audience members howl in recognition at an impression of the stereotypical male comedian, it’s a sign that the time is right for a change in the local scene. That’s just one of the reasons why Athens stand-up comics Allison Coleman and Meg Abbott formed Bad


TOUR AT TWO Wednesdays January 3, 10, 17; February 7, 14, 28; March 6 and 27, 2 p.m. These drop-in public tours feature highlights of the permanent collection and are led by museum docents. SUNDAY SPOTLIGHT TOUR Sunday, January 21, February 18, March 17, 3 p.m. Stop by for a Sunday afternoon tour featuring highlights of the permanent collection, led by museum docents. ARTFUL CONVERSATION Artful Conversation programs are 30 minutes long, focus on just one work of art and provide opportunities for close looking, Join Mallory Lind, associate curator of educa- tion, for a conversation about George Tooker’s painting “Laundress.” • Wednesday, March 13, 2 p.m. Join Callan Steinmann, head of education and curator of academic and public programs, for a conversation about Stephanie Jackson’s paint- ing “Bluest Eye.” CURATOR TALK: THE FEMALE GAZE: WOMEN ARTISTS AND SITTERS IN A FAMILY PORTRAIT GALLERY Wednesday, January 31, 2 p.m. Join Asen Kirin, Parker Curator of Russian Art, for a talk on portraiture in the Martha Thompson Dinos Gallery. CURATOR TALK: “RICHARD PRINCE: TELL ME EVERYTHING” Wednesday, February 21, 2 p.m. open-ended dialogue and discovery. • Wednesday, January 24, 2 p.m. Join Shawnya Harris, deputy director of curatorial and academic affairs and curator of the exhibition, for a talk on the exhibition “Richard Prince: Tell Me Everything.” FACULTY PERSPECTIVES: NAOMI EGEL Wednesday, March 20, 2 p.m. The Faculty Perspectives series invites faculty from across campus to share their perspec- tive on an exhibition through the lens of their disciplinary expertise. Join Naomi Egel, as- sistant professor, department of international affairs in the School of Public and Interna - tional Affairs at UGA, for a gallery program


THIRD THURSDAY Thursday, January 18, February 15 and March 21, 6 – 9 p.m.

Athens’ established venues for visual art hold Third Thursday, an event devoted to art in the evening hours, on the third Thursday of every month from 6 until 9 p.m. to showcase their visual-arts programming. Full schedules and participants are posted at 3Thurs.org.


Friday and Saturday, February 2 and 3 UGA Center for Continuing Education & Hotel

Join us for the 12th Henry D. Green Sympo- sium of the Decorative Arts, “The Past Made Public: Taking Stock,” with a keynote speech by Ulysses Grant Dietz, chief curator emeritus of the Newark Museum of Art. Visit geor- giamuseum.org/greensymposium for more information. $389 / $229 (full-time museum professionals) / Free (students). Register by January 15. IN CONVERSATION: KEI ITO AND BINH DANH Thursday, February 8, 5:30 p.m. Artists Kei Ito and Binh Danh will discuss their work in conjunction with Ito’s current exhibition, “Kei Ito: Staring at the Face of the Sun.” Both artists are at the forefront of artistic practice and thinking about war, in- tergenerational trauma, and reconciliation and renewal. The conversation will be moderated by director David Odo.

90 CARLTON: WINTER 2024 Friday, February 9, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Join the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art for a reception featuring a first look at “Richard Prince: Tell Me Everything” and a celebration of the new exhibition “Kei Ito: Staring at the Face of the Sun.” Not Yet Friends: $15; Friends of the Museum and Friend + Annual Fund Members (Supporter level): $10; Friend + Annual Fund Members (Reciprocal level and above): complimentary. Advance registration is strongly recommended

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