College – Issue 35

Some have to do it because home is far

away, others choose the option for themselves, and now every boy experiences the boarding lifestyle at some point in his College career. Through the Immerse & Inspire programme, all Year 10 boys spend four weeks in the boarding environment. Then they pack up and leave to resume their usual, dayboy roles. The boarding programme, for the 155 boys who live in one of three boarding Houses during term time, has been carefully developed and evolved to ensure that the quality of care equates with the degree of stimulus necessary for teenage boys to thrive. “The big changes for 2018 have been that there have been more outside courses to cater for seniors,” says Scott Franklin, who leads the Boarding Programme at College and is also Assistant Housemaster of Richards House.

“We started by first asking the boys what they wanted to do. It has proven a good move and we may expand it for next year. We’re responsive to their feedback and we’re open to new ideas and we want the boys to be participating in extension activities for seniors, some of which result in credits. “We’ve offered a defensive driving course with the Automobile Association, the chance to get a forklift licence, to do a first aid course, or a PADI deep water diving course, or qualify with a site safe certificate.” Most senior boys have already had the experience of participating in all the weekend boarding programme and enjoying what they do.” Term 3 involved additional

College Issue 35 2018


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