Beware of the Gar, my son
fascination with the long-nosed gar, over and above the more well-known sports !sh species in the region like bass and wall-eye. “They are a living fossil,” he said. “They’re extinct in Europe now, and I don’t want them to become extinct here.” The anatomy and physiology of the gar has not changed since the species originally evolved. It is one of the few !sh in the world capable of breathing air straight from the atmosphere, a survival trait that allows it to exist for short periods of time outside of its normal watery habitat. That particular trait also serves to surprise an unwary angler and give a hooked-and-landed gar a brief chance to free itself and jump back in the water. “It will #op around and then rest when it’s landed,” Kowalczuk said. “Then it ‘gulps’ some air and starts wrestling again.” A !rst-time gar !sherman who thinks his catch has !nally given up the !ght and proceeds to start removing the hook may get a nasty surprise when his catch decides it’s time for another round in the boat. The long bill of the gar is loaded with small sharp teeth that point in every direction and those teeth are good for slashing skin. Of course, that assumes that the angler manages to hook the gar at the start. The long snout also makes it di$cult for any normal trolling, spinner, or #y lure to get a good hold at !rst. If the lure is at the far end of the bill rather than slipping down
ROCKLAND | It looks like something froma science-!ction movier about a prehistoric monster !sh. Which would not be far from the truth from an angler’s perspective. The long-nosed gar is a freshwater !ghting !sh with a very long pedigree. It might even be called ! ancient " given that this !erce-looking creature has not changed in appearance since the days when its ancestors roamed the waters of the Champlain Sea millions of years ago. To Sebastian Kowalczuk, it is one of the most beautiful !sh in the Ottawa River region and he wants more people to know about it and to help !ght for its continued survival. “I want people to learn more about them,” Kowalczuk said. “Their eco system is very fragile.” The 33-year-old Rockland native runs a !shing guide operation in the Ottawa River area and he and the gar are going to be starring in a couple of T.V. shows geared towards the sports !shing sector. The main attraction, of course, will be the long-nosed gar and Kowalczuk has no doubts about his co-star’s ability to perform before the camera. “They are a great !ghting !sh,” he said. Kowalczuk admits cheerfully to a strong
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towards the actual cheek area of themouth, it may not set, and while a preliminary may meet a bit of resistance, the gar is able to shake o% that lure before it has a chance to make its way down to the mouth. Once well and truly hooked though, Kowalczuk noted, the long-nosed gar puts
up a spectacular show for its opponent, dancing on its tail just above the surface of the river, as it tries to shake loose from the line. “For most !shermen,” said Kowalczuk, “it’s the closest thing they’ll ever get to !ghting with a (saltwater) marlin or a sail!sh.”
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