Embracing Responsible AI

Encouraging a culture of ethical awareness and action

As new AI technologies emerge, evolve, and expand in the ever-changing industry landscape— we have only just begun to scratch the surface of how they can be implemented and leveraged to improve our lives. But, as with any technology, AI can be applied constructively and destructively, unpacking a distinctive set of challenges. With every new advancement, concerns such as discriminatory behavior and unintended biases against protected features, violations of privacy regulations, limited consumer trust, and legal implications have come to the fore. Refraining from considering these challenges is no longer an option.

As we approach the exciting opportunities AI creates one use case at a time; we must carefully examine its darker side. To do this, we need to ask ourselves some difficult questions:

Responsible AI Framework




Privacy & Safety Respect and protection from misuse Social well-being & planet-inclusive Cost-benefit analyses for net positive on humans, society and planet

Contestability Newspaper test

Codebase Plug-ins/Cloud agnostic APIs

Human-Centricity Evaluate biases

Chief RAI RAI diagnostic & Committees

Ensure equitable outcomes Fairness & Equity

Adaptability Augment signals and update

Education Certifications Adoption Nudge toolkit Circular Design ESGdiagnostic Synthetic Data Privacy by design

Reliable, repeatable outcomes Robustness & Stability

Upskilling - Future of Work Unlearning, relearning positively

Accountability Humans responsible/governance

Explainability Decision factors traceable

Transparency All deserve white-box decision choices

Attribution Copyright infringement and monetization

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