20A — January 11 - 24, 2013 — New Jersey — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
Industrial Commercial Real Estate Women, Inc. www.icrewnj.org
2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Cheryl Hardt cheryl.hardt@cbre.com PRESIDENT ELECT AND CREW NETWORK delegate Patricia A. Riedel patricia.riedel@cbre.com
U T H E R F ORD , NJ – “A return to normalcy means dif- At the Renaissance Meadowlands Hotel Grow NJ! Celebrated at ICREW NJ’s monthly meeting R
Sandy, BAC’s advocacy team has reached out to over 100 businesses in New Jersey, including all “pending reten- tion, expansion and attrac- tion accounts” as well as its “win list of accounts” to send the message that they’re do- ing everything possible to continue its mission in New Jersey, even with the devas- tation the state has suffered. They are concentrating on proactive communication of Sandy recovery information as well as assisting with alternative site location re- sources for displaced busi- nesses. “From Fortune 500 firms to small and mid-size busi- nesses”, BAC has “worked hard to retain and attract 211 companies that have committed to generate and retain 35,000 jobs and spur a total of over $9 billion in public and private invest- ment” in our state. Mr. Van Wagner told of a wonderful success story he has experienced in his role – the story of a “large New Jersey based company which was ready to leave the state because of the fi- nancial burdens of doing business here. As a result of BAC’s interaction, Church & Dwight not only relocated to its new world headquar- ters in central New Jersey but has recently decided to sign a 20 year deal with the Trenton Thunder to rename Waterfront Park to Arm & Hammer Stadium”. ICREW NJ members were also fortunate to hear from Michael Seeve, President of Mountain Development Cor- poration, a full-service real estate company with over 30 years of experience develop- ing, acquiring, construct- ing, repositioning, manag- ing, leasing and operating commercial property in the Northeast. Mr. Seeve discussed two projects that MDC is cur- rently involved in that illus- trate just howwell GROWNJ programs and the BAC help in navigating the system to accomplish its goals of “ac- quiring the right properties and working with companies
to transform them.” The first project Mr. Seeve spoke of was a data center project, where MDC took ad- vantage of the infrastructure of the asset they acquired and leveraged it into a state-of- the-art facility. The second project was a healthcare fa- cility. MDC had no prospects for tenants when they pur- chased the facility but saw great potential in its infra- structure. Due to the major investment in the facility, Mr. Seeve indicated, “We would not have been able to move this project forward without the incentives offered by the State.” Mr. Seeve spoke of the ad- vantages of New Jersey – “ac- cess to capital and credit quality”. Some of MDC’s projects would not have been able to happen without gov- ernment support – “from the Governor to the BAC – and its recognition of changes that needed to be made. Part of what makes New Jersey attractive is the depth of tal- ent. Many companies in New Jersey have the resources to do what they want to do; the issue is creating the right op- portunities.” “We owe a debt of thanks to Michael Van Wagner and our administration, as they have made a positive impact in the State of New Jersey”, indicated Mr. Seeve. ICREW NJ’s President, Cheryl Hardt of CBRE, thanked both speakers for “educating our members about why corporations and business should choose New Jersey, because it works!” ICREW NJ’s philanthropy at the November meeting benefited the Jersey Bat- tered Women’s Shelter, which ICREW NJ has supported for 12 years. Members donated new, unwrapped toys for the holiday season and are en- couraged to do the same at the December meeting as well. The chapter ’s next event was the year-end celebration December luncheon at Dolce Hotel in Basking Ridge, NJ. The chapter celebrated new members, inducted the 2013 Board of Directors and held a sponsor expo at the event. n
ferent things to different people. The small busi- ness community is currently struggling with a lot of op- tions but with a sense of resilience” in the aftermath of one of the worst assaults mother nature has had on our state in a very long time. “Acknowledging the devasta- tion of Superstorm Sandy and the fortitude of busi- ness owners impacted by it is how Michael Van Wagner, Executive Director of the New Jersey BAC (BAC) be- gan his program at ICREW NJ’s November luncheon meeting at the Renaissance Meadowlands Hotel in Ruth- erford, NJ. Mr. Van Wagner and his team are charged to help attract, retain and expand New Jersey’s business com- munity, expanding what we currently have and at- tracting new business to our state. “The current admin- istration is making a differ- ence and creating a healthy business climate,” said Mr. Van Wagner. By partnering with various organizations throughout the state, includ- ing ICREW NJ, along with its counterparts in this New Jersey Partnership For Ac- tion – the Economic Develop- ment Authority and Choose New Jersey, with Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno at the center of it all, the busi- ness climate is improving. The New Jersey BAC is a one-stop shop for businesses. When many commissions and committees were con- solidated at the state level, BAC was given a new charge to “get things done”, indi- cated Mr. Van Wagner. BAC concentrates on “attracting and retaining businesses in New Jersey, identifying and matching state programs and resources to business needs, providing site selec- tion services, helping busi- nesses work through permit and regulation issues and advancing the global com- petitiveness of New Jersey companies.” In response to Superstorm
TREASURER Sefi Silverstein ssilverstein@wgcpas.com RECORDING SECRETARY Rachel M. Brindisi rbrindisi@naiglobal.com DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP Mary Lynn Kearns mkearns@dancker.com DIRECTOR, PROGRAMING
Monica Ceres, Esq. mceres@ghclaw.com Director, Philanthropy Susan Karp skarp@coleschotz.com DIRECTOR, SPONSORSHIP Patricia D. Faulkner pfaulkner@naiglobal.com DIRECTOR, SPONSORSHIP Diane Menard diane.menard@prestigetitle.net DIRECTOR, SPECIAL PROJECTS/GOLF Robin S. Grossman rgros30687@aol.com DIRECTOR, SPECIAL PROJECTS/PR Rebecca Machinga, CPA rmachinga@withum.com ADVISOR & CREW NETWORK DELEGATE Sheila Spriggs Nall snall@kssarchitects.com ADVISOR Silvana Finizio sfinizio@carouselindustries.com
ADVISOR & BYLAWS Annette Murray, CPA amurray@wgcpas.com
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