Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — January 11 - 24, 2013 — A
M id A tlantic R eal E state J ournal And 12.54 acres of land sale in York County, PA Springwood Commercial brokers 7,068 s/f in deals
They wrote the policy.
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hambersburg, PA — Springwood Commercial Realty
recently com- pleted the fol- lowing trans- actions: O u t d o o r Living LLC of Chambers- burg signed a lease with an option to pur-
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Keith Kahlbaugh
chase for a 4,000 s/f building on a 0.50 acre parcel located at 1782 Lincoln Way East. Keith Kahlbaugh of Spring- wood Commercial Realty rep- resented the landlord in this transaction. Keeping It Green Outdoors leased 2,850 s/f of mixed use space at 296 Pleasant Acres Rd., Springettsbury Township. Kahlbaugh represented the landlord. Two contiguous parcels of commercial land located just off I-83 in York County were purchased by an undisclosed buyer. The 12.54 acres are pro- posed to be developed in 2013. The transaction was brokered by Kahlbaugh. CDI Fitness LLC leased a 2,218 s/f retail space at 2290 Industrial Highway, Spring- ettsbury Township. The space will be used for a Cross Fit training facility. Kahlbaugh represented the landlord. n ties to potential buyers/lessees. For example, an owner of a shopping center seeking new tenants for vacant spaces can use a gap analysis to deter- mine what types of products or services are needed in the market the shopping center is
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Economic Development January 25 issue deadline January 14 PA’s Engineer Week 2013 February 8 issue deadline January 25
26A—January27 -February9,2012—EconomicDevelopment— Mid Atlantic RealEstateJournal
MARE journal.com
stheCapitalCounty ofNewJersey,Mer- cerCountyboasts ByBrianM.Hughes,OfficeOfEconomicDevelopmentAndSustainability Message From Mercer County Executive: Spotlight On Mercer County, New Jersey A MercerCountyjobswerecre- atedorretainedand76%of thosebusinesseswereeither women- orminority-owned.
MercerCountypossesses one of themost skilledwork- forcesintheUnitedStates, ishometosomeofthelead- ingFortune500companies, andhasanunemployment ratethatiswellbelowthe nationalaverage,makingita greatplaceforbusinessesand residents to locatehere. Forbusinessowners,fi- nancialassistancemightbe availabletoyou.Throughour LoanFund,weprovideupto $125,000tostartorexpand abusiness.SincetheLoan Fund’sinceptionin2000,639
Whilethenationcontinues tocopewithescalatingcosts andweakenedfinancialmar- kets,wearemovingforward withplannedprojectsbecause oftheconfidencewehavein ourprivatesectoremployers andourworkforce.Recently, severalofourhighereduca- tioninstitutions—Princeton University,RiderUniver- sity,TheCollegeofNew Jersey,ThomasEdisonState CollegeandMercerCounty CommunityCollege—have undergoneexpansionsor announcedplanstoexpand. Theinstitutionstogether
representnotonlyourpride ineducation,butaflourish- ingemploymentsectorthat createsjobs,encouragestour- ism,andbringsstabilityto our economy. Intheburgeoningfieldof healthcare,MercerCounty sawexplosivegrowthwith therecentgrandopeningof CapitalHealth’snewstate- of-the-arthospitalandthe expandedPediatricsEmer- gencyServicesatRobert Wood Johnson atHamilton. MercerCountyconstitutes anideallocationforbusiness andrealestatedevelopment alikebecauseofourproximity totheNewYorkandPhiladel- phiametropolitanareasand alsobecauseofourexcellent transportationinfrastruc- ture,boastingtransportation optionsforcommutersthat fitwitheverylifestyle.Mer- cerCountyhasthreemajor trainstationsalongtheNJ TransitNortheastCorridor Line;easyaccesstotheNew JerseyTurnpikeandmany majorexpressways;anexten- sivebussystem;andspecial transportationresourcesfor seniorcitizensandpeople withphysicaldisabilities. Trenton-MercerAirportalso allowsforconvenientcorpo- ratetravelforvisitorstothe Tri-Statearea. Jobcreationandenhanc- ingourworkforceisourtop priority.Oursmallbusiness loansandOne-StopCareer Centerhaveputpeopleback toworkorre-trainedwork- erswithnewskills.Infact, certainindustrysectorshave evendemonstratedgrowth: Professional,Scientificand TechnicalServicesandWare- housingandTransporta- tion. Currenttrendsindicate theeconomicbaseinMer- cerCountywillbestable thisyear,whichmakesnow anidealtimetolookinto investinginNewJersey’s CapitalCounty.Formore informationabouteconom- icdevelopmentinMercer County,contactourOfficeof EconomicDevelopmentand Sustainabilityat(609)989- 6555orvisitourwebsiteat www.mercercounty.org. BrianM.Hughes serves asMercerCounty,NJEx- ecutive. ■
oneofthe strongest andmostdi- verseecono- miesinthe nation.We continueto build our reputation asatoploca-
Weknowthatemployers areeagertogiveunskilled workersachancebutdon’tal- wayshavetheresourcestodo so.OurOntheJobTraining (OJT)grantprogramoffers asix-month50%reimburse- mentofanewemployee’s wages.Throughtheprogram, employersareabletotakea chanceonanewemployee withthegoalofofferingper- manentplacement.
tionfornewbusinessesand prideourselvesonoureco- nomicstabilityandgrowth againststateandnational trends.
BoardofChosen Freeholders AnnM.Cannon AnthonyP.Carabelli JohnA.Cimino PasqualeColavita, Jr.
SamuelT.Frisby AndrewKoontz LucylleR.S.Walter
BrianM.Hughes CountyExecutive
2290 Industrial Highway
APlace toBuild andGrowYourBusiness
Oneof themost skilledworkforces in theUnitedStates
How to Use Competition Mapping for Site Selection . . . continued from page 2A
Home to someof the leadingFortune500companies
Abundantbusiness resources that include theMercer CountyLoanFund, freeand informativebusiness seminars,on the job training incentivesand the MercerCountyForeignTradeZone.
located in. This type of strat- egy could help reduce “haphaz- ardous marketing plans” that can be costly and ineffective. A gap analysis can be used to determine what types of ten- ants to look for and as a way to entice those tenants to lease spaces.
Overall, the keys to any successful business venture are to know your market and use your tools and resources wisely. Heather Kreiger is direc- tor of research for ROCK Commercial Real Estate, LLC. n
MercerCountyOceonEconomicDevelopment& Sustainability ElizabethMaherMuoio,Director (609)989-6555 www.mercercounty.org
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