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N o matter how things have changed, the value of networking will always stand the test of time. It allows one to find commonalities amongst peers, seek new paths, and most importantly, the opportunity to make true, genuine connections. This is the important part. Networking’s enduring value lies in fostering genuine connections, enhancing career paths, and cultivating meaningful, human-centric relationships. Connecting in the age of networking

Building the foundation of a successful career goes far beyond shaking hands and adding another business card to your ever-growing pile of contacts. I’ve seen that true success comes from fostering connections. But how can you do it? Based on my experience, I recommend embracing the spirit of a “connector.” Become the person who your clients can lean on – whether that means solving the problem or connecting them to someone who can. Let’s dig a little deeper into what it takes to become a connector of clients and communities. PERSON-TO-PERSON. First, let your client be human. In the corporate sphere, we tend to start with the spill espoused at the latest sales meeting, only focusing on bottom lines and tight deadlines. As we all know,

businesses can’t function without meeting those goals, but to truly thrive, we need to see the humanity in our peers. We all experience life beyond our office walls and computer screens, and sometimes, both you and your client need a reminder. Don’t be afraid to ask. While it may seem daunting to do when you first meet someone, take the time to get to know them. The first meeting should be nothing more than an initial step in starting to build the relationship. Asking questions like, “How’s your daughter liking college?” or “Did you catch the game last night?” can make all the difference. It shows your client your investment doesn’t end when the paycheck comes in or the profits hit record levels. These small moments let you

Harry Hawkins



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