King's Business - 1962-08


GREAT With A Timely Message For Those Who Believe

NEO -EVANGELICALISM by Robert P. Lightner

ON TO M A TU R IT Y by J. Oswald Sanders

J. O sw ald Sanders is the author o f A S P IR IT U A L C L IN IC . For those who desire to liv e a deeper sp iritu al life th is book co n­ tain s precious tru th s and p ractical instruction on how to achieve victo ry over our besetting sins and to becom e so firm ly g rou n d ­ ed in C h rist th at we can help others. T h is is a C h in a Inland M issio n book P rice $3.50

T h is is a book for th e average laym an who wishes to under­ stand present trends in the fie ld o f conservative Evangelical th in k in g . In sim p le language presents the doctrines, the d iffi­ cu ltie s and dangers o f N eo -E vang elicalism in its contem porary approach to theology. T h is is one o f the m ost ch a lle ng ing books to be published in recent years. P rice $2.00 COMMUN ISM— ITS FA ITH AND FALLICIES by Dr. James D. Bales Introductions by Herbert A. Philbrick and Hollington K. Tong. For anyone w ishing to m ake an o b jective study o f C O M M U ­ N IS M th is book provides th e facts th at every C h ristia n c itize n o f A m e rica should know. M a n y earnest people are asking questions th at can o n ly be answered by th o u g h tfu l study. H un d red s o f churches have started classes to study the various " is m s " th at are attackin g our C h ristia n Faith. T h is book is an ideal 'T e x tb o o k " fo r the study o f C O M M U N I S M as it is today. P rice $3.95

COMING EVENTS IN PROPHECY by Dr. M. R. DeHaan with a forward by Dr. Louis T. Talbot

M a n y believers are bew ildered by the co nfu sing stream o f in ­ fo rm atio n on fu tu re events as it com es to us on the radio and in m agazines. T h e au th or who has already w ritten a score o f books gives us th o ro ug h ly scriptural answers to events o f our day and the days to come. H ere is fascin atin g reading for everyone. Price $2.50 THE GENESIS FLOOD The B iblical R ecord & Its Scientific Imp lications by Drs. John C . Whitcomb and H enry M. Morris T h is th o ro ug h ly readable and fascin atin g book is a real ch a l­ lenge to the E volution ism and U ti ¡form ita nanism th at has captured the S c ie n tific w orld and destroyed the C h ristia n fa ith o f m illio n s d uring the past 100 years. If you r child ren are having d iffic u lty hold in g on to th e ir fa ith in the fa ce of w hat they are being taug h t in schools and colleges, th is is a " m u s t" book fo r you r hom e and chu rch libraries. (O ver 10 0 copies sold at Biola C o llege in less than 4 months.) Price $6.95

O ther H elpfu l B ooh s on Communism YOU CAN TRUST THE COMMN ISTS (to do exac tly as they sa y ) by Dr. F red Schwa/rz

T h e author, a native o f A u stra lia , is a veteran o f m any years in the b attle again st Com m unism . In th is book he te lls exactly how C om m u nism has succeeded in ta kin g over in oth er lands and how it plans to succeed in brainw ashing and conquering Am erica. Price, cloth $2.95 Paper b ind ing $ .50 THE CHR IST IAN AN SW ER TO COMMUN ISM by Thomas O. Kay T h is book is a popular stu d y g u id e th at has already been used all over A m e rica in church groups w h ich have been o rganized to inform C h ristia n s o f the dangers o f Comm unism . C lo th , P rice $1.95 Paper b ind ing $1.00

DARW IN, EVOLUTION A N D CREATION by Paul A . Zimmerman .........................(Paper) Price


GENES, GENESIS, AN D EVOLUTION by John W . Klotz ..................................................P rice


TH E FLOOD by Alfred M . Rehwinkel ........................................P rice


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K l i i n g f ® B u s i n e s s A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor

S* H. Sutherland, President

Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board

AUGUST, in the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-two

Vol. 53, No. 8

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

M m I DON 'T LOVE M Y HUSBAND — Jeannette Acrea ........................ 8 WHERE GOD M ELTS THE IRON CURTAIN — Olav Eikland ...... 10 TH E CHRISTIAN A N D POLITICS — Walter Judd ............................. 12 AFR ICAN CHRISTIANS BRING REVIVAL TO AM ER ICAN CHURCHES ............................... 13 OR A M I CONFUSED — Don Hillis ..................................................... 14 TH E KINGDOM OF GOD IN THE A C TS — Herbert M . Fox ........... 16 M A K E A W ILL— BUT M A K E IT RIGHT — Kiplinger Report ......... 34 THE TREASURE H U N T — Martha S. Hooker .................................... 36 THE LITTLE M AID ........................................................................................ 37 EVOLUTION IN OUR SCHOOLS — Jane M . Shaver ........................ 40 MISSIONS IN TH A ILA N D .......................................................................... 41 F f u k m A MESSAGE FROM TH E EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland .............. 6 DR. T A LBO T 'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ........................ 18 TA LK IN G IT OVER — Clyde M . Narramore .................................... 20 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss .................................... 21 THE CHRISTIAN SENTINEL — Nelson Dilworth ..................... ....... 24 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ........................................................... 26 CU LTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ................................................... 27 UNDER TH E PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. M iller ..................... 28 W ORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ............................................ 30 SCIENCE A N D TH E BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................. 31 TH E CHRISTIAN HOM E — Paul Bayles ................................................. 32 A LUM N I NEWS — Inez McGahey ........................................................ 39 Column READER REACTION ....................................................................................... 4 V O X POP ......................................................................................................... 5 HOM ILETICAL HELPS ............................... .................. ......................... ....... 19 TOW N A N D CAM PU S ................................................... ............................ 38 PEOPLE IN TH E NEWS .................................^ ......... ............................... 42


The Holy Spirit Price 50c “ God’s Man and Satan’s Man in Final Conflict,” “ Many Infalli­ ble Proofs,” “ Scattering the Seed,” ‘ ‘ T h e Resurrection Body,” “ The Virgin Birth,” ' ‘Salvation Security and Assur­ ance,” “ Crowns for Christians,” “ The Christian H ome,” “ God’s Contracts,” “ The New Birth,” “ I essons from Jacob. ’ ’ A ll 11 - $2.50 add postage

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S-, H. SUTHERLAND: Editor A L SANDERS: Managing Editor BE I I Y BRUECHERT: Copy Editor

P A U L SCHWEPKER: Controller JA N E M . CLARK: Circulation Manager VIRGINIA SCHWEPKER: Production Manager

NEW ! SIXTH EDITION1 How to Witness, Memorize, Mark Bible in Seven Colors for I Visual-Aid, etc. $1.00 Postpaid I (Also at Biola Book Rooms.) Ray W. Davenport, 242T W. I Whittier Blvd., Whittier, Calif. I OVER 30,000 WORDS 991 SCRIPTURE REFERENCES |

EDITORIAL BOARD W illiam Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Oran H. Smith MCMMR EVAN9CUCAL FM M ASSOCIATION

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. W rite for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to 'T h e King's Business."

ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An­ geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California,

JOIN THE A.E.C.C. If you have been colled to preach the Gospel o f our Lord Jesus C hrist and are In undenomi­ national work, you are invited to become a member o f this fast growing organization. Credentials issued to members. Your inquiry invited. AMERICAN EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN CHURCHES 192 N. Clark St. Chicago 1, III. S

AUGUST, 1962

The ALDERSGATE BIBLICAL SERIES is a 40-unit book-by-book Bible study for adults. All units are undated; each contains 13 lessons. Sunday-school quarterly style.

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Your magazine is such a fine one, hon­ oring the name of the Lord. Most churches have a testimony time and your program, THE BIBLE INSTITUTE HOUR, has a testimony time. These testimonies bless many hearts and praise Him. So, why not have a column in the KING’S BUSINESS for testimonies only, and invite your read­ ers to send in their prayer, praise and salvation testimonies. Mrs. E. Grigsby, La Puente, California. E ditor ’ s N ote : Following the suggestion of Mrs. Grigsoy, we invite our readers to share with others their testimony of what the Lord Jesus Christ means to them. Send your testimonies to THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS. c/o Testimonies, Los Angeles 17, California. ENJOYS KB Sorry to be so late with my renewal of THE KING’S BUSINESS. I do enjoy it so much. I’m able to catch up on some of my reading now, and I can’t say what I like most about the magazine for I love it all. Mrs. J. C. Boyd, Bristol, Tennessee We surely enjoyed the write-up in THE KING’S BUSINESS on Danny Rose’s birthday, and the wonderful hymn he sang. W e too have found that wonderful Friend ‘Who loved us ere we knew Him.’ How true it is today that “ the kings of tKe earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His Anointed!” It is like it was in the days when they said, “We will not have this Man to rule over us.” Mr. and Mrs. J. Den Hollander, Pasadena, California May I tell you how much I enjoy the KING’S BUSINESS. I mention only a few contributors: Dr. Sutherland in “Ver­ sions” and “ Translations,” especially; Drs. Feinberg, DeHaan, and Davidheiser; and last, but in no manner least, Vance Hav- ner, that master of pungent, home-spun, rough-hewn, forthright comment. Mary Anderson Binns, Hamilton City, California FREE FUND In reading my copy of THE KING’S BUSINESS I noticed your Free Fund for Foreign Subscriptions has been depleted. W ill you please accept my check to be used in sending THE KING’S BUSINESS to those unfortunate people who need the message of Jesus published in the wonder­ ful magazine? George B. Martin, Tulare, California


Inquiries are invited. A postal card will bring you full information and descriptive literature by return mail.


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“ Vox Pop,” or Voice of the People is a column devoted to opinions of readers on various subjects. Ideas ex­ pressed should not be construed as necessarily reflecting the opinions of THE KING’S BUSINESS or of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. LEAVE CHURCH OR STAY All of my life I have been a member of the Methodist church, however, more and more it seems that the minis­ ter is changing his views on the great truths which have been held dear for so long. I do not know whether to leave the church, or to stay. A H of my life-long friends are here, and although I am not young anymore, yet there is still an influence for right which is needed. I would like to have my name withheld if you use my letter in Vox Pop. However, I would appreciate knowing how others have felt about this. Anaheim, California UNITED NATIONS COMMENT I was glad to see your new feature "Vox Pop." Concern­ ing the person who recently wrote in favor of the U. N., I urge him to check the rec­ ord. The U. N. has been an utter failure in keeping peace and stopping agression of dictators. In 1945, when the U. N. was organized there were 250 million people liv­ ing under Communism. After 15 years, one billion are un­ der the red flag. The U. N. is not an organi­ zation of free nations, but it is an organization which attempts to mix free nations and slave nations. This is im­ possible. You can not mix truth and error together and produce truth. By its total exclusion of God, the United Nations is atheistic. Daryl Palmer, Inglewood, California

contact. Many new sponsors are needed NOW. You can save a life, a soul, and help train a future Christian leader. Please write us TODAY . A ll g ifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. May we mail you our folder, “ Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans” ? TH E EVERETT SW ANSON EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, Inc. An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation Dept. K-82, 4848 No. Leonard, Chicago 31, Illinois Tel. GLadstone 6-6181 The Sword of the Lord (O ften C alled A m e rica 's Forem ost R evival W eekly) Edited by Evangelist John R. Rice

A fundamental, i n t e r - denominational w e e k l y Christian magazine. On every front page we say, “ Standing for the Ver­ bal Inspiration of the B i b l e , t h e Deity of Christ, His Blood Atone­ ment, Salvation by Faith, N e w Testament S o u l Winning and the Premil- lennial Return of Christ. Opposes M o d e r n i s m Worldliness and Formal­ ism.”

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AUGUST, 1962



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i / by Dr. S. H. Sutherland

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From the time the Southern Baptists broke away from their Northern counterpart, the Southern Baptist Convention has been accepted everywhere as a bulwark o f fundamental Chris­ tianity. However, in the recent Southern Bap­ tist Convention at San Francisco, a rather dis­ turbing trend was noted. The issue which trig­ gered the controversy grew out of the appear­ ance o f a book entitled " The Message of Gene­ sis” , by a Dr. Ralph Elliott, professor at Mid Western Baptist Theological Seminary o f Kan­ sas City. As plainly expressed in this book, the author does not accept a literal interpretation of Genesis. The press has publicized this widely. The book has brought on a storm o f protest, both pro and con, within the Southern Baptist Convention. A leading voice in the protest against the book was that o f Dr. K. Owen White, Pastor of the First Baptist Church o f Houston, Texas. He offered a two-part motion. The first was that Baptists " Reaffirm their faith in the entire Bi­ ble as the authoritative, authentic, infallible Word of God.” This was passed by unanimous vote. The second part was worded as follows: " That we express our abiding and unchanging ob)ection to the dissemination of theological views in any o f our seminaries which would un­ dermine such faith in the historical accuracy and doctrinal integrity o f the Bible, and that we courteously request the trustees and administra­ tive officers o f our institutions and other agen­ cies to take such steps as shall be necessary to remedy at once those situations where such views now threaten our historic position.” This sec­ tion of the motion was finally adopted although approximately 20% o f the delegates voted against it. In the course o f the debate prior to the passage o f this second part o f Dr. White’s mo­ tion, a voice, apparently indifferent to the his­ toric and doctrinal position o f the Southern Bap­ tist Church, was heard lamenting that this whole THE KING'S BUSINESS

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dispute " saddened” him "very much.” "This,” the gentleman said, "is not a creed-making assembly. You can't determine creeds in a crowd like this, you haven't the time to think them over. Just what is the historic position o f Baptists anyway? We allow our people to interpret the Bible for themselves. Do you want to dub them rfun ­ damentalists' and say you have got to be a fundamentalist to be a Baptist? We don't want to leave the impression that we all are re­ actionists.” Here is a clear case of the proverbial camel's nose thrust into the Arab’s tent. It will be a sorry day for the Southern Baptists when they accept anyone who interprets the Bible in any way he desires. One o f the most successful satanic devices by winch modernism has insinuated itself into the great Protestant denominations is this plea out of so-called denominational magnanimity that doctrinal doubters may find refuge under the denominational banner of their choice. This is exactly what occurred during the 20's in connection with the great Presbyterian denomination as it was then consti­ tuted. A t the meeting o f the General Assembly of 1926, held in Columbus, Ohio, this editor listened to an impassioned plea by the late Dr. Henry Sloan Cof fin, then President o f Union Theological Seminary o f N ew York City. The fundamentals o f the faith as believed by the Presbyterian Church and enunciated in its doctrinal position had been clearly defined and understood. But Dr. Cof f in readily admitted he could not go along with all of those fundamen­ tals. So he begged the Assembly, "In the name of the Blessed Mas­ ter,” to allow him and others who disbelieved, as did he, to remain in the denomination under its protective influence where they might study further and ultimately come to the light, instead of being thrown out of the denomination. I f cast out by the Assembly, he said, they would be left helpless on the outside and become xnctims o f devouring theological "wolves.” How sincere he sounded! How piously he appeared to be seardying for the truthl What better place could he find it than within the confines o f the great Presbyterian Church whose doctrinal position had been so clearly defined and so valiantly proclaimed by its adherents from the time just following the Reformation? This was one o f the most eloquent arguments ever presented to the General Assembly. But its eff ect was deadly. Loud voices protested against this sort o f heresy being allowed to remain in the denomination. Nevertheless, the majority of the ministerial delegates and, quite naturally, the majority o f lay delegates to that General Assembly, concluded that "the only Christian thing to do” was to allow Dr. Co f f in and those who disbelieved as did he the privilege of being theologically "mothered” by the denomination. Those who could foresee the ultimate tragedy of thus harboring modernism in any o f its forms were shouted down. They were ac­ cused o f "heresy hunting,” o f "hair-splitting,” of "unchristian con­ duct.” History has revealed the tragic folly o f temporizing with mod­ ernism. The church which at that time seemed so impregnable in its doctrinal position and integrity began to crumble at its very foun - (continued on page 33) AUGUST, 1962


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% ‘Yes, I think I would,” Mary answered, “but I don’t know how.” The counselor asked, “Would you like me to help you?” She nodded her head. “ Then just bow your head and repeat after me,” said the counselor, bowing his head. “ Dear God, I know I’m a sinner, but I am accepting your gift of eternal life by accepting you as my own personal Saviour and Lord. Do forgive me of my sins and come into my heart right now. Take over my life. I surrender my will and my life to Thee. Amen.” Mary repeated the words phrase by phrase, choking occasionally with tears. When they lifted their heads, the counselor said, “You really mean it, don’t you?” “ Oh yes, I certainly do,” Mary assured him, burying her face in her hands. In subsequent visits, Mary brought her husband, Tom, to the counselor’s office. Not only did he receive definite psychological help, but in time he, too, accepted Christ as his Saviour. In the final sessions the counselor coun­ seled with them simultaneously. These “ double sessions” revealed much about the dynamics of their relationship and enabled the counselor to discuss the problems more intelligently with each separately as well as together. Tom and Mary really began working orr their prob­ lems. They found a hobby they both enjoyed. They dropped the old drinking crowd and started to church and Bible class together. When Tom found he could trust himself, in Christ, he began trusting his wife and giving her freedom of action. They learned to express their feelings in a constructive way and to listen to each other. Mary still had difficulty learning to truly love Tom. She sometimes became discouraged and thought much about the other man. However, she prayed daily that God would give her love for her husband. She prayed for Tom and did little things to please him. Finally, several months later, the counselor was delighted when Mary made an unexpected appointment. She couldn’t wait to tell the news. She said she had prayed and prayed with seemingly little results, but finally, one morning, she awakened with a feeling of warmth and love for her husband that she had never known before. “I can’t un­ derstand it,” she said, “ I just know it’s happened.” This was a direct answer to prayer. “ I realize now” , she said, “ I never did love the other man. I was lonely and needed someone. I felt shut out by my husband. But now I have God and He has given me a warmth and love for my husband I’ve never had.” This love persisted, and Tom and Mary made a good adjustment. Through their new life in Christ, basic un­ derstanding of themselves and the dynamics of their re­ lationship with each other, Tom and Mary found hap­ piness in their marriage.

one to talk to. My husband doesn’t care enough for me to give me his undivided attention for even three or four minutes. We have no interests in common other than our children and parties. When I try to talk with him about our problems he just gets mad. I hate to argue; so I give up.” “Arguing upsets you.” “Yes, I had enough of that as a child. All my folks did was argue and fight.” The remainder of the session, and all of the second, were spent considering Mary’s family background, more ventilation of her feelings, as well as discussion of her attitudes and beliefs concerning marriage and divorce. In addition, the counselor encouraged her to carefully con­ sider what she expected of marriage, what she felt she had given to it, what effect divorce would have on her children and the other family involved; for she and the other man, Ted, planned to be married after they both got their divorces. When Mary came for her third session she began, “ Our last appointment made me realize there is much about marriage that I need to learn. I’m sure I, too, have failed the marriage and that there are some things I could have done that I didn’t.” The counselor encouraged her to express herself: “You say that you may have been expecting too much of your husband. Do you feel that you have been expecting him to fulfill your ideals of perfection? I have known of married people who have gone from marriage to mar­ riage seeking perfection in the spouse and never finding it because, as we know, only God is perfect.” “Yes,” she replied. “ I know that. And I’m not sure how I feel about Ted! I was lonely and looking for some­ one who would understand. When he told me that he loved me, I was surprised and my ego was built up. But I don’t think divorce is really what I want.” After further discussion the counselor asked about her religious background. Mary brought out the fact that she felt she was a Christian because she lived in a “ Chris­ tian country” and went to church occasionally. When asked what it meant to be a Christian, she mentioned several things that “ a Christian does.” The counselor agreed that Christians usually do these things, then re­ iterated, “But what is a Christian?” “I guess I don’t know. You tell me. What is a Chris­ tian?” The counselor then quietly explained what a Chris­ tian is. Several verses of Scripture (John 10:10, Romans 3:23, 6:23, John 1:12, and Revelation 3:20) were read and made to “live” through illustrations and participation brought about by questioning. After reading Revelation 3:20, the counselor said, “ This is meant for you. Jesus is speaking to you. Wouldn’t you like to open the door of your heart and let Him come in?”

% . . up to recently he’s had no reason to he jealous . After my divorce I plan to marry Ted. I am so lonely!”

AUGUST, 1962


by Rev. O lav E ikland T he S unday night meeting was coming to a close. An invitation was given for the unsaved to make a decision for Christ. While Christians knelt in earnest pleadings for the sal­ vation of souls, a handsome young man came forward, tears streaming down his cheeks. Kneeling in the prayer circle, he asked the Lord to save him. A holy ecstacy was reflected in the face of the sister of this new convert who embraced her brother. Others, too had been converted recently, tear­ fully welcomed the prodigal son re­ turning to the Father’s House. Some of them had been his former compan­ ions in the vices and pleasures of this world but now they were joined in that deeper comradeship in Christ. The young man was Horst Watzke and it was May first, 1960, at Bad Gandersheim, frontier town on the East German border. His long journey from total slavery to complete liberty had ended. Born in Germany, he had spent the war years in Bessarabia. After the war, he passed through Po­ land and East Germany in quest for freedom, finally crossing the iron cur­ tain into the free West. So this eve­ ning, while his communist friends were celebrating this holiday in beer and dance halls, Horst had found a place where he could drink of the true “ Fountain of Life.” This is the name of the Evangelical Mission which was established especially for reaching refugees from East Germany. Horst Watzke is one of several hun­ dred Germans who have found the escape trail which leads from Gog’s snare into God’s care in Fountain of Life’s freedom land. From totalitarian regime and the oppression of •the “prince of this world” , they haye come into the blessed sphere of total free­ dom in God’s kingdom. Evangelization of East Germans, and other races behind the iron cur­ tain, begins first with tearing down of that formidable iron curtain of the soul: Communist atheism. Some of the refugees have had to pass through the profound metamorphosis of mind,

heart and soul by which they learn the falsity of the Communist axiom that “ the wise man says there is no God” to belief in the Bible truth that “ the fool hath said in his heart, there is no God.” Nearly all of the refugees who come to Fountain of Life Mission had to leave every earthly possession be­ hind when coming into the West. Destitute, poor and lonely, they find themselves strangers in West Ger­ many. Therefore, the Gospel brings them consolation. Said one refugee to Missionary Reimer: “The Lord must have sent you because I was so lonely, and have been praying that the Lord would help me.” Conversion in such a spiritual cli­ mate changes the entire life. In a mission tent, near Bad Gandersheim, a meeting had ended. A young girl, weeping, asked “What must I do to be saved?” On her knees, she sought salvation. When she arose, a new light was in her eyes: “ I must win others for Christ!” she exclaimed. Thus began a new life for Dora Neudorf. She worked in an office, but when free from her duties, she sought opportunity to serve the Lord in per­ sonal work. Three years ago, she started children’s meetings in a neigh­ boring town to Bad Gandersheim. Some of the children were real rough­ necks who during summers had been crossing the borders to the Eastern zone and spending some time in a Communist camp. Soon Dora had the joy of seeing the ringleader of these Communist children converted. He is now a real missionary, gathering children for evangelical meetings in various places around Bad Gandersheim. Hundreds of children are now reached and their eyes are open to the truth. Fountain of Life Mission was started three years ago by Mr. and Mrs. Levi Reimer, who had been help­ ing the Hungarian patriots when they, in 1956, fled from the Russian op­ pressors to Austria. They were well- qualified for that task, as Mr. Reimer is German-Canadian and his wife, a

Hungarian who emigrated to Canada in her youth. When my wife and I visited that Gospel center, we found them estab­ lished in an old rented house which once had been an old mill, dating back to the 16th century. On the wall outside we noted a Latin inscrip­ tion with the date 1586. Remodelled by Mr. Reimer, twenty-one rooms in the building had been stretched to accommodate the many refugees who came to the station to attend the meetings held in a chapel attached to the old building. The wheels of activity in that old mill were turning indeed, for it was the evangelistic center for reaching many surrounding towns as well as being a refugee center. We sensed immediately that the work was sus­ tained by prayer. Early on Sunday morning, we heard guests praying. Missionary Reimer stated: “The fear­ ful. little prayer group with which we started caught fire and this fire has spread rapidly over the whole area.” In this prayer climate the fruit of the Spirit is growing and there is power for reaching lost souls. Recent­ ly Mr. Reimer wrote: “ These young people have picked up the torch and together with us are bringing the j light of the Gospel into towns and villages. Scores of young people and children are reached every week. These young people have left their jobs and are launching out by faith, trusting the Lord to supply their needs.” We noticed that the old mill house would soon become too small to ac­ commodate the growing work. Pray­ ers were offered for a bigger place and God answered in a marvelous way. In the country, three miles from Bad Gandersheim, on a big country farm, a palace-like building standing in a eight-acre garden, was bought by the Evangelical Free Church of America, for only $65,000, and it is now the center of Fountain of Life Mission. When standing at the “ Pick Alle”



which Communists have made to di­ vide East from West Germany, one realizes the formidableness of this separation of a people God had joined together. Like a giant boa-constrictor, the 863-mile field envelops towns, farms, and factories, paralyzing civic, social, economic and religious life. In its squeeze, communication arteries are constricted and traffic by trains or motor vehicles is stopped. An evil symbol is this cleavage. It is a death-wound in the German soul, for that plowed soil is illustrative of the plowed ground of Germany’s soul where tares of hatred are sown. The enemy is sowing hatred in every country of the world, and all man­ kind is exposed to it. Says Carl Men- ninger, the famous psychiatrist: “ The problem of the psychiatrists today is to find how to encourage love and diminish hate.” If hate is the greatest weapon Com­ munist East uses in its war against the West, it is necessary to arm the Christian West with the more pow­ erful weapon, Christian LOVE, the strongest force in the world. Marital and filial love keep the family togeth­ er, patriotic love keeps the people of a nation together. The only proven force which can keep nations and races together is the love of Christ. Military explosives could destroy the material iron curtain between the East and West, but not the iron cur­ tain of the spirit which is deeply em­ bedded in men’s souls. This barrier would survive an atomic war in which the external iron curtain might melt. Communism is a spiritual force which must he overcome by spiritual weap­ ons. Love’s strong light can overcome the powers of darkness as the sun in the firmament dissipates the night. Most of the world’s inhabitants live in distress, tormented by their own fears and hatred. Disillusioned mil­ lions in the East and West long for a peace which can fill the whole world as well as their own hearts. The healing balm of Gilead for af­ flicted humanity is the Gospel of God’s saving love. West Germany’s “ Fountain of Life” is a proof that the iron curtain of the soul between East and West people can be removed, and this is of more importance than the removal of the material iron curtain and the Berlin Wall. While the militarists prepare to send missiles of destruction to belli­ gerents around the world on wings of destruction, let Christians dedicate themselves to the task of sending to earth’s nations the message of salva­ tion on “ wings of healing” and re­ demption!

Purchase o f this new p rop erty w ill mean an area fo r Bible con fer­ ences. W ith the house is an eigh t acre park.

Evangelistic m eetings are held in a refug ee camp. Mrs. R eim er plays the accordian. Some o f the m any young peop le saved at Bad Gandersheim in the last tw o years.

AUGUST, 1962


m CHRISTIAN AND POLITICS/ * 7 WalterJudd I n t h e c h u r c h to which I belong in Minneapolis, there is a wonderful stained glass window through which the sun shines during the morning service. On it there is a quotation from the Old Testament: “Of His govern­ ment and peace there shall be no end.” Everybody forgets about “ of His government” — they just want peace, but peace is the result of His government. have to be base to be in politics. Nor are all people in pulpits necessarily saints. In the end it’s what you are doing in the place where you find yourself that determines the measure of your Christian service and the effective­ ness of your Christian witness.

If you want to be effective in politics, you have to join a party. Why? Because outside the party you can’t do anything about selecting good candidates. Once in a while you find somebody who says, “ I don’t vote for par­ ties. I vote for the man.” This may sound convincing, but it really isn’t. What man does he vote for? He doesn’t have a chance to vote for anyone except the ones the parties choose. The consequence is that he who won’t work in the political parties doesn’t help them choose good men. He has to vote for whichever of the candidates makes him hold only one side of his nose instead of both. And the old parties that he won’t help clean up, choose the candidates that he has to choose between. That isn’t much independence. So if you really want to be effective, you must go into politics. Join the party you think is nearest right on the most important issues and then try to make it better. I don’t agree with everything in my party and all of the people in it don’t agree with me. You don’t have to agree with everything because your choice is not between this party and a perfect one, but between this party and the other one. And sometimes that’s worse. A second thing is to help the party select good can­ didates. Otherwise you may have to vote in terms of which of the candidates outrages your views the least. If you don’t vote for him, then you help the other one. This is not compromising principles, but simply a way to move ahead effectively. To do nothing is to paralyze yourself and abandon politics and government to the worst elements in the country. Select Good Candidates The third thing is to help elect your party’s good candidates. If you choose a good man, you want him to win. To put him in the winning column you have to get a lot of people to vote for him. In politics decisions are not made on the basis of how handsome the nose is, but on how many noses there are. You win only if you get enough people to the polls. Once your man is elected, you have to keep his feet to the fire. Ideas come up, issues and questions arise that are worth careful consideration. Don’t write him saying, “ I demand this . . .” because he’ll throw that letter into the wastebasket. Rather, you should tell him what you are concerned about and why. This is some­ thing every congressman welcomes because the person who knows what he is talking about is most helpful. I need assistance and guidance from those who really know what they are talking about in the various fields of legislative interest. Above all, you should be willing to be a candidate for political office. If you don’t like what your congress­ man does, don’t just write him — run for Congress! Rim for alderman. Run for the city council. Get into the stream and be a candidate. —Abridged from UNITED EVANGELICAL ACTION

As Christians, what should we be doing to influence' government through politics? The first task of the church is to discover and declare the mind and will of God. God is not at sea about our world. He is not lost. He knows the way. We don’t find it because we don’t bother to consult the chart by which we might plot our course. Basic Biblical Principles What are the eternal principles? They are in the Book and you can’t be a good Christian if you haven’t spent time with the Textbook. That Textbook lays down basic principles which, if followed, will give you certain results. The church’s task is to discover from the Book what is God’s will. Second, the church’s task is to recruit into its fellow­ ship ii|dividuals and train them in the Textbook, as well as inspire and challenge them. The third task of the church is to get these principles down into life and practice. So first, we have God’s principles put into God’s person who will translate them into God’s program. The challenge is to take these principles into public life, into politics and put them into practice. This is the way to influence government. You aren’t going to be effective in politics if you just go around repeating slo­ gans. You have to study what the real issues are and learn how to meet them. Translate Ideas Into Action The second rule of making your Christian influence effective in politics is to have some ideas that are worth discussing. Take your worthy ideas out of the jars on the shelf and put them into the soil of discussion. This way they can germinate and become productive. But even discussion isn’t enough. The fact is that you will have to get into a political party if you are going to do something. Many Christians will protest, “ But the parties are dirty.” They can be dirty and they can be no­ ble. I have seen some fine exhibitions of courage and self- sacrifice in public life. I have also seen some sordid things in politics — as I did on the mission field. You don’t

About the author:

Dr. Walter Judd served many years in China as a medical mis­ sionary. He is now Congressman for the Fifth District, Minnesota, in the United States House of Representatives.



A f r i c a n C h r is t ia n s

B r in g R e v iv a l

to Am e r ica n Churches

M any people th in k Africa is a land of lions and other wild animals. It wasn’t until I went to a London zoo that I saw my first king of the jungle.” So stated William Uganda who, with Festo Kivengere, has been visiting churches in Ameri­ ca. Coming from an area in East Afri­ ca which has experienced 35 years of continuous revival, these two men have been stirring the hearts of min­ isters and people across the nation. William and Festo, as they are bet­ ter known, met Billy Graham during his ministry on the continent. It was he who arranged to have them travel throughout the United States. They also served as his interpreters during the ministry in Uganda. As an evangelist, William states, “ For 18 years I hid from God. A l­ though I was bom in a Christian home and brought up in the Anglican church, I trusted that my father’s faith would save me. Even though I started preaching at 15, I had never solved the question, What shall I do to be saved? Then 27 years ago, God of heaven spoke to me and I gave my life wholly and unreservedly to the Christ of Calvary’s Cross.” Festo has been inspector of public schools. He has been supervisor over 350 teachers in his area. Just recently he resigned his position in order to give more time to the gospel ministry. He recalls, “When I was a little boy, we worshipped stones. My father was not a Christian. But like Peter of old, we came to the Living Stone, the Lord Jesus Christ, and He in turn has giv­ en us eternal life.” In addition to their Spirit-filled messages, these men do not fail to bring laughter by telling their audi­ ences of an experience they had in a remote village in Europe. They had been travelling for a great distance and stopped at a little hotel. The man­ ager had never seen an African be­

Dr. Milton C. Gould., pastor of the First Baptist Church of Downey, California, shares in the fellowship of William Uganda (left) and Festo Kivengere. The church not only featured them in four Sunday meetings, but also for the previous Saturday had them speak from 9:30 A.M. — 4:30 P.M. More than 250 attended the all day meeting.

fore. Tired and dirty from the trip, they asked to be able to take a bath immediately. The manager didn’t quite know what to expect. When they came out, he remarked in as­ tonishment: “ But you are still black!” William and Festo use this illustration to remind the people, “ Some think one just goes to church and thereby cleans himself up. But it is not washing off the color; it is washing the heart with the blood

of Christ which really matters.” With a twinkle of eye, William comments, “There must be a good many un­ happy white people i* yo*P ¿SUntry because I’ve seen so many of them trying to improve on their color.” While William and Festo have re­ turned to their country, congrega­ tions which have been privileged to share in their inspiring messages will continue to feel the fires o f revival in their hearts and lives.

AUGUST, 1962


. . . or am I


by D r . Don H i l l is support her own widows and orphans. To the world, the church’s first re­ sponsibility is evangelization. While orphanage ministries drain off thousands of dollars which might be used in the preaching of the gos­ pel to a. lost world, they also give to the donor a not altogether justifi­ able feeling that he is having a large share in the fulfilling of the Great Commission . . . Or am I confused? L et T he N ationals D o I t “ In these days of an upsurge of nationalism, our real need is not mis­ sionaries. On most of the mission fields of the world today there is a ‘Go home, Yankee’ attitude. But I am happy to inform you there is an an­ swer to this seemingly insurmounta­ ble problem. We have today, on our American university campuses, 100,- 000 foreign students who have come from every country of the world. If we will reach them for Christ they will return to their respective home­ lands to do the job the missionary cannot do.” I could not help but admire the zeal with which the missionary to the American university campus spoke. 1 appreciated the logic of his presen­ tation. But, unfortunately for him or for me, I had been too long on the foreign field. I knew that the handful of converts who would return to their respective homelands could not possi­ bly evangelize their countries. I knew that only a small proportion of them would put their service for Jesus Christ ahead of the lucrative jobs which await them because of their advanced American training. I knew some of them would face stronger prejudices against their ministry than the foreign missionary faces. I knew a majority of them would find it more difficult than the missionary to de­ scend economically and socially to a level low enough to reach the com-

T he attractive brochure I received the other day announced the birth of a new mission organization. Apparently this new mission is to carry on a ministry sufficiently unique to warrant its existence. But, though the brochure was at­ tractive, I was disturbed by its con­ tents. Unanswerable questions crowd­ ed into my mind. Do we really need more missionary societies? Are there no mission organizations working in Africa with which this person could carry on his ministry? Would not his entrance into an established mission both strengthen that organization and give to him all the advantages of a well-established work? W ill not the organization of this new mission in­ volve the setting up of a home office, the advertising and promotion of the society, and additional appeals for money from God’s people here in the homeland? . . . Or am I confused? R omans 1:16 It was a Tuesday afternoon in a small midwestem town. There were only about twenty of us in the mis­ sionary meeting. I had been in many such services before and so the fact of the preponderance of women did not bother me. But there was some­ thing the speaker said that did. She was telling about her ministry among the Jewish people. She told of the faithfulness of God for the past fifteen years in supplying the needs of the work. But she did not close without turning to Romans 1:16. Using “ to the Jew first, and also to the Greek [Gentile]” as her text, she earnestly exhorted God’s people to make sure their first ministry was to the Jew. She left most of her audi­ ence with a deep conviction that they were missing the will of God if they were not endeavoring to reach the Jew first.

Not for a moment do I doubt the sincerity of this missionary to the sons of Jacob. On the other hand, I am convinced that this is an un­ fair interpretation of Scripture. The Jewish people as a nation have been given their opportunity to hear the gospel. And now, as individuals, they have no more right to hear it than do the Gentiles. It is, therefore, wrong, woefully wrong, to build a ministry to the Jews on the basis of “ to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile.” A ministry to the Jew must be founded upon the same premise as a ministry to the Negro, the Navajo, the American university student, the unsaved businessman, or to any other person without Christ . . . Or am I just confused? T hat M otherless C hild “You can support an orphan in Jalampur for $2.00 a week. If you could but see one of these mother­ less, fatherless, half-starved children it would break your heart. Become a foster parent today and help us raise these children for Jesus.” With you, I am continually faced with appeals such as this in our Christian magazines. It is not that I would turn a cold, unsympathetic heart toward the widows or orphans of any country. But, frankly, I’m bothered. There are two things about this type of appeal which disturb me: (1) The disproportionate amount of money that is spent in the advertis­ ing and promotion of orphanage min­ istries. In some cases not more than 50 per cent of your money gets to the orphan. (2) I find nothing in the Word of God which even remotely suggests that the Church of Jesus Christ is responsible for the support of the widows and orphans of the world. There is, however, clear teach­ ing that the Church is obligated to



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