which Communists have made to di vide East from West Germany, one realizes the formidableness of this separation of a people God had joined together. Like a giant boa-constrictor, the 863-mile field envelops towns, farms, and factories, paralyzing civic, social, economic and religious life. In its squeeze, communication arteries are constricted and traffic by trains or motor vehicles is stopped. An evil symbol is this cleavage. It is a death-wound in the German soul, for that plowed soil is illustrative of the plowed ground of Germany’s soul where tares of hatred are sown. The enemy is sowing hatred in every country of the world, and all man kind is exposed to it. Says Carl Men- ninger, the famous psychiatrist: “ The problem of the psychiatrists today is to find how to encourage love and diminish hate.” If hate is the greatest weapon Com munist East uses in its war against the West, it is necessary to arm the Christian West with the more pow erful weapon, Christian LOVE, the strongest force in the world. Marital and filial love keep the family togeth er, patriotic love keeps the people of a nation together. The only proven force which can keep nations and races together is the love of Christ. Military explosives could destroy the material iron curtain between the East and West, but not the iron cur tain of the spirit which is deeply em bedded in men’s souls. This barrier would survive an atomic war in which the external iron curtain might melt. Communism is a spiritual force which must he overcome by spiritual weap ons. Love’s strong light can overcome the powers of darkness as the sun in the firmament dissipates the night. Most of the world’s inhabitants live in distress, tormented by their own fears and hatred. Disillusioned mil lions in the East and West long for a peace which can fill the whole world as well as their own hearts. The healing balm of Gilead for af flicted humanity is the Gospel of God’s saving love. West Germany’s “ Fountain of Life” is a proof that the iron curtain of the soul between East and West people can be removed, and this is of more importance than the removal of the material iron curtain and the Berlin Wall. While the militarists prepare to send missiles of destruction to belli gerents around the world on wings of destruction, let Christians dedicate themselves to the task of sending to earth’s nations the message of salva tion on “ wings of healing” and re demption!
Purchase o f this new p rop erty w ill mean an area fo r Bible con fer ences. W ith the house is an eigh t acre park.
Evangelistic m eetings are held in a refug ee camp. Mrs. R eim er plays the accordian. Some o f the m any young peop le saved at Bad Gandersheim in the last tw o years.
AUGUST, 1962
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