King's Business - 1962-08

OCTOBER 28 - NOVEM BER 4, 1962

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IMF's 75th ANNIVERSARY "...THROUGH YOUR MERCY THEY ALSO MAY OBTAIN MERCY.” Rom ans 11:31 MORE PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW HOW TO WITNESS TO THE JEWS...HERE IS H O W ...C O M E ... • Help celebrate 75 years o f AMF ’s continuous Witness to the Jews. • Attend Annual Convention o f The Fellowship o f Christian Testimonies to the Jews. • Join Jewish Evangelization Institute and Workshops. • Hear Prophetic Bible Messages— Every Evening. at t lw MIDWEST BIBLE CHURCH

TH E RO YA L PREROGATIVE He that is our God is the God of salvation; and unto God the Lord belong the issues from death. But God shall wound the head of his enemies, and the hairy scalp of such an one as goeth on still in his trespasses (Psalms 68:20, 21). I. The Sovereign Prerogative of God 1. To God belongs the right to exer­ cise it. 2. The Lord has the power of this prerogative. 3. The Lord has actually exercised this prerogative. 4. Let Him have all the glory of it. II. The Character of the Sovereign in Whom That Prerogative Is Vested 1. Salvation is the most glorious of all God’s designs. 2. The most delightful works which the Lord has performed have been works of salvation. 3. To those who call him “ Our Lord,” He is specially and emphatically the God of salvation. III. Hear the Solemn Warning of Our Sovereign Lord 1. He will by no means spare the guilty. 2. He is not indifferent to human character. 3. He has the power to smite those who rebel. 4. He will smite with a terrible over­ throw. — C. H. Spurgeon At the close of the transfiguration scene, when the disciples “ had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only.” 1. Gone were the hasty suggestions of Peter. 2. Gone were the bright companions of Jesus. 3. Gone was the cloud that overshad­ owed them. 4. Gone was the voice of God from the cloud. 5 Gone was even the shining glory of Jesus. 6. But the Lord Jesus remained. 7. He alone remained. 8. It would be well, therefore, to sug­ gest: Jesus only — JESUS ONLY M a t t h e w 17:8

3469 N. Cicero Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Starts October 28, Sunday, at 3:00 P.M.

A lso a m assive d isp lay of Jew ish Tracts

A rray of Prophetic Books

Collection of Jew ish objects of w orship

Rev. A rchie M acKinney, General D irector A M E R I C A N M E S S I A N I C F E L L OW S H I P 7448 N. Damen Avenue — Chicago 45, Illinois Write today fo r you r Convention Folder


• B ib le o M is s io n s e P a s to ro lo g y e E v a n g e lism e G re e k e M u s ic e C h ris tia n E d u c a tio n

a S p a c io u s c am p u s a C o n s e c ra te d F a c u lty e S p o r ts e C h o ir e C lu b s Write Dr. Monroe Parker, President fo r catalog PILLSBURY Baptist Bible COLLEGE D ept. KB O w atonna, M in n eso ta

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a. As an object in life. b. As a motive in life. c. As a Saviour in life.

AUGUST, 1962


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