H E R E ’S A L L Y O U D
Dr. Datrief A. Poling, noted- rrtin is te r'a h d Editor, C h ristian H er a ld — “ T h e - a d v-an- tages of a hospital plan available to ndn- drinkers only are ob v io u s . Y ou a re not paying b ills for those who use alcohol." Dr. A rth u r J. Moore, Past Pres., Council of Bishops, The M ethod ist Church— "It would appear that comm on justice would provide som e form of hospi ta liz a tio n fo r n o n drinkers. This has fi nally been done . •• H enderson Belle, Vice- P re s. an d D ire c to r, Belk Stores— "It is a p le a s u re to re c o m mend the Gold S tar Total A bstain ers' H os pitalization Plan. T h is insurance plan should m eet the needs of m a n y . "
Jerom e H iries, lead ing bass with M etro politan Opera C o .— "The Aon-drinker is a better risk and should be 'entitled to a bet te r in s u ra n c e ra te . There has long been a need for th is low cost Gold S tar Policy." J. Strom Thurm ond, U.S. Senator, S. Car o lin a — “ T h e re a re m any reasons why I do not use alcohol. I am pleased to learn there is an insurance p la n w h ic h o f f e r s non-drinkers an op portunity to ca p ita l ize on th eir decision to a bsta in ." Lynn Burke, O lym pic and W orld Sw im m ing Cham pion — "S w im m ing, and the use of liq u o r d o n o t m ix . N e it h e r I n o r a n y o t h e r c h a m p io n I k n o w d r in k s . M y father, a sw im m ing instructor, along with o th e r c o a c h e s , fo r bids his contestants to drink. O f course I h ig h ly re c o m m e n d the Gold S ta r." Hon. Frank Carlson, U.S. Senator, Kansas — "A s a teetotaler, I am delighted that Ar* *^u r D e M o s s h a s j| worked out a practi- cal plan to provide H arry 1Hertzog, Ann- v ille , Pa. — “ W hen sickness com es it is good to know you are covered by men with deep concern. I am m ore than satisfied w it h th e w a y y o u handled ojjr claim ." Rev. N. J. Kim brell, H artw ell, Georgia — "H ad no idea I would have a claim in less than two m onths after I w as accepted. You settled in a very sat isfactory w ay." Ernest M. Linton, Bloom ington, Ind.— ‘ ‘ Y o u c o m b i n e prom ptness with fa ir ness and generosity in your settlem ent ot claim s. Retention ^of y o u r p o l i c y i s " a ' must' W illia m C . M o o re , Eaist Alton, III.— “ My I lln e s s w a s su d d e n And unexpected . . . I had had m y policy only a short tim e, I th a n k th e L o rd fo r your Com pany. I rec om m end ¡t.V h o s p it a liz a tio n fo r n o n -d rin k e rs at re- duced cost. I would ~wmb*, urge those concerned about fin ancial secu rity to take advantage of th is."
a Fill out application below. EH1Enclose in an envelope B Mail to De Moss Associates, Inc. Valley Forge, Pa. You w ill receive your GOLD STAR POLICY promptly by mail. No Salesman will call. APPLICATION FOR GoldStar Total Abstainers’ Hospitalization Policy My name is___________ ,_______________________________________ 0 -1 -4 6 0 1 -0 8 2 Street or R D # ________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________ Zone_______State_________________ Date ot Birth: Month_______Day_____ _Year______ Height-------------- Weight--------------- My occupation j js _ _______ „_______________________ ____________________________ My beneficiary is-____ ________________________ .Relationship._____________ I alto apply for covsrag* for the membm of my family listed bolow: NAME AGE HEIGHT WEIGHT BENEFICIARY 1_________ 2. 3.______ ____ To the best ot your knowledge and belief, have you or any parson listed abova ever had high Or low blood pressure, heart trouble, diabetes, cancer, arthritis or tuberculosis or have you or they, within the last five years, been disabled by either accident or illness, had medical advice or treatment, taken medication for any condition, or been advised to have a surgical operation? Yes_______No________ If so, give details stating person affected, cause, date, name and address of attending physician and whether fully recovered:__________________________ Neither I nor any other person listed above uses alcoholic beverages, and I hereby do apply for a policy with the understanding that the policy will not coyer any conditions existing prior to the issue date, and that it shall be issued solely and entirely in reliance upon the written answers to the above questions. Date:__ _________ Signed:X FORMGS713.3 ® -------------------------------yw—------------- IMPORTANT Should you decide to keep your Gold Star Policy, please indicate how you would prefer making your premium payments: □ Annual □ Monthly SEND NO MONEY
Upton S in cla ir, P u lit zer Prize author-—"I th in k y o u r id e a o f giving people the in surance discount they earn by not shorten ing th eir lives with alcohol is b rillia n t." Dr. R. G. Lee, 3-time Pres., S. B aptist Conv. ■ r *388% — "A fte r looking over 1 & & and reading the Gold J g S tar Policy, I m ust I g l p iL I say it is the m ost 1 unique and unusual
i B B T
B y L
and appealing policy I have ever heard of. * am grateful for your m aking th is wonder- fu l ’policy.'*.
D r. H . G. H a rla n , Brownwood, Texas*— "In m y years of own.- ing hospitalization in surance th is is the m ost satisfactory and dependable. You are rendering a d istin ct service." M rs. Rebecca Fuller, N o r t h H o lly w o o d , C alif. — "Thank God for such generous in surance at so little cost. Thank you for m a k in g s u c h in s u r ance possible ." nev. m eric l . rd tn - . ham , Starke, Florida ■ — “A representative of another com pany saw m y policy and said it w as unique. 1 th in k so too! 1 would not w ant to be w ith out it for anything." E u la S h ra u g e r, A u g u s ta , M ic h ig a n — “ Thank you for your c h e c k s t o t a l i n g $2,314.29. I had no id e a a n y th in g lik e th is would happen ... and so soon. The Lord bless you."
THE GOLD STAR FUU Is underwritten by the fol lowing leading companies (depending, upon your State of residence): GUARANTEE TRUST LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Chicago, Illinois OLD SECURITY LITE INSURANCE COMPANY Kansas City, Missouri WORLD MUTUAL HEALTH A ACCIDENT INS. CO. OF PENNA. King of Prussia, Po.
H I R E A R E T H E L O W GOLD S T A R R A T E S M ail this \ APPLICATION \ TO /
$4. $40.
Each adult og* 19-64 pays
J v j
Each adult agt 6V I 00 pays
$ 6 .
$3. $30.
Each child og* IS and undar pays
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