THE BIBLE IN S T ITU TE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. 5 5 8 South Hop« Street Lot Angeles 17 , California
I am interested in □ T H E IN V E S T M E N T IN C O M E P L A N
Dy nelson California Sfate Senator, Retired D e c i s i o n t i m e is here for the 1962 high school graduates who are planning a college education. Now is the time to arrange for their admis sion to the college of their choice. Young people will find many bene fits in attending a Christian college. It is a great change to leave home surroundings and enter academic life. The Christian college preserves the home standards and offers the oppor- runity for the student to make choice new friends among Christian young people. For the student of high academic standing who plans to enter the learned professions such as medicine, law, engineering or similar pursuits, it is, of course, important to choose an accredited college for lower divi sion work so that there will be no difficulty in the transfer to a state college or university for the upper division years. Our small Christian colleges need the support of our entire Christian community, both financially and mor ally, to enable them to give instruc tion of high standards and quality. These privately supported colleges render a great service to the youth of America in this time of urgent ex pansion of college enrollment. The tax supported institutions are exper iencing critical difficulties in provid ing facilities and instruction for the many thousands of new students each year. It does happen that the youth first entering such large institutions feels lost in the vastness of the num bers. The small Christian college can of fer a quality of education and culture that the size alone of thé tax sup ported institutions hinders. The per sonal contact and acquaintance of stu dent and professor and the intimate strength of chapel services and com panionship with other Christians of fers untold advantages. It is the usual experience that the first two years in college are very de cisive in character formation and the small college provides most desirable and helpful surroundings for the de velopment of the young Christian in to a competent academic student, able to surmount the difficulties of ad vanced courses.
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Many of the Lord's people today are seeking a sound investment-income plan. Those who want to give a part of their savings for investment in this Christian enterprise, and at the same time receive regular dividend returns, find this plan meets their needs. When you enter into this type of an agreement with the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, you become an active participant in all of its missionary activities. The investor is given maximum protection, in case of emergency, through the withdrawal clause, whioh makes possible recovery of funds originally invested. What better way can one receive an income in the Lord's work!
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