King's Business - 1962-08


Thomas C. H orton Ha ll

While visiting or living in Los

Angeles, plan to stay at B IOLA

HOTEL . Clean, comfortable,

convenient. Reasonable rates

by day-week-month or per­

manent. Dining Room. Next

to Central L .A . Public Library,

and at the hub o f the Greater

Los Angeles Freeway Network.

Operated as a public service by

the Bible Institute o f Los An- * geles.

write or telephone for



BIOLA HOTEL 536 S. Hope St. L.A. 17, Calif. MAdison 7-9941 Deward Lowrey, M a n a g e r

R O O M R E S E R V A T I O N N ote : P lease fill in as much inform ation as possible N am e ................................................................ A rriv a l D ate ........... A d d ress ............................................................. D ay o f W e e k ........... C ity ................................................._ ...................T im e o f D a y ............ A ccom m od a tion s D esired W ith Bath ................... W ith o u t Bath A m o u n t enclosed as co n firm atio n o f reservation $ ................ N um b e r o f G uests ...................... A d u lt s ...................... C h ild ren Plan to Stay: Day(s) ...................... W e e k ...................... M o n th D esire Inform ation C o n ce rn in g Perm anent R esidence ........ Signed ........................... ........................... Date ............... Phone ...

Rates During 1962

W ith o u t

S in g le

D ouble


Econom y

D elu xe* * T w in Beds

D ay

$ 2 .0 0

$ 2 .5 0 $ 3 .5 0

W e e k

1 0 .0 0

1 2 .5 0 5 0 .0 0

1 7 .5 0

M o n th 3 6 -4 0 .0 0 5 5 .0 0 * H o t and co ld w ater in every room. C om p lete rest room fa c ilitie s nearby. * *A ll new fu rnitu re.

W ith B ath * * *

S in gle

Double $ 5 .0 0

Day W e e k M o n th

$ 3 .5 0

2 1 .0 0 6 5 .0 0

3 0 .0 0 7 5 .0 0

* * *R eservation» g en erally necessary.


AUGUST, 1962

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