News of missionary, orphan and relief activities of the American Mission to Greeks
C U L T S C R ikT I Q U E §; I I I by BeftÿiBruechert W i t h t h e k i n d permission of the Utah Christian Tract Society of La Mesa, Calif., whose work is among Mormons, we reprint the fol lowing true account from their publi cation. This strikes at the heart of all cult teachings. If Christ is not pre sented as the Divine Saviour, there is no answer to man’s age-old question of sin. This then is the story, slightly con densed: A young Navajo Indian, a new be liever in Christ, went into the office of the missionary and said: “Want to go to reservation — see auntie — those Mormon fellows that go two by two always bodder her — want to chase them off.” The missionary was concerned, knowing that the young Navajo Chris tian would be no match for the care fully-trained cultists, but finally he yielded to the boy’s insistence. At the Mission meantime the workers prayed and worried some, but on Monday the young Navajo was back, wearing a broad grin. “How did you make-out with the Mormon elders, Jim?” asked the mis sionary. “ 0. K., I guess. They went away and left auntie alone. I don’t think they come back.” “Whiy, what did you tell them?” “ I just ask one question.” “What was that? Usually you have to argue a long time before they leave.” “ Oh, I ask them, ‘How you fix sin?” They say, ‘Start out right, live clean life, obey the law of the Gospel, just stop sinning and you be all right.’ “What did you say to that?” “I say, ‘Too late for me. I already bad sinner. I been in jail 5 times in 6 months. How you fellows fix sin like that?’ “Well, what did they say to that, Jim?” “ They say, ‘Crazy Indian don’t know nuthin’. They go ’way mad. I just laugh at them.’ We here at UCTS, along with the Christian missionary and the young Navajo Christian, give humble thanks to God for ‘fixin’ sin’ at Calvary.” T h e K i n g ’ s Business echoes, “Amen.”
New Testament interpretation from the original Greek Text NEW TESTAMENT UGHTSJ Featuring the finest in .sacred music Writetoday for your FREE radiolog: NEW TESTAMENT LIGHTS P. O. B O X 423 N EW Y O R K 36, NEW Y O R K
Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, General Secretary of the American Mision
toGreeks, Inc.
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AUGUST, 1962
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