King's Business - 1962-08


Under the Parsonage Roof/

by Althea Miller

a d , did you read the religious news in Time magazine this week? By the way, thanks for the

book you loaned me. I finished it yesterday.” _______ I Nobody has to be told big bro- B / j j t.her Bill is home. ~~ M ♦ [H e usually shows |a>4up w e e k-e n d s ^Hrw ith a laundry J b a g full of dirty ^^^■ clo th es a n d an ' -

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( e m p t y stomach. At 23 he is finish­

The Miller children living at home, from left to righti Althea, 12; Mark, 8; Sharon, 16; Brethren Church Dorotheann, 19; Paul, 14; Ardyth, 10. this slimmer, the


ing his master’s program and plans to get going on a Ph.D. next Septem­ ber, the Lord willing. He still plans to serve the Lord in some foreign uni­ versity. His engagement to a darling girl from Bakersfield will culminate in marriage in September, D. V. Adult sons are interesting and chal­ lenging characters. They even occa­ sionally concede that parents are not so “ backwoodsy” as they appeared to be when son was 16! Bill’s parents are very thankful for an oldest son who sets an example for right and right­ eous living before his brothers and sisters. David is 21, and a college senior next September. He is to be married in Roanoke, Virginia in August to a

more and some Prince Charming comes along with nothing but a charming personality and a fascinat­ ing line to offer! Do you think she’ll do it? Paul Kent has a new suit to wear for “ graduation” from 9th grade (and the weddings). Paul delivers a daily

¡newspaper; shows a fine sense of re- sponsibility o n e B minute— the next, •—well, you would never believe he is 14. At this stage of adolescence he stands o n t h e Jr s h o r e w h e r e '“ brook and river meet.” Paul toler-


er to sit and weep Dorotheann during the ceremony. Mother is quite confident that the weeping will not come from the distaff. When Dad gets to pronouncing Ron and Dorotheann husband and wife, WATCH OUT! There will be a daddy’s “ soft spot” showing. Sharon will be maid of hon­ or for her sister. Mark the ring bearer. Sharon, 16, is a radiant high school graduate; the youngest and rating 10th scholastically, in her class of

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precious girl the family has known since she was a Iwee lassie. Dad will perform that ceremony; Moth­ er is soloist for the wedding m u s i c ; Sharon an attend­ ant to Joy, the H bride. David i s MB travelling the west with college quar­

Paul ,ates adults; likes his older sisters who cook and bake food he enjoys; abhors his two young­ er sisters; but the “ dolls” in Jr. High, WOW! Althea Jr. is “Miss Dramatics” in person. No statement the 12 year old makes is ever in monotone, nor does

720. She s t i l l wants to be a medical d o c t o r a n d serve t h e Lord on some for­ eign soil. She is thrilled with the romance of being in these weddings and getting all the pretty clothes

it ever sound, or- ” dinary. Althea is an intense little s o u l . Her 8th grade school work and flute accom­ plishments t h i s year indicate ini­ tiative and abili­ ty. Fixing h e r h a i r attractively W and trying to act indifferent to the

tette (he’s first tenor). His family will see her for the first time in almost two years while the quartette is in Southern California. We can hardly wait! Plans are flying thick and fast for whole wheat cinnamon rolls, lem­ on pies, potato salad and such deli­ cacies as this loved son likes. Oh hap­ py day! The eldest daughter of this family has stars in her eyes and wedding arrangements on her mind. She will “middle-aisle” it at Glendale’s First 28

Sharon to wear for them (Dad moans as the bills roll in), but sjhe said, “ Deliver me from a wedding of my own yet. I don’t want to get ‘tied down’ for a long time, please.” To this noble sentiment, Mother and Dad say a hearty “ Amen.” They have admonished daughter number 2 (child nurrjber 5 in the family line­ up), to remember these thoughts about the time she is a college sopho­

Althea boys, help tms family to remember how interesting this age can be. And how challenging! THE KING'S BUSINESS

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