King's Business - 1962-08

Ardyth has recently acquired a miniature dachshund. At times, and in their places, they are both charm­


ing. At o t h e r times, well, you guess! At the vast age of 10 Ardyth is sure life is a bowl of cherries. She adores her Daddy who seems to be rather help­ less in resisting her wiles. Ardyth has Dad wrapped

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A rd y th around her little finger. Mother has never seen it thus before. This youngest daughter has been an A-B student throughout 5th grade. The wedding plans around here have the little miss in a tizzy. She is beginning NOW to make plans for the husband she expects to ac­ quire, and the wedding she is going to have “when I grow up.” What a dreamer! Our “ caboose” has just announced that he plans to be a pathologist when he is a man. Then “when I find out

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why people are sick and try to make them better,- I will tell them about Jesus and that they had bet­ ter get saved!” When M o t h e r was 8 years old she never knew there was such a word as “ patholo­ gist.” How •times

plus . . . THE JOY OF KNOWING YOU'VE MADE AN INVESTMENT "For Christ and His Kingdom” . . where hundreds have safely placed thousands Looking for an investment that offers both s e c u r it y an d p e a ce o f m in d ? T h e n th e Wheaton College Annuity Contract is for you. Wheaton Annuities yield a generous rate o f return (up to 8.6% , depending on your age) and provide an assured income for life. In addition to the financial benefits, this gift- investment plan also provides an indescrib­ able peace o f heart that comes from knowing your money will be working “ for Christ and H is Kingdom.” far beyond your own lifetime . . . training young people for fruitful Chris­ tian lives and service.

Wheaton College has never missed a single payment since the annuity plan was started in 1898.

Mark have changed! The 3rd grader has be­ come an avid reader. Gram subscribed to science books which arrive periodic­ ally, and the little guy “ eats” them up. (No serious dietary deficiency in­ dicated!) Mark’s school work has gone up to a high and satisfying compre­ hension as his reading power has de­ veloped. Up until now, Mother is high on her son’s totem pole. He still in­ sists that nobody can tuck him into bed as “ good as Mama.” By next year this time it is highly possible Mother will iiot be on his totem pole at all, so she is enjoying it now. It would appear from this “ record” that the mother and father of this clan have their work cut out for them for quite awhile. Three weddings and two graduations within the space of three months is breath-taking in any man’s language. Brethren, pray for us. “And the peace of God which pass- eth all understanding . . . keep your hearts and minds through Christ Je­ sus” (Philippians 4:7) in this present tumultuous, strife-tom world.

Write today for the f r e e b o o k l e t Pleasant Tomorrows, explaining the plan.




Dept. K82 Please send me a copy of Pleasant Tomorrows, booklet explaining the Wheaton College Annuity Plan in detail.

A ge ____ Sex.


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AUGUST, 1962


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