(continued from page 7) dations. Today, in all too many Pres byteries throughout the land, a young candidate for the Gospel ministry js interrogated not so much in regard to his doctrinal convictions as in respect to his willingness to support one hun dred percent the boards and agencies of the denomination. The great doc trines of the Bible as so clearly ex pressed in the historic Westminster Confession of Faith are minimized un til insistence upon them is regarded as an impertinence. A man may be lieve anything he wishes as long as he will stand loyally behind his de nominational program. And all of this began when doctrinal deviates were allowed places of prominence within the denomination, as profes sors in theological seminaries, as ex ecutives on the various boards and agencies, and as spokesmen for the denomination, because it was claimed that it was the “ only Christian thing to do.” The foregoing has been cited to show what has proven to be a most unfortunate tragedy in the life of a denomination when unbelief in any form is allowed to have its way in high theological circles. One is at a loss to understand why unbelievers are so eager to pollute the clear stream of doctrinal truth v/ithin the denominations themselves. Why do not the doubters start move ments of their own, based upon tneir peculiar doctrinal viewpoints? The answer is obvious. It is far easier to get a church already- organized and filled with Christian people and there sow seeds of doubt concerning the truths of God’s Word^ We submit that it is utterly in tellectually and morally dishonest for an individual to occupy a pulpit and preach to a congregation, which vol untarily has gathered to hear the eternal truths of God’s Word ex pounded from the sacred desk, modi fying, twisting and perverting those truths until they have lost almost all semblance of their original meaning and intent. Because molly-coddling modernism seems to be “ the only Christian thing to do,” we are wit nessing a deplorable decline in the proclamation of the great truths that have fed and bred spiritual giants of by-gone generations. God help us for failing to hold high the banner of- the cross that has been passed on to us by those who fought, bled and died for its preservation, that we might be the recipients of its glorious message. If the Lord tarries, future generations will look upon us with contempt if we fail to transmit to them what has been delivered into our hands — at such a fearful cost.
PASTORATE : Provides the student with the content o f his mes sage, the manner o f delivery of his sermons, successful meth ods of pastoral work, opportunities for practical experience, and an active placement service after graduation.
m issions : Gives a basic introduction to home and foreign missions and provides constant challenge, through numerous missionary chapels and faculty emphasis, to carry the Gospel to the uttermost parts o f the world.
U l jy j * Lays a firm foundation for p I r f l V I l I i f V * theological graduate study for students desiring education as their life work, and equips its graduates to be successful Bible teachers in the local church and upon the mission field.
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