King's Business - 1962-08


SECRETARIES NOTE: If you cannot go to the mission field, the opportunity is yours to work for a Christian organization that is preparing young people for the mission field. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles has an opening for a qualified Christian secretary. W hy not put your talents to work for the Lord? Phone or Write: Bible Institute of Los Angeles 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, Calif. W Hitney 1-3224 GLENDALE READERS will find all o f their supply needs at THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM 121 West Wilson, Glendale, California — a pe rfect g ift — THE KING'S BUSINESS SACRED PIANO SOLOS "There's a Wideness in God's M ercy" "Blessed be the Fountain" "Sofe in the Arm s of Jesus" Classical arrangements. O riginal introductions. Rich hormonies. B rillian t cadenzas. Modulations. Chimés. Each 35c. A L L THREE FOR $1.00 post­ paid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER 13800 Biola Ave., La M irada, Calif. STUDY THE BIBLE IN YOUR OWN HOME Systematically Under qualified instructors E n r o l l N OW "Bible Foundation Course" ........$ 3.00 "Biblical Geography" (new course) 10.00 "Christ In The Tabernacle" Talbot ............................................. 6.50 "Fundamental Doctrines" Torrey 6.50 "God's Plan O f The Ages" Talbot 5.00 "M inor Prophets" (5 Units) Feinberg ...................................... 16.50 "Practical Bible Training" .......... 2.50 "Prophecies O f Daniel" Talbot .. 6.50 "Studies For New Christians" .... 1.00 "Studies In Romans" Talbot ........ 5.50 "Studies In The Gospels" ............ 6.50 "The Book O f A cts" ................... 3.50 "The Book O f Ephesians" Talbot 5.50 "The Book O f Revelation" Talbot 6.50 "The Cults" Talbot ....................... 6.50 Evangelical Teacher Training Course: 6 Units, Prelim inary Certificate $17.00 6 Units (plus 6 Units Preliminary Course) Advanced Certificate Course .........................................’ 17.00 Complete Information on other courses available upon request . . .

D r . J a m e s H. C h r is t ia n , dean of Biola College, has announced the appointment of several new fac­ ulty members for the new school, one of four affiliated with the half-cen- tury-old Bible Institute of Los Ange­ les, Inc. All appointments will be for the fall semester in September. Mr. Duane Wetzler will become assistant professor of language. Of the Baptist denomination, Mr. Wetzler is married and has his B. A. from the University of California at Berkeley in Latin American studies. His Mas­ ter of Arts was obtained from San Diego State College with his major in Spanish. He has done graduate work at the University of Salamanca (Spain) and is a candidate for the doctorate at Tulane University in New Orleans. He was formerly Dean of Men at Biola and is currently teaching at the University in Louisi­ ana. M r. W etzler Miss Reno Miss Cora A. Reno of Falconer, New York, will be joining the Biola fac- culty as assistant professor of science. She has written a very helpful vol­ ume, published by Moody Press, “ Evo­ lution: Fact or Theory.” Obtaining her Bachelor of Science from Wheaton College in education and a Master of Arts from the University of Michigan in Zoology, Miss Reno taught Biology at Wheaton for four years and West­ mont College for six. She has done both elementary and high school teaching. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Norman will both join the Biola College faculty in September, serving as Assistant Professors of Physical Education. Pres­ ently living in Oceanside, Mr. Nor­ man received his Bachelor of Science degree from Springfield College, and his Master of Arts from Ball State Teachers College in Physical Educa­ tion. He taught military subjects in the Marine Corps for three years and also has been instructing in physical education and in science on the high school level. His wife, Betty, received her Bachelor of Science degree from

Mrs. Norman M r. Norman Taylor University and her Master’s from Ball State Teachers College in counselling. For the past five years, she has been teaching and supervising athletic activities. Coming from Goshen, Indiana, Mr. Edwin L. Weaver will be assistant professor of English. With a Mennon- ite background, Mr. Weaver has a Bachelor of Arts from Goshen College and a Master of Arts in English from Northwestern University. He has been a teacher of English and German in various schools and colleges both in the United States and Canada. He has also taught in Ethiopia. Mr. Weaver is the author of “ Spiritual Lessons from Literary Masters” published by Zondervan and “ Holdeman Descend­ ants” published by Evangel Press. M r. Rose In a new faculty assignment will be Mr. Clarence (Terry) Rose, from Santa Rosa, California. Married, with one child, both Mr. and Mrs. Rose are graduates of Biola College where he received a Bachelor of Arts de­ gree. His Master’s was obtained from the San Francisco State College in counselling and guidance. He has had the privilege of preaching and teach­ ing for the past three years and will come as Counsellor, particularly for freshmen students. Those who have followed the ministry of B i o l a through the years, will perhaps re­ member Mr. Rose from his dynamic testimony. Although blinded during the Korean “ Pork Chop Hill” slaugh­ ter, Mr. Rose has been a source of blessing and encouragement to all who have known him, and is greatly used of God. M r. Weaver 1

I Name__________________________________ |

j City__________________Zone___State_______ i I BIOLA CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL I I Dept. kbs 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17 , Calif.- j



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