C l a s s i f i e d Ads 15 CENTS PER WORD — M IN IM UM $3.00 Two bedrooms, two double beds, kitchen, bath. Close to Seattle Fair. Clean. Mrs. O. Schau, 7531 - 23 N.W., Seattle 7, Washington. Rooms for Rent — Seattle: 1 Bedroom double $6.00 per night; 1 Single $4.00 breakfasts in cluded. Close to Fair. W rite Ellen Larson, 7541 23rd N.W. Seattle 7, Washington. Biola graduate. Christian Education King's Missionary Training Institute offers spe cialized training in Bible, liberal arts, radio, teaching, printing, nursing and mechanics. Train ing for missionary outreach may be found at the King's Garden. W rite: KMTI, Dept. K, King's Garden, Seattle 33, Washington.______________ . Music Correct and singable hymn music composed, ar ranged. edited and printed. Folders free.. Ray mond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. Bibles and Books Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — A ll Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 M ain Street, Hamburg, New York. Old Bibles rebound. A price, binding and style to meet, every need. A ll types of binding, rebinding. W rite for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Book binding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED — Any size library. Send list, or write for details. Baker Book douse. Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. REBIND OW N BIBLE— Easy, sim plified method— kits, cover, glue and sheets— material, instruc tions. Lexide cover, $1.95; Morocco, $5. State Bible size, U.S. Bible Bindery, Box 15051, Dallas 1, Texas. Witness with Scripture tracts, 100 assorted, 25c; 500 assorted, $ 1.00. Scripture Witness, 90 Coral Street, Paterson 2, N. J. JUNIOR SURPRISE OBJECT LESSONS. Free sam ple. Ten lessons complete, $2.00. A ll self-con tained. Arnold Westpnal, 1401 Ohio, Michigan City, Indiana. IT'S NEW!! TEACH ING TITHING TO TOTS AN D TEENS. Two flannelgraph lessons, 40 colored pictures, w ill adhere, full lesson material. $2.50 postpaid. Meers Publications, Dept. A , 1009 Fifth Avenue, Fort W orth 4, Texas. WITNESS W ITH TRACTS! 200 only $2.00. Beautiful, heart-touching, m issionaiy song Free with order. Rev. B illy Swaan, Ruskin, B.C., Can. Christian Homes Christian's Guest Home. Blind persons invited. 19802 Sherman Way, Canoga Park, California. Home for the aged, with emphasis on Christian fellowship and service. Twenty-four hour care. 1941 E. Center, Anaheim, California. PR 6-1951. Christian non-profit organization needs staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, com pensation. W rite P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11, Wash. Christian Institutions KING'S GARDEN — Faith — Service — Outreach for Christ. W rite for Free Brochures — You may help support this, world wide missionary training ministry. Simply write King's Garden, Dept. K, Seattle 33, Washington. Miscellaneous THE BEST BUY YET. ONE DOLLAR BUYS One Thousand Gummed Name and Address Labels. The labels with the thousand uses. Order today. Standard Specialties, Box 4382B, San prancisco 1, California. To identify yourself when writing advertisers, simply mention "King's Business."
Dr. A lfred A . Kunz, International Di rector of Pocket Testament League, has announced plans to carry out Scripture distribution campaigns in every country in South America. Pas- to, Colombia is the site of the first campaign, and official permission has been granted to hold meetings with thé university students. A local thea tre owner offered the use of his six theatres for student meetings, and arrangements have been made for the use of the largest Catholic auditorium in the city — without charge. James P. Davies, chairman of the mu sic department at St. Paul Bible Col lege, was guest lecturer at the sixth annual summer church music work shop at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago recently. Mr. Davies’ topic was “Music in Christian. Education.” He also demonstrated methods of chor al rehearsal. M r. Robert Carbaugh, di rector of Moody’s women’s glee club and handbell choir, conducted a class in the playing of handbells and the mechanics of a handbell choir rehears al. Vern Van Hovel, missionary with HC- JB, Quito, Ecuador, is the director of a men’s chorus known as “Voces An- dinas” (Andean Voices). Recently they presented an outstanding con cert in one of South America’s most
Dr. Lowell C. W endt, pastor of the Hope Union Church of Rosemead, California, presided at sessions of the 33rd annual national convention of the Independent F u n d a m e n t a i Churches of America which convened
I.F.C .A . C O N V EN TIO N DELEGATES on the Biola College La Mirada cam pus during June. More than 400 dele gates were registered representing over 100,000 members of individual ■churches. Dr. Joseph P. Free of Wheaton Col lege, Wheaton, Illinois, is now direct ing excavations dating to the time of King Solomon at the ancient city of Dothan, Jordan. Dr. Free and his staff are working in three main areas — in one, the remains of the city of King Solomon’s time are being uncovered, in the second, a building dating back to the successors of Alexander the Great is being uncovered, and in the third, excavation is being completed preparatory to going down to the level of the period of the Biblical judges. Dr. Nathan Bailey, president of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, and Rev. Tillman Habegger, president of the Missionary Church Association, have announced a proposed merger of the two churches. The name of the merged church would be The Mis sionary Alliance. Rev. Vernon Mortenson, General Di rector of The Evangelical Alliance Mission, has presented a call for 330 missionaries during the next five years. “This call for missionary re inforcements does not overlook the more urgent need for a multiplication of the number of witnessing national Christians.” James E. Draper has recently become the field director of the Alumni Asso ciation for the Moody Bible Institute. For the past five years he has been director of music and pastoral coun seling for the Radio Bible Class, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Mr. Draper will as sist in alumni rallies and summer conferences, direct the alumni broad cast, and supervise the work of the Alumni Placement Office.
famous hotels, the Hotel Quito. Sev eral hundred doctors, lawyers, musi cians and other outstanding citizens composed the select audience that re ceived with sincere delight and appre ciation the musical interpretations of this group. Rev. G ilbert W . Kirby, general secre tary of the Evangelical Alliance of England has been chosen to direct the London office of the World Evangeli cal Fellowship. Recently action was taken to move the headquarters from the United States to London, Eng land. The WEF general council is made up of delegates representing fellowships and associations of evan gelical churches in various parts of the world.
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