Sponsor a Korean Orphan Now caring fo r over 15,000 orphans, children o f lepers, deaf-mutes and blind, in our 149 TRUE CHRISTIAN, orphanages. But hundreds still have no sponsors. For only $8 a month you, your Sunday School class or other group can support a child and send him or her to school. You get the child’s name, picture, life story and mailing address; also the orphanage history and group picture. You can write or send parcels any time ■you wish. Replies are prompt and in English. Sponsors are THR ILLED and BLESSED with this personal
“ Vox Pop,” or Voice of the People is a column devoted to opinions of readers on various subjects. Ideas ex pressed should not be construed as necessarily reflecting the opinions of THE KING’S BUSINESS or of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. LEAVE CHURCH OR STAY All of my life I have been a member of the Methodist church, however, more and more it seems that the minis ter is changing his views on the great truths which have been held dear for so long. I do not know whether to leave the church, or to stay. A H of my life-long friends are here, and although I am not young anymore, yet there is still an influence for right which is needed. I would like to have my name withheld if you use my letter in Vox Pop. However, I would appreciate knowing how others have felt about this. Anaheim, California UNITED NATIONS COMMENT I was glad to see your new feature "Vox Pop." Concern ing the person who recently wrote in favor of the U. N., I urge him to check the rec ord. The U. N. has been an utter failure in keeping peace and stopping agression of dictators. In 1945, when the U. N. was organized there were 250 million people liv ing under Communism. After 15 years, one billion are un der the red flag. The U. N. is not an organi zation of free nations, but it is an organization which attempts to mix free nations and slave nations. This is im possible. You can not mix truth and error together and produce truth. By its total exclusion of God, the United Nations is atheistic. Daryl Palmer, Inglewood, California
contact. Many new sponsors are needed NOW. You can save a life, a soul, and help train a future Christian leader. Please write us TODAY . A ll g ifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. May we mail you our folder, “ Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans” ? TH E EVERETT SW ANSON EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, Inc. An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation Dept. K-82, 4848 No. Leonard, Chicago 31, Illinois Tel. GLadstone 6-6181 The Sword of the Lord (O ften C alled A m e rica 's Forem ost R evival W eekly) Edited by Evangelist John R. Rice
A fundamental, i n t e r - denominational w e e k l y Christian magazine. On every front page we say, “ Standing for the Ver bal Inspiration of the B i b l e , t h e Deity of Christ, His Blood Atone ment, Salvation by Faith, N e w Testament S o u l Winning and the Premil- lennial Return of Christ. Opposes M o d e r n i s m Worldliness and Formal ism.”
The Man Who Laughs at Eternal Hell-Fire
sermons by giants now gone: Spurgeon, Truett, Moody, Torrey, Talmage, Sunday, Chapman, Ironside, etc. sermons by greatest living soul winners: Drs. Lee Roberson, Jack Hyles, Bob Jones, R. G. Lee, Tom Malone, G. B. Vick, Monroe Parker, Rev. John Linton, Evangelist Robert Sumner, Paul Levin, recent examples, and regular sermons, Bible studies, Bible questions by the editor. stress on revival, on soul winning, more defense o f the faith, more on Holy Spirit power, on clean life. souls saved: over 11,000 to date have written to say they found Christ through THE SWORD OF TH E LORD sermons or through other literature by the editor.
Columns for Women, Evangelists, "Kids Korner," Illustrations, Bible Crossword Puzzles. Moderate, kindly but plain, sharp, scriptural, life-transforming.
Usually twelve big five column pages each week, tabloid size. Thousands of preachers, missionaries, and others read it in fifty states, ninety-one for eign countries. Accept Trial O ffer — Mail Your Subscription TODAY! Sample F R E E $3 a year 20 weeks' trial, $1
Dr. John R. Rice
Sword o f the Lord
Box 420-K, Wheaton, Illinois
AUGUST, 1962
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