King's Business - 1962-08


Southern Baptiste


The Crosroads

i / by Dr. S. H. Sutherland

“I appreciate STONY BROOK’S Full Athletic Program” says Morris Clark Ephrata, Pennsylvania Stony Brook offers excellent opportunities for outdoor sports. Teams in football, cross­ country, basketball, wrestling^ baseball, tennis, golf, and track are maintained at varsity, junior varsity and freshman levels. There is a nine-school Ivy League athletic schedule as well as a regular program of intra-mural sports. The gymnasium and two field houses are used for indoor sports. Twelve acres of athletic fields include three gridirons, two baseball diamonds, and a new quarter-mile cinder track. Christian Education at Stony Brook has real meaning. The atmosphere is wholesome without being pious. Boys are urged to live their lives in accordance with the will of God as set forth in Scripture. Bible Study is a major subject and is required of all students throughout the entire course. By maintaining a balance between reli­ gious, academic, and recreational activities,

From the time the Southern Baptists broke away from their Northern counterpart, the Southern Baptist Convention has been accepted everywhere as a bulwark o f fundamental Chris­ tianity. However, in the recent Southern Bap­ tist Convention at San Francisco, a rather dis­ turbing trend was noted. The issue which trig­ gered the controversy grew out of the appear­ ance o f a book entitled " The Message of Gene­ sis” , by a Dr. Ralph Elliott, professor at Mid Western Baptist Theological Seminary o f Kan­ sas City. As plainly expressed in this book, the author does not accept a literal interpretation of Genesis. The press has publicized this widely. The book has brought on a storm o f protest, both pro and con, within the Southern Baptist Convention. A leading voice in the protest against the book was that o f Dr. K. Owen White, Pastor of the First Baptist Church o f Houston, Texas. He offered a two-part motion. The first was that Baptists " Reaffirm their faith in the entire Bi­ ble as the authoritative, authentic, infallible Word of God.” This was passed by unanimous vote. The second part was worded as follows: " That we express our abiding and unchanging ob)ection to the dissemination of theological views in any o f our seminaries which would un­ dermine such faith in the historical accuracy and doctrinal integrity o f the Bible, and that we courteously request the trustees and administra­ tive officers o f our institutions and other agen­ cies to take such steps as shall be necessary to remedy at once those situations where such views now threaten our historic position.” This sec­ tion of the motion was finally adopted although approximately 20% o f the delegates voted against it. In the course o f the debate prior to the passage o f this second part o f Dr. White’s mo­ tion, a voice, apparently indifferent to the his­ toric and doctrinal position o f the Southern Bap­ tist Church, was heard lamenting that this whole THE KING'S BUSINESS

the School aim s at a harmony of purpose. By intelligent applica­ tion of this Christian program, in both administration and teach­ ing, Stony Brook is making a dis­ tinctive contribution to American education. D r . F rank E. G aebelein Headmaster For Catalogue and Information, write Director of Admissions, Dept. 80.

THE STONY BROOK SCHOOL Stony Brook, Long Island * N ew York

MONTANA INSTITUTE of the BIBLE Rt. 1, Box 156 Billings, Montana Rural-Biblical-Conservative 3-year Standard Courses Approved: VA and ETTA Know Your Bible—Write Us SIMON E. FORSBERG, President TRAINING WITH PURPOSE diversified. / accelerated / accredited NURSING— Courses for 4, *6 or 12 months. 12#ionth course qualifies graduate to take California State Board Examination and ob­ tain LV N degree, -Cjasses^start -in Septem- ; befjfand J O E N T IS T R Y -^ ‘ irionth fco^r&ei||\pproved by State of California Boar^-6% O lntaI Examin­ ers, Departrfteht of'iVocationaL and Profes­ sional Standards/ Offered one semester. ; Classes starM jj’a^ n u yy. i DISP ENSA R Y— 4 'm onth course^?Gives train­ ing in laboratory analysis a$d clinical prac­ tice. Instruction*®!® se H 43$* a dispensary.


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