Germany | Period: 2023-2024 | Sponsor: EIFO | Morten “Best Available Technology & Planning in BW” supports municipalities in Baden Württemberg with better heat planning.
Canada (Vancouver) | Period: 2023-2025 | Sponsor: IEA-DHC | Hanne “Can a sustainable DH business model be decisive for future competitiveness?” builds on a previous IEA-DHC project about Business models in 2050 and the work DBDH has been doing in North America. The principal objective of the project is to understand if the social dimension of sustainability can change the business models of DH companies and increase their competitiveness.
MEETINGS FOR MEMBERS o 6 December | Pia | DBDH Medlemsmøde at BROEN in Assens o February (date TBC) | Pia | Tour De Forsyning (location TBC) o 14 March | Pia | Generalforsamlig 2024, Carlsberg Byen o 14 March | Pia | Energipolitisk Konference 2024, Carlsberg Byen o May (date TBC) | Pia | Tour De Forsyning (location TBC) o June (date TBC) | Pia | DBDH medlemsmøde
HOT COOL EDITIONS Q1-Q2 2024 4 digital editions with 2 themes plus 1 Special Collection printed edition o ”New Heat Sources and RE-Technologies” - February and March o ”Heat Storage and the relation to Electric Networks” - April and May o ”Special Collection Edition I” - June
We invite our members and authors to suggest articles, podcasts, advertisement and webinars.
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