

Elastic limit - Themaximumstress which amaterial is capable of with- standingwithout anymeasurable permanent deformation. Electric ResistanceWelding - Process in forming structural tubing whereas an electric current is passed through thematerial toweld together without addingmaterial. Electroplating - Process inwhich ametal is bonded to another metal by electric current. Elongation - In tensile testing, themeasure of the increase in gauge length after the specimen is fractured. It is expressed as a percentage of original gauge length and indicates ductility. Extrusion - Shaping of metal into a continuous formby forcing it through a die or dies. Fatigue - The tendency for ametal to break under conditions of re- peated stressing, considerably below the ultimate tensile strength. Finish - Inmetals, it refers to the type of surface condition, or edge, that material has. Flange - The portion of a structural shape that is at a right angle to theweb. Forging - Ametal product which has been formed by hammering or pressing. Galvanizing - Process inwhich a coating of zinc is applied to steel. The result is greater resistance to oxidation (rust). Galvannealed - Sheet which has been coatedwith zinc and heated to achieve a corrosion resistant finish better suited for painting. Hardness - The ability of material to resist penetration. Heat number - Mill assigned number which identifies the batch of mate- rial for future identification. Heat number can be found onMTR. Heat treatment - A process inwhichmetal is heated in order to change properties or metallurgical structure. High Strength- LowAlloy - A specific group of steels with chemical compositions especially developed to impart higher mechanical properties and/ or improve atmospheric corrosion resistance (commonly knowas HSLA). Hot-rolled - Steel which the last process in forming (or finishing) is achieved at elevated temperatures. Typically the result is a slightly imperfect, porous surface. Impact Test - A standard test whichmeasures resistance to fracture (absorption of energy) at a specified temperature (see Charpy V-notch). Induced Camber - A curve or bend purposely induced into a beam to offset loads that will occur in use. Junior Beam - Type of Standard beamusually having lighter weight than its closest Standard beamsize. KSI - Abbreviation of stress per square inch (PSI). K equals 1000 PSI. (25 KSI = 25,000 PSI.) Leveling - The flattening of steel plates and sheets. • 800.542.2379


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