NSLHD News February 25

Preserving Hornsby’s history As the redevelopment of Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital takes shape, behind the scenes is a dedicated team working hard to preserve its history. With the hospital first delivering services in 1933, the site is steeped in history, which is why the hospital has set up an arts and cultural committee to look at how some of the artefacts can be kept. Redevelopment Transition Manager Adrienne Stern said many of the historic medical equipment, which used to be on display in the original entrance to the hospital, will again be displayed with the committee looking at new ways to showcase the material. “As much as we look forward to working in our new built- MEASURE ME MARCH Childhood overweight and obesity is a major public health issue, with more than one in four Australian children above a healthy weight. Without intervention it is said over 80 per cent of these children will go on to become adults who are overweight. Clinical staff in all areas where children present play a vital role in addressing this. NSLHD Clinical Director of the Children and Young People network Associate Professor Elisabeth Murphy said all children visiting NSW Health facilities – inpatient, outpatient and community settings – are required to have their growth assessed on a routine basis. “Clinicians must routinely

The previous main entrance to Hornsby Hospital

for-purpose buildings, we also want to make sure we preserve our hospital’s history,” Adrienne said. “We have thousands of photographs which we have discovered in our archives that we would like to find a way of displaying. “We hope to retain the sandstone columns that are outside the Lumby car park and we are also retaining the leadlight that was used in the windows at the former main entrance.” It is hoped the sandstone gate pillars from the 1930s, measure a child’s height and weight and enter the measurements into the electronic medical records at least once every three months,” she said. “This practice represents good clinical care and also allows intervention to occur early if the child’s growth trajectory is deviating away from a healthy weight.” Elisabeth said by routinely measuring a child’s height and weight staff can identify when a child is above or below a healthy weight, offer parents or carers advice, and if appropriate, refer the family to appropriate weight management services. “In an effort to improve measurement our therapy dog Herbie demonstrated just how easy it was to

with domed cement cap and ball domed plinths, at the original main entrance can be maintained and reused on the grounds. Visitors and patients will still be able to visit the sandstone chapel which was built in the 1930s. Also staying is the pair of lion statues made in 1944 as reminders of provision for British soldiers in Sydney during World War II and for their association with the maternity ward for 50 years from 1956 to 2006.

Herbie demonstrating a height and weight measurement

do a height and weight measurement – even if you have four legs!” she said. For more information, please visit http://intranet. nslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/ ClinicalNet/ClinicalNetworks/ CYF/Pages/Childhood- Obesity.aspx or contact Catherine.jones3@health.nsw. gov.au



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