Neck pain can be both debilitating and terrifying. When you experience an injury that leaves your neck in severe pain, the thought of not being able to freely turn your head is overwhelmingly stressful. What’s more, the pain itself is unbearable, and since the neck is so sensitive to injury, it is important to be as careful as possible in finding treatment and solutions for the pain.
Center for Physical Therapy and Exercise CPTE
Is Your Neck Pain Caused by Sleep Issues?
There is one more factor that often is not spoken about, but it’s a frequent causeofneckpainanddiscomfort:sleeping issues.Sometimes,sleeping in a certain position or sleeping on a mattress or pillow that is too soft or too hard will lead to neck pain. Oftentimes, this pain will appear to be chronic, as the sleeping issue is likely something that you experience day after day, causing the pain to return regularly. Itmaybehelpful toruleoutsleepingconcernsasareasonbehindyourneck painbyassessingyoursleepingconditionsandmakinganychangesthatyou thinkmaybenecessary.Adjusthowmanypillowsyousleepon, theposition you sleep in or even your mattress!
Adjust your body temperature. Hop into a cold shower before your workout. Studies show that a pre-exercise cool down improves performance in the heat — probably because it lowers your heart rate as well as core and skin temperatures. Get the dirt. Try to walk, run, or cycle on dirt or gravel paths, since asphalt and concrete tend to radiate heat and reflect the sun’s rays, making you feel hotter. Live near water? Take advantage of the breeze on even steamy days; if possible, start out with the wind at your back, so when you’re finishing you’ll be running into a headwind, which feels cooler. Cool down with essential oils. Dabbing a few drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil on the back of your neck and at your temples just before your workout provides a cooling effect and also opens up your nasal passages, so you can breathe a little easier when the air is humid.
Summarize your intervals. To keep your fitness level up, do your regular cardio at a slightly slower pace, but add in 30-second speed bursts every three to five minutes. You’ll maintain your conditioning and burn more calories without having to go all-out the entire time. Refuel with fruit. They’re more than 80 percent water, so fruits such as grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew are a tasty way to replenish fluids and boost your energy post- workout. Keep them frozen or grind them into a smoothie for a refreshing treat! Put the cool factor back into your workout routine with these tricks this summer! Always remember to stay hydrated and listen to your body to avoid dehydration or stressing any muscles.
To get started with putting an end to your neck pain, contact us today!
Relieve Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing neck pain.
Stretches Neck
LEVATOR SCAPULAE STRETCH Grasp your arm on the affected side and tilt your head down- ward into the armpit. Use your opposite hand to guide your head further into the stretch.
Exercisescopyrightof Always consultyourphysical therapistorphysicianbefore startingexercisesyouareunsureofdoing.
Patient Success Spotlight
Sprains are an injury to a ligament that is overstretched or torn because of anabruptpullorexcessivemovement to the joint. Sprainsaremoreprone tohappennear the joints like theankle,knee,wrist,andelbows.Strains,by contrast,occurwhenamuscle istornoroverstretchedresulting inatearing ofthetendonormuscle. Strainsare likelytohappen in largemusclegroups (neck, back, quads, hamstrings, and shoulder). FAST FACTS ON SPRAINS AND STRAINS Grade1 “mild”sprainorstrainwithafewmuscleor ligament/tendonfibers stretchedortorn. The injuredareawillbetenderandpainfulwithpossible mild muscle spasms and inflammation and usually heals quickly with prompt intervention and therapeutic exercise. Grade II sprain or strain will have more moderate (partial) tearing of the muscle or ligament/tendon fibers, but fibers remain intact. The area will be very tender and painful with swelling, bruising,and muscle spasms Therewillbe lossofstrengthanddifficultymoving. Inaddition toprompt intervention, immobilization may be necessary to accelerate healing. Grade III and worst grade consists of complete tearing of the muscle, tendon, or ligament resulting in a loss of function in the injured limb and joint instability. It is very painful and the injured person will be unable to perform normal tasks. Prompt assessment and diagnosis is essential to determine the best course of treatment, which may include surgery. Sprains and strains are categorized according to severity:
“I not only finished the Marathon pain free, my time was 20 minutes faster than my goal.” “I was training for the Boston Marathon and developed hip pain as my mileage increased. I took advantage of CPTE’s free injury assessment and discovered that my gait was wrong and it added stress to my hip joint. With 8 weeks to go, I started physical therapy with Dave. He did a great job in calming my hip pain and modifying my gait so I was running more efficiently. I not only finished the Marathon pain free, my time was 20 minutes faster than my goal. Dave and his staff were professional, friendly, and encouraging. I enjoyed the experience and looked forward to each therapy session. It was clear that every other patient in the clinic felt the same way I did. I recommend CPTE to everyone!”
Initial Care for a Sprain or Strain
The earlier a thorough assessment is performed and appropriate care initiated, the quicker the recovery will be. A Simple guideline for self management until assessment can be conducted is PRICE.
- J. Desmond
P= Protection from further injury. Brace, splints, crutches
R= Rest
I= Ice shouldbeappliedassoonaspossibleafter injuryfor10-20minutes (over 20-30 minutes can cause skin damage.) every 2 to 3 hours. C=Compression upto24hours–pressureshouldbemildandcomfortable NOTTIGHT. Remove at night E= Elevation - raise the body part above your heart. Avoid HARM– Heat, Alcohol, Running, Deep Massage for 72 hours. Rule: If you can’t walk more than 3 steps, can’t move the joint, or have numbness in any part of the injury area you should seek immediate medical care. To receive prompt care of a possible Sprain or Strain, call CPTE for a Free InjuryScreeningtodeterminethe levelofthesprainorstrainandappropriate follow-up care. (603-880-0448).
• 7 c loosely packed baby arugula • 2 c red grapes, halved • 2 tbsps toasted sunflower seed • 1tsp chopped fresh thyme • 1/4tsp salt • 1/4tsp ground black pepper
INGREDIENTS • 3 tbsps red wine vinegar • 1tsp honey • 1tsp maple syrup • 1/2tsp stone-ground mustard • 2 tsp grapeseed oil
DIRECTIONS Combine vinegar, honey, syrup, and mustard in a small bowl. Gradually addoil,stirringwithawhisk.Combinearugula,grapes,seeds,and thyme in a large bowl. Drizzle vinegar mixture over arugula; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Toss gently to coat.
Center for Physical Therapy and Exercise CPTE
Neck pain can be both debilitating and terrifying. When you experience an injury that leaves your neck in severe pain, the thought of not being able to freely turn your head is overwhelmingly stressful. What’s more, the pain itself is unbearable, and since the neck is so sensitive to injury, it is important to be as careful as possible in finding treatment and solutions for the pain. It is incredible to realize how common neck pain is — especially among American adults! More than two-thirds of U.S. adults will develop neck pain at least once in their life, and the reasons for the neck pain are as varied as the population of the nation itself. Injury, muscle strain and even stress can cause significant pain in the neck and upper back. If you aren’t careful, a neck injury can lead to chronic pain, and it is even possible for chronic headaches like migraines to develop as a result of regular neck pain. There are a lot of different ways that you can relieve neck pain, but the best treatment for
your personal needs depends entirely on the type of injury that you’ve experienced. Here is a quick breakdown of what could be going on to cause your neck pain: If your pain is developing gradually over time and is not the result of any particular injury that comes to mind, then it may be a result of degenerative disc disease. When this develops, you may experience chronic neck pain as a result of fluid-filled sacs that are becoming weakened over time as a result of stress and strain. Physical therapycanhelpalleviate thepain from degenerative disc disease by helping restore blood circulation and improve range of motion in the neck. This therapy is approached in a careful and deliberate way so as to not cause further pain in the neck region. Sometimes, neck pain develops after a particular injury, such as due to athleticism or even as a result of a car accident or a slip and fall accident. When this happens, your pain could be a result of a muscle strain or sprain. When this is the case, then using
traditional methods like hot and cold therapy and targeted physical therapy treatment can do a lot of good to alleviate the pain. However, attempting exercises on your own could also result in further pain. In some cases, mechanical neck pain can develop as a result of a change in the neck joints. This may develop as a result of a disc collapsing, which causes the space between the bones to become narrow, often causing bones to strike one another, resulting in pain. When this isn’t addressed, mechanical neck pain can spread, causing the pain to become more severe and covering a wider range of the neck. Finally, neck pain is sometimes caused by radiculopathy, which refers to pressure or irritation in the nerves of the neck, which alters the electrical signals in the neck, causing you to feel more pain throughout the day. Physical therapy can help reduce the pressure and irritation surrounding the nerves, often offering immediate relief from pain and discomfort.
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