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S C I EN C E A N D M A T H EM A T I C S Major: Lower Division Requirements-Biological Science 201, 202. Upper Division Requirements-307, 401, 402, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408. Minor: Lower Division Requirements - Chemistry 105, 106. Upper Division Requirements-Chemistry 301, 302, 402. 200. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE SURVEY. (5) Basic principles of biology. Morphology, physiology, and life histories of representative plants, invertebrates, and verte brates. Designed to meet the general education requirement. Not open to biological science majors. Four hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Laboratory fee: $15. A survey of living invertebrates and the basic principles by which they exist. The entire systems of a few representative species emphasized. Three hours of lecture, one three hour laboratory session. Laboratory fee: $15. 201. GENERAL ZOOLOGY (INVERTEBRATES). (4) A comprehensive study of each class given, with emphasis on the systems. Three hours lecture, one three hour labora tory session. Laboratory fee: $15. General bacteriology, medical bacteriology, sanitary bacteri ology, rickettsia, virus, fungus, and the pathogenic protozooa. Taxonomy, sterilization procedures, biochemical reactions and microscopic as well as macroscopic recognition empha sized in the laboratory. Three hours lecture, two sessions of laboratory, one and one half hour each. Laboratory fee: $15. 202. GENERAL ZOOLOGY (VERTEBRATES). (4) 203. MICROBIOLOGY. (4) The systematic study of the basic structures and function of the human body. Five hours lecture, one three hour labora tory session. Laboratory fee: $15. 204. HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. (6)
Life histories, structure, and physiology of plants. hours lecture, one three hour laboratory session. Laboratory fee: $15.
The anatomical, chemical, physical, and physiological func tions of cells. Four hours lecture, one three hour laboratory session. Laboratory fee: $15.
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