
Biola Bible College un The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

“ Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven”




Register of officers, teachers, and students for the year 1952-1954; General announcements, courses of instruction, and requirements for admission.

T h e B ib l e I n s t it u t e of L os A n g e l e s , I n c . 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California

Member of the collegiate division of the Accrediting Association of Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges; Approved by the National Office of Higher Education, Washington, D. C.; Authorized to train students under the G. I. Bill of Rights; Authorized under the State of California to grant appropriate Collegiate and Theological degrees, includ­ ing A. B. and Th. B.; Member of the Evangelical Teachers;’ Training Association.

tr oducing d 3 io la d rib le (d o lle ge The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, was founded in 1908 as a school exclusively for the study of the Bible, offering a two year course of study. Since that time, the work of the school has expanded to include the Biola Bible College, offering the B.A. degree with majors in Bible, Christian Education, Education, Music, Social Science, English and Speech, and Philosophy. It includes, also, the postgraduate School of Missionary Medicine, and the standard three-year Talbot Theological Seminary, which grants the B. D. degree to its graduates.

Its Work

Its Educational Standing

Credit for secular courses has been granted provisional acceptance by the University of California (either at Berkeley or Los Angeles) on the basis of equivalency; such credit becomes permanent when the transferring student has completed satisfactorily one semester of not less than twelve units of work. Membership in the collegiate division of the Accrediting Association of Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges gives academic recognition among schools of like standing throughout the country. The New York State Department of Education has officially recognized and approved the acceptance of credits earned in the Asso­ ciation’s collegiate division schools, on the basis of equivalency. The Biola Bible College accepts the fundamentals of the Christian faith as its doctrinal basis and seeks to train young people not only intellect­ ually but also spiritually for the task of aggressive evangelism. Students of Biola Bible College are selected on the basis of recommended character, purpose, sincerity, and ability. They come from forty states and eleven foreign countries, drawn together by a common zeal for the Word of God. The Faculty consists of a group of men and women who are interested in the spiritual as well as the intellectual growth of the students. They are here, first of all, because they have heard God’s call to teach * and they bring to Biola Bible College dedicated scholarship and years of both training and experience. The graduates of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, circle the globe on mission fields and in other places of Christian leader­ ship. The plan and purpose for the future is to continue to train those who will carry the message of Christ’s gospel to the ends of the earth. Living expenses and incidental expenses are kept at the lowest figure possible. A large percentage of the students are partially self-supporting and there are many opportunities for work. The school is within six blocks of the center of downtown Los Angeles, easily accessible to all the main transportation facilities of the city. Not only is this location favorable to employment, but this “crossroads of humanity” gives ample opportunity for personal work and other expressional activities in giving out the Gospel.

Its Standards

Its Students

Its Faculty

Its Outlook

Its Costs

Its Location


1953 F E B R U A R Y 6

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FALL SEMESTER September 3, 1952 -January 23, 1953 September 3-4

Registration Convocation Classes begin Final day of registration Thanksgiving recess Christmas recess Final examinations Torrey Memorial Bible Conference

September 5 September 8 September 19 November 27-28 December 8-January 2

January 12-16 January 18-25

SPRING SEMESTER January 26 June 2, 1953

January 26-27 January 28 January 29 February 13 April 6-10 April 12-19 May 22-27 May 27-June 1

Registration Convocation Classes begin Final day of Easter recess Missionary Rally


Senior examinations Final examinations Senior Retreat Alumni Day Baccalaureate Sunday Class Day Commencement

May 28 May 29 May 31 June 1 June 2

SUMMER SCHOOL June 15 - July 24, 1953 FALL SEMESTER September 9, 1953 -June 1, 1954 September 9-10

Registration Convocation Classes begin Final day of registration Thanksgiving recess Christmas recess Final examinations Torrey Memorial Bible

September 11 September 14 September 25 November 26-27 December 14-January 1

January 11-15 January 17-24


SPRING SEMESTER January 25 - June 1, 1954

January 25-26 January 27 January 28 February 12 April 19-23 April 25-May 2 May 21-26 - May 26-June 1

Registration Convocation Classes begin Final day of registration Easter recess Missionary Rally Senior examinations Final examinations Senior Retreat Alumni Day Baccalaureate Sunday Class Day Commencement

May 27 May 28 May 30 May 31 June 1

SUMMER SCHOOL June 14 - July 23, 1954 5


Correspondence should be directed to The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incor­ porated, 5S8 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. DR. LOUIS T. TALBOT, President Questions of administrative policies or doctrinal standards, and radio ministry. DR. SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND, Dean Academic administration. DR. JAMES H. CHRISTIAN, Registrar Prospective students, requests for catalogs or admission blanks, transcripts, evalua­ tion of credits, and records. MRS. GEORGE BOEHMER, Superintendent of Women Dormitory room assignments, student aid, employment, financial, or other problems relative to enrollment. Superintendent of Men Problems concerning veterans’ status, employment, dormitory room assignments. DR. WILLIAM ORR, Extension Department Student sponsorship plan, advertising and publicity material. MR. C. HAROLD CHRISMAN, Director, Department of Christian Service Deputation teams, students for Sunday School teaching and church work in Los Angeles metropolitan area, for Daily Vacation Bible School and summer conferences, for placement of alumni in Christian work. MISS LEONIE V. SOUBIROU, Director of the School of Missionary Medicine Information relative to the medical facilities of the College. DR. HERBERT G. TOVEY, Director of the School of Sacred Music Requests for choir directors, church pianists, or musical groups: trios, quartets, stringed ensemble, glee clubs, band. In addition to the above-named officials, the following schools affiliated with the College have the same mailing address: T AT.ROT THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, Director SCHOOL OF MISSIONARY MEDICINE, Miss Leonie Soubirou, Director BIBLE IN STITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Dean



In 1906 “ The Fisherman’s Club,” which combined Bible Study and sdul-winning, was organized for the young men of the Immanuel Presbyterian Church by Rev. T. C. Horton, assistant pastor. The following year, Mr. D. H. Steele, an elder of the same church and manager of a department store, requested Mrs. Horton to open a Bible class for the young women employed in his store, offering a large room for the purpose. This group was named “The Lyceum Club” and grew to include other young women besides the employees of the one store. These two large clubs of young people presented the challenge of further study and training. The Bible Institute idea was not entirely new; as early as 1901, Mr. Lyman Stewart, a Christian layman with a zeal for the Lord’s service and an almost prophetic eye to the future, had planned for such a school in Los Angeles. Now, in response to an immediate need, Mr. Stewart and Mr. Horton became co-founders of the Bible Institute of Los Angles. In the fall of 1907, through the -.cooperation of Rev. A. B. Pritchard, pastor of Central Presbyterian Church, some classes were held in the lecture room of that chiirch. It soon became evident that more space was needed, and after several weeks spent in search of a building, a location was secured on South Main Street, not ideal, but the best that could then be obtained. On February 25, 1908, a meeting was called to effect a permanent organization. At this meeting the following persons were elected as officers: Lyman Stewart, Presi­ dent; A. B. Pritchard, Vice-President; T. C. Horton, Superintendent; R. A. Hadden, Associate Superintendent; B. C. Atterbury, Secretary; and Leon V. Shaw, Treasurer. There was a rapid development of the school. Messrs. Horton, Hadden, and Pritchard formed the Faculty and took up the teaching work. From the beginning, the school was evangelistic in character. Shop meetings were taken over and conducted, Bible Women’s work was organized, a work among Jews was commenced, as was also Spanish Mission work and work among the men of the oil fields, and Extension classes were organized in the city and surrounding towns. In 1911 the Board of Directors decided upon an advance movement and called Dr. R. A. Torrey as Dean. Dr. Torrey entered upon his duties in January, 1912. In order to meet the enlarging needs and to provide a more suitable and permanent home for the school, a new site was purchased at Sixth and Hope Streets and a building was erected, ground for which was broken on June 22, 1912; and the building was dedicated the following year. Dr. Torrey continued as Dean until 1924, when he again entered the evangelistic field. Owing to the growth of the school and the increase of responsibility thereby entailed, a reorganization was effected and the work divided: a President to care for 7

the administrative aspect, and a Dean to handle the educational phases, working under the Board of Trustees. Dr. I.ouis T. Talbot is the present President of the school and Dr. S. H. Sutherland, Dean. Legally known as The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, this institution -—with true pioneer spirit—hits taken forward steps in the field of Christian education by strengthening its courses materially. In 1936 the Institute applied for and received State authorization for the conferring of certain degrees. Three four-year courses were then organized leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Theology, Bachelor of Christian Education, and Bachelor of Sacred Music. In 1943, under authority of the State of California, the Board of Trustees of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles established the Bible Theological Seminary of Los Angeles. This move was made in order to provide proper recognition for those students who were doing work of seminary level. In 1945, in an effort to extend the missionary training program of the Bible Institute, the School of Missionary Medicine was brought into being. This postgraduate year is offered to graduates of Bible schools, seminaries, and colleges as supplementary training for missionary work and is open to graduates of any school who qualify in the spiritual, intellectual, and missionary requirements that are outlined. In the summer of 1949 another forward step was taken when, in response to repeatedly stated needs of mission hoards and Christian leaders, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., increased its faculty and enlarged its curriculum to include a Bible College with courses leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree. The most recent expansion occurred in 1952 when, in response to the challenge to keep Christian education in step with world missionary and evangelistic demands, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., inaugurated its standard three-year Theological Seminary with a course leading to the Bachelor of Divinity degree. This expansion is in line with the theological and spiritual standards of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., and is a logical development in the direction demanded by mission hoards and by the evangelical work of the Church of Jesus Christ at large.


“Our Bible Institute was conceived in prayer , founded by faith, and established through sa c r i f ic e ................ ”

—Lyman Stewart.

LYMAN STEWART, co-founder with M r . ' Horton of BIOLA, became its first President, holding that office until his death in 1923. He gave largely and sacrificially of his means, not only to BIOLA, but to many other worthy enterprises. The Bible Institute in Changsha, Hunan, China, was founded largely through his interest and gifts.


T. C. HORTON, one of the founders of BIOLA, held the office of Superintendent until 1925. He was the first editor of The King’s Business , and the organizer of the Fishermen Clubs. The various home missionary activities of the Institute were largely the outgrowth of his intense missionary zeal.


R. A. TORREY, world-renowned evangelist, Bible teacher, and author, became Dean of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles in 1912. In 1915, when the Church of the Open Door was organized, Dr. Torrey became its first pastor. He served in this twofold capacity until his resignation in 1924.










SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND— Dean, JAMES H. CHRISTIAN— Registrar MATILDA L. BOEHMER— Superintendent of Women Superintendent of Men LEONIE V. SOUBIROU— Medical Director IONE LOWMAN— Librarian BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION JAMES R. ALLDER— Business Manager

J. RUSSELL DAYIS —Assistant Business Manager LOUIS T. TALBOT— Editor, King’s Business WILLIAM W. ORR— Director of Promotion; Associate Editor, King’s Business MRS. BETTY BRUECHERT— Managing Editor, King’s Business EUGENE POOLE— Director, Field Department R. BRUCE BAILEY CHRISTINA J . BRASKAMP T. E. ELGIN JACK FINDLEY


For almost half a century, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, has stood for the proclamation of the Gospel that “ Jesus Saves,” and for the training of messengers who carry that Gospel. . . . And from the halls of Biola, the heart of a great missionary energy, students have gone, and continue to go, to the uttermost part of the earth to make Christ known.


We believe and teach That the Bible, consisting of all the books of the Old and New Testaments, is the Word of God, a supernaturally given revelation without error or misstatement in moral and spiritual teachings and record of historical facts. That there is one God, eternally existing and manifesting Himself to us in three Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. That our Lord Jesus Christ was supernaturally conceived by the Power of the Holy Spirit, horn of a virgin, lived and taught and wrought mighty works and wonders and signs exactly as is recorded in the four Gospels, was put to death by crucifixion under Pontius Pilate, was raised from the dead in the body that had been nailed to the cross, now sits at the Father’s right hand from whence He is coming again personally, bodily, and visibly to this earth to inaugurate His millennial reign. That in His pre-existent state He was with God and was God, and of His own choice laid aside His divine glory and took- upon Himself the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men. That He became in every respect a real man, possessed of all the essential character­ istics of human nature. That by His death upon the cross, the Lord Jesus Christ made a perfect atonement for sin, redeeming us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse in our place. That the Holy Spirit is a Person, is God, and is possessed of all the distinctively divine attributes; He indwells all believers, having baptized them into the body of Christ at the time of regeneration. That man was created in the image of God, but the whole human race fell in the sin of the first Adam, and apart from Christ is spiritually dead and lost. That men are justified on the simple and single ground of the shed blood of Christ and upon the simple and single condition of faith in Him who shed the blood, and are born again by the Holy Spirit, through the instrumentality of the Word of God. That all those who receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour and their Lord, and who confess Him as such before their fellow men become heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ and at death their spirits depart to be with Christ in conscious blessed­ ness, and at the second coming of Christ their bodies shall be raised and trans­ formed into the likeness of the body of His Glory. That all those who persistently reject Jesus Christ in the present life shall be raised from the dead and throughout eternity exist in a state of conscious and endless torment. That the Church consists of all those who, in this present dispensation, truly believe on Jesus Christ and is the body and bride of Christ, which Christ loves and for which He has given Himself. That there is a personal devil, a being of great cunning who can exert vast power only so far as God suffers him to do so, and who shall ultimately be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone. — Abridged. Every member of the Board of Trustees and every teacher is required to sign the unabridged form of this statement of faith the first of every school year. 13

INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHARACTER OF BIOLA BIBLE COLLEGE Biola Bible College is an interdenominational training school which is thoroughly committed to the proclamation of the great historic doctrines of the Christian Church. It is not sympathetic in the least with modern-day theological trends which present neo-orthodoxy but definitely affirms the historic orthodoxy and earnestly endeavors to make these great doctrinal truths a vital reality in the spiritual life of this present generation. THE CORPORATION The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, has been granted in its charter by the State of California very broad powers of educational service, as will be seen by the following quotation from the Consolidation Agreement of 1936: “The purposes for which the consolidated corporation is formed are: (a) To estab­ lish, equip, conduct and maintain, for the instruction and training of Christian men and women in the knowledge of the AVord of God and in effective service for Christ, an institution or institutions to be used, conducted and maintained as a college and seminary of learning of collegiate grade, (b) To create and establish a college for the purpose of giving theological education, and such other instruction as may be needful and advantageous in preparing and qualifying ministers and other persons for Christian work, and the Board of Trustees and Faculty shall be authorized to confer upon any student of said college, or any other person, any of the degrees usually conferred by theological seminaries, or other degrees arising from its course of studies, and exercise all powers, rights and duties appertaining to theological seminaries provided for or authorized under the laws of the State of California.” It will be observed from this that the future necessary development of the Insti­ tution was envisioned by the Board, and that present trends, as representing greater educational demands on the part of missionary boards, Christian education leaders, etc., was anticipated and provided for. THE OBJECT OF BIOLA BIBLE COLLEGE In a philosophy which suggests that we live in a universe that came about by chance among fellow human beings who are also the result of a biological inadvertance, it is hard to discover any cosmic implications or ultimate goals. The Christian viewpoint is, and always has been, that there is a divine purpose and a divine future event toward which creation moves. Biola is committed to this interpretation of the universe because it is the only one that offers a satisfying solution to life. Biola Bible College seeks to equip its students with a thorough knowledge of the Bible, to train them in its effective use in all types of Christian activities, to foster the development of the spiritual life and character of the students, and to provide them 14

with an adequate cultural background. A constant effort is exerted to graduate young men and women who reveal by their lives those traits which are characteristic of a mature Christian. The College aims to send forth men and women who express through their lives at least the following characteristics: 1. Genuine and thorough consecration. 2. Christlike love for men and a desire for their salvation. 3. A comprehensive knowledge of the Word of God, with ability to use it in leading men to Christ, and with wisdom to teach it to believers that they may grow in grace. 4. Untiring energy and willingness to “ endure hardness” as good soldiers of Jesus Christ. 5. Enduement with power by the filling with the Holy Spirit. 6. A thorough academic training and sound scholarship. FOR WHOM INTENDED The goal and watchword of the Bible Institute from the beginning of its existence has been SERVICE. It was founded for the training of those who wish to serve; therefore, it attracts those who have a desire to know God’s Word in its entirety, who are willing to follow the will of God for their lives, who wish to have the tools of effective service in the modern world, and who wish to earn an academic degree in a curriculum designed especially for the Christian worker. Specifically, those who will profit most from training in Biola Bible College may be classified in seven groups: 1. High school graduates who desire Bible college training in an atmosphere of firm Christian belief and Christian service. 2. Young men who are called of God into the ministry of His Word. 3. Young men and women who are called of God to the foreign mission field. 4. Young people desiring to train for the educational work of the church; e.g., service as Pastor’s Assistant, Director of Christian Education, and workers with children and young people. 5. Those preparing to work as evangelists, evangelistic singers, choir directors, Sunday School workers, church visitors, superintendents of city missions, and as leaders in other Christian institutions. 6. Men already in the ministry and missionaries at home on furlough who feel the need of a more thorough and usable knowledge of the English Bible. 7. Men and women who are called to service as educators. STANDARDS OF CONDUCT The standard of conduct of a Biola Bible College student is expected to be the highest Christian standard, and the rule by which he lives, the conscious striving for God’s approval and the conscious protection of his Christian testimony. 15

Specifically, there are certain practices which are contrary to the standards of Biola Bible College, and from which, therefore, all students are to refrain as long as they are in school: the use of alcoholic beverages or tobacco, attendance at commercial theatres, dancing, the use of playing-cards, and gambling in any form. BUILDINGS The building which houses The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, is a three-unit structure occupying nearly a quarter block. The north and south units are thirteen stories in height, with approximately twenty-five rooms on each floor. The south unit, known as Lyman Stewart Hall, contains the women’s dormitory, which occupies nine of the thirteen floors and accommodates 400 women. The first floor is occupied by the offices and studios of the Department of Sacred Music; the second floor contains classrooms; the sixth and seventh floors are occupied by faculty offices; and the tenth floor is devoted to the School of Missionary Medicine and the school Infirmary and Dispensary. The central unit contains the Auditorium, at present owned by the Church of the Open Door and used for their public meetings, and above the rear of the auditorium, a social hall, and the Library. The facilities of this unit are also used for classrooms. The north unit at the present is leased by the Willard Hotel Company and operated as a public hotel, but six floors are used as a men’s dormitory. On the first floor are the Business and Publications Departments, and on the second floor are the offices of the Superintendent of Men. BOOK ROOM The school operates the Biola Book Room, a fully-stocked Christian Book Store handling the textbooks used in the classes of the various departments of the school, Bibles, Christian books of all publishers, tracts, Sunday School and Church supplies, rewards and novelties, sacred records, stationery, and greeting cards. LIBRARY FACILITIES The College Library at present contains more than 20,000 volumes. The reading room is commodious and adequate, and books are easily accessible. The book stock includes bound volumes of periodicals, a Braille stock of 287 titles, 52 records, etcetera. There are 680 pamphlets in the library together with representative periodicals. In addition to this, there are a special Bible exhibit of old and foreign Bibles and a taber­ nacle model. The Library is catalogued on the Dewey Decimal System and shelved on the Cutter System. The Library has access to the vast Los Angeles Public Library collection through inter-library loans. The College Library has three projectors, besides flannelgraph and visual material and about 500 musical records of sacred, concerto, and symphonic material. The staff includes, besides the Librarian, five assistants. The School of Missionary Medicine Library is located in Room 908 B. This Library now has 1,040 medical volumes. The students in the School of Missionary Medicine are given free access to the Los Angeles County Medical Association Library. 16

FIELD DEPARTMENT The staff of the Field Department performs the inconspicuous hut important task of familiarizing church organizations, communities, and countless homes of Ghristian folk in general with the activities of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated. Along with their task of bringing the financial needs of the School to the Christian public, it is their desire to sow the seed and to enlist prayer support. Contacts by these workers have proved to be a means of recruiting new students for Biola as well as providing for those who are already here. The members of the Field Department and their areas of service are Eugene Pool, Director, beach area from Santa Monica to San Diego; B. Bruce Bailey and T. E. Elgin, Glendale, Burbank, and San Fernando Valley; Miss Christina Braskamp, Pasadena and Altadena; Jack Findley, entire western section of greater Los Angeles and five counties north of Los Angeles; Carlton Null, the state of Oregon; Paul Pietsch, eastern part of Los Angeles County; John Thomas, northern part of California; and Hay Weiskopf, entire eastern section of greater Los Angeles and the city of Long Beach SUMMER SCHOOL Each year The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, conducts a six weeks’ Summer School in which members of the regular faculty serve as instructors. College credit is granted upon satisfactory completion of college courses. The regular academic entrance requirements apply to those who enroll during the summer for college courses. In addition to the college courses are some from the Bible Ins'itute and the Talbot Theological Seminary. Those to whom the Summer School especially appeals include the following: pastors who desire to take refresher courses, Christian education workers, choir directors, Sunday School teachers, secular high school teachers, college students, high school students, and many others who wish to spend a purposeful and profitable vacation time of spiritual enrichment. CONFERENCE PROGRAM Three great conferences are held by The Bible Institute of Los Angeles Incor­ porated, within each school year. In January the Torrey Memorial Bible Conference a feast of good things from the Word of- God, with speakers selected from all parts of the country, is held m honor of the founders of the Bible Institute, Dr. R. A. Torrey being tne lirst Dean. . & At Easter the School cooperates with the Church of the Open Door in a great Missionary Conference with returned missionaries and missionary leaders as speakers displav W h Sbeat e)Y“ gellCal. miS8ionS are ^presented, a special feature H the display booths where slides, motion pictures, and curios representing the various fields ™ «,tr * « * «id * ¡» „ i w » „

. . . . »«.wood H 9 m ite San Francisco. For a week in August this snDndid MM H

,1 • . . „ souto oi inis splendid spo„ ahords inspiration for the soul 17


as well as recreation for the body through the Biola Bible Conference, which is for all ages. Speakers include members of the faculty and visiting pastors. A Bible conference for young people of high school and college age is held annually during one week in Ju ly at Hume Lake, located in the heart of the high Sierras in central California, and surrounded by mountain peaks which tower ten to twelve thousand feet. This beautiful spot, in the midst of a stately forest of pine and redwood trees, provides an ideal place where young people may go to receive inspiration, in­ struction in the Word of God, and wonderful fellowship with others of like mind. The conference is held under the auspices of the faculty of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. It provides an excellent opportunity for incoming students to the vBible College to meet, personally, faculty members and student leaders. These contacts have proved to be very advantageous to all such students. In addition to these The Bible Institute o f . Los Angeles, Incorporated, offers the services of the Extension Department to hold conferencs in various churches and city­ wide meetings. Members of the Faculty constitute the speakers in these gatherings. EXTENSION AND RADIO An ever increasing ministry of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, is its Extension Department. Perhaps the largest arm of the Extension Division is that of the Radio Ministry. Under the able leadership of Dr. Louis T. Talbot, the Radio Ministry has become known far and wide, both in Southern California and along the Pacific Coast. At the present time Dr. Talbot conducts daily a widely heard verse-by- verse Bible teaching radio program. Over one of the large networks a Biola Gospel program is heard three times weekly. This broadcast reaches listeners in the five Western States and in Western Canada. Local conferences in churches are also promoted, both evangelistic and Bible- instructional in nature. Each summer a number of Biola students form teams and tour various sections of the country. These teams are available for meetings in many sections. Another Extension ministry is the printed page. The King’s Business, a monthly magazine, is the official publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles which reaches many thousands of earnest readers. The Department promotes the printing and distribu­ tion of other sound Christian literature, and by means of the radio a large amount of literature finds its way into the homes of interested people. STUDENT RADIO MINISTRY ACCENT ON YOUTH, a half-hour student-alumni broadcast organized August 23, 1947, may be heard over the local station, KXLA , 7:30 Saturday nights. Other stations carrying the program by transcription are located in Minneapolis, Minnesota; San Bernardino, California; Quito, Ecuador, South America; Manila, Philippine Island« The continuity of the program centers around some particular theme each week. Participating students are chosen from the Broadcasting class, the student body, and the alumni.


ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS AND APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION All applicants for admission should be at least eighteen years of age, of at least one year’s Christian experience, well recommended by three referees, and physically capable of carrying a schedule of classroom work. Each applicant must file with the Registrar regular application forms. (These forms may he secured from the Registrar’s Office.) He must also request each secondary school which he has attended to send a complete, official transcript to the Registrar. These forms and transcripts should he in one month before the semester opens. FRESHMAN STANDING. An applicant to regular standing must hold an ac­ credited high school diploma or its academic equivalent. Veterans who have not com­ pleted their high school education may take the G. E. D. (General Educational Development) Test at a local high school or college. Successful passing of this test makes the veteran eligible for admission to regular standing. Biola Bible College reserves the right to administer further tests or require additional work if the student is low in any part of his G. E. D. test. Applicants to regular standing must be graduates of accredited high schools and have the following eight recommended units: three of. English, two of social science, two of language, one of science, or the equivalents. Applicants who cannot meet the specific prerequisite requirements will be admitted to provisional standing. Provisional standing continues until the student has removed these deficiencies. All deficiencies must be cleared by the beginning of the sophomore year. Such deficiencies may be made up by taking college courses which cover the required material. Credits earned to cover a high school deficiency cannot be applied toward graduation from the College. Students whose transcripts contain unsatisfactory grades must satisfactorily pass additional entrance examinations in order to be admitted on provisional standing. Satis­ factory completion of a year’s work will place the student in regular standing. Graduates of non-accredited high schools will be accepted provisionally. Upon the satisfactory completion of one year’s work, they will achieve regular standing. ADVANCED STANDING. Applicants to advanced standing must present the same application forms and transcripts as those applying for freshman standing. The transcript from the last school attended must bear the statement of honorable dismissal. Students transferring from accredited schools will receive credit for courses which are equivalent to our requirements for graduation. Students transferring from non- accredited institutions must validate their courses by examinations. In no case will a grade lower than “C” be accepted for transfer credit. Students entering the College with advanced standing must meet the minimum residence requirements for graduation: one year of residence work with at least twelve hours of classroom work per semester, and one semester of residence in the dormitory.” SPECIAL STANDING. Those who present reasons satisfactory to the Admissions Committee are privileged to take an elective course consisting of a minimum of five hours of classroom work which includes at least one Bible subject. Unless sufficient reason is presented a student is not allowed to remain in this classification for more than one year. * For possible exception, see p. 26. 19

CLASSIFICATION OF STUDENTS A student’s classification is determined at the beginning of the fall semester accord­ ing to the following plan: 26 units or less 27 units and 27 grade points 57 units and 57 grade points 91 units and 91 grade points A student will not be changed from one class to another during the year. ATTENDANCE Attendance at each class session, chapel, and prayer hour is required of all students. If a student’s unexcused absences from any class become double the number of meetings per week, the student is dropped from that class with a grade of F. Unexcused absences from chapel and prayer hour in excess of the number of meetings per week result in disciplinary action. Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior



Grade Point Value

A Distinguished work, which is reserved for outstanding attainment ....... 3



Excellent work done, in a sustained manner Average work done in a sustained manner Passing ........................................................................ Failing work. Subject must be repeated in class

0 —1

I Incomplete. Dr. Dropped from class. W Withdrew from school.

as evidenced by his daily class work and his examinations, and punctuality in complet­ ing assignments. To graduate, a student must have at least as many grade points as units in the total credit value of all courses undertaken by him. A semester grade in any subject is based on the student’s grasp of subject matter

A regular student may register for twelve to sixteen hours of classroom work per semester. After the first semester a student with a grade point average of B may peti­ tion the Registrar to take eighteen units whereas one with an A average may petition to carry twenty. In no case will a student be permitted to carry more than twenty take no less than five. In every case a student carries one additional unit in Christian service. A student on scholastic probation may not carry more than fourteen hours for credit and may be limited to less depending upon his grade point average. hours. A regular student may carry no less than twelve hours; a special student may The Freshman Orientation program is scheduled for the first day of Registration. A special program is arranged, including orientation addresses by faculty members and the taking of placement tests. A late fee is charged all students who have not completed their registration by 4:30 p.m. of the second day of Registration. This fee is $5.00 for the first week; $10.00 for the second. REGISTRATION


Students are not admitted to the College and classes may not be added later than 10 school days after the last day of Registration. Changes in a student’s class schedule shall he made only in the Registrar’s Office. A class dropped or a withdrawal from school after the sixth week will be recorded as a A failure unless the teacher reports work of passing quality. A charge of fifty cents is made for each class change, including the dropping of classes. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES All groups or individuals who represent the College must manifest satisfactory standing as to application, cooperation, spiiitual life, and scholastic attainment (the over-all grade point average, as well as the average for the preceding semester, must be C), and must he approved by the faculty. Students desiring to organize S. M. U. or deputation teams or to accept speaking engagements must first consult with the Director of Christian Service. .The musical personnel and programs for all teams must be approved by the Music Department. STUDENT GUIDANCE SERVICES Biola has had a counseling program involving the assignment of students to faculty advisors with definite times set for interviews. This has been supplementary to the advisory work of the Superintendent of Men, the Superintendent of Women, and the Director of Christian Service. The above program' was enlarged in 1951 by the addition of a full-time counselor to coordinate and integrate the counseling program of the school. In addition to a battery of academic aptitude, personality inventories., tests in the field of English, and such other tests as are needed in specific cases, as well as a semester of Freshmen orientation classes ,the counseling program has resulted in a reorganization of the student-faculty relationship with respect to student participation in matters of discipline and control which will go into operation in the fall of 1952. Every student entering the College is interviewed by the Director of Student Counseling and assigned to a faculty advisor. Each semestèr the student is interviewed a t least once by his advisor as a part of his education. If special problems arise the student is directed to the Director of Counseling for further guidance and testing if necessary. The records of interviews held by faculty advisors become a part of the permanent records of the Counselor’s Office. Every attempt has been made to organize the counseling program on a basis which will take into account the student as a person rather than as a statistical unit. The procedures now in operation have as their final goal the academic, social, voca­ tional, and spiritual orientation of the student. VETERANS The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, is authorized to train students under thé G. I. Bill of Rights. Veterans who desire to come to school under the G. I. Bill of Riglits should secure a Certificate of Eligibility from their local office of Veterans Administration before Registration Day. Married ve'erans who desire subsistence for dependents should have substantial proof ,of same, such as marriage certificate and birth certificates of their children. Veterans must pay their regular registration fees and other expenses themselves until they receive their authorization of subsistence allowance, some time after enroll­ ment in the school, at which time these fees will be refunded. 21

REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION The Bachelor of Arts degree is offered by Biola Bible College. Students may major in the fields of Bible, Christian Education, education, English speech, music, philosophy, and social science. All students with liberal arts majors are required to have the basic 30 hours in Bible and doctrine stipulated by the Accrediting Association of Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges. Those desiring to major in Bible will take more than the basic 30 hours in Bible and doctrine but will not have a sufficient concentration of subjects to graduate with a second major. In the education major, requiring five years of residence, 158 semester hours are required for graduation. In each of the other majors, 128 semester hours are required for graduation, 50 of them being in the upper division. In addition to these academic hours, each student is assigned to some form of practical Christian service, for which is given one unit of credit each semester except the first. These Christian Service credits are required for graduation but are not computed in the student’s academic load. In addition to receiving satisfactory scholastic rating in all required courses, a student must give satisfactory evidence of good Christian character and soundness of doctrine, and sign the unabridged form of the Statement of Doctrine. An essay, not exceeding 1500 words, on any Bible subject the student may select, is a graduation requirement and shall be submitted by each prospective senior not later than the eighth week of the fall semester preceding his graduation. SCHOOL HONORS Students completing their course with a grade point average of 2.25 are graduated Cum Laude. The Phi Alpha Chi Christian Scholastic Honor Society was established to give recognition to high scholastic attainment in Christian colleges and seminaries. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, has a chapter of Phi Alpha Chi. Each year elections to its membership are made from the members of the graduating class who have a scholastic average of 2.5 or better throughout their course. The charter permits no more than fifteen per cent of the College graduates to be so honored. EVANGELICAL TEACHER TRAINING ASSOCIATION The Evangelical Teacher Training Association, organized in 1931, is an association of more than one hundred Bible schools, evangelical colleges and seminaries who will give, as part of their regular training, courses leading to a Teacher Training Certificate. Requirements of the Standard Course of the association are met by Biola Bible College students who take the following courses: Bible .... ...............................................................144 hours—Eng. Bible 101-102, 201-202 Personal Evangelism ....................................... 36 hours—Eng. Bible 107 Missions ..................... .............. ......................... 36 hours—Missions 201 Bible Geography .................. ............................ 12 hours—Chr. Educ. 106 Biblical Introduction ....................................... 12 hours—Eng. Bible 104 Child Study ................ ................. ..................... 15 hours—Chr. Educ. 103 or 105 Pedagogy ............................... ,........................... 15 hours—Chr. Educ. 201 Sunday School Administration ...................... 15 hours—Chr. Educ. 403 Departmental Specialization and related subjects ......................................... 48 hours—Chr. Educ. 305, 306 Electives............................. ......:.................... ......99 hours—-Any subject offered at the College PERMANENT RECORDS The College has all academic records in fireproof quarters. 22

c 7 * ^ r i n a n c L u / 3 4 o r m a t i o n


............... $ 20.00 ..................... 10.00 ...................... g.00 ............................. 50 ...................... 5.00

‘ Registration ............................ -.................... ‘ Student Benefit ........................................... Departure Card Deposit .......................... Room Key Deposit ..................................... ‘ Library .........................................................

SPECIAL: Late Registration—First week ......................... -........-......................................... Late Registration—Second week ....................................................... -................ Change of class schedule ....................................................................................... Auditor’s Fee (This fee is waived for returned missionaries) ................... ‘ Non-Residence Maintenance Fee ..........................................-........................... Examination Fee for examination taken outside regular schedule ........... 5.00 10.00 .50 10.00 10.00 .50 ‘ Biology Laboratory Fee .......................................-........................................... Diploma Fee ...........................................-............................................................ Cap and gown fee ..................................................... Subject to current rental Transcript Fee (for each copy after the first) .............--....................... ‘ Practice Teaching Fee (for Education majors), minimum ...............— 5.00 5.00 prices 1.00 20.00 DORM ITORY: ‘ “ Per month for single room (very few available) ........................................... 25.50 “ ‘ Per month each, for double room ........................................................................ 18.50 ‘ “ Per day for board in College Dining Room ...................... -.............................. I SO New students are required to make, at the time of registration, a deposit of $100.00 on room and board. Returning students are required to make, at the time of registration, a deposit of $50.00 on room and board. MU S IC LESSONS: Fifteen 30 minute lessons, for beginning voice or instruments, per lesson 2.00 Fifteen 30 minute lessons, for advanced voice or instruments, per lesson 3.00 Fifteen 30 minute lessons, for organ, per lesson ..................... -..........-.......— 3.00 Fifteen lessons are required for one unit credit. Music majors are required to take two units of applied music each semester. ‘ Practice rooms, all instruments and voice, one-half hour per day, per unit 3.00 ‘ Practice rooms for music majors (all instruments and voice), one hour, per day, per unit ............................................................ -............ 6-W

Instrument Rental:

Electric Organ, per hour ........................................................................................ mem Pipe Organ, per hour .................................... .................................................................p i ♦ All band and orchestral instruments and piano accordion ............................ 5-00

♦ Per semester. ♦ ♦ Varies according to school where practice is done. ♦ ♦ ♦ Subject to change to meet economic conditions. 23

The student benefit fee takes care of such expenses as the maintenance of the Student Employment Bureau, „and Student Health Services as outlined in the Student Manual, Recreational activities, etc. Registration Fees, Student Benefit Fees, Library Fees, and any other fees of this nature are not refundable after registration has been completed. Prepaid charges for room and board, in the event of the withdrawal of the student, will be refunded on the basis of the actual portion of such amounts as have not been used. Deposit fees will be refunded upon the withdrawal of any student if full compliance has been made with all regulations with relation to such deposits. STUDENT EMPLOYMENT The College maintains an Employment Office for the benefit of students needing part-time work to defray expenses. While this provision does not guarantee employment, the Employment Secretary makes an honest effort to place every needy student as the Lord makes the openings possible. Students who need to work while going to school should plan to arrive several days before Registration in order that they may secure the type of work which they desire and may adjust their classroom work and secular employment in the most satisfactory manner. The student who finds it necessary to work for the entire amount of his living expenses should plan on extending the time required for his course. SCHOLARSHIPS The Jean Bernard Student Fund, established by the will of Jean Bernard, provides a loan fund to assist students preparing for the mission field. Money from this fund is loaned without interest to qualified students. Honorary scholarships are provided each year by donors who wish to sponsor personally the training of a student for Christian service by contributing the entire cost of such tuition.


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