
301. AMERICAN LITERATURE. (2) A consideration of the more important literature from the Colonial period to the present time. 302. MILTON. (2) A study of the prose and poetry of Milton’s more important works. 401. CREATIVE WRITING. (2) Trial writing in each of the literary forms, including the problem narrative. One long paper of one of the literary forms required. 403. SHAKESPEARE. (2) A study of selected Shakespearean plays from the standpoint of the universal human truths portrayed by the characters. 404. PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR. (2) A general review to prepare the English-Speech major for the comprehensive examination. Designed to meet the needs of the student in those areas in which special study may he necessary. 406. WORLD LITERATURE. (2) A survey of some of the world’s greatest books, including many of those that have influenced Christian thinking.


The purpose is to teach Braille to those who are interested in doing work among the blind. A knowledge of the technique of reading and teaching Braille is indispensable to such workers. 205. BRAILLE I. (2) Learning the Braille alphabet and practice in writing. 206. BRAILLE II. (2) Further fluency in reading and writing Braille. 307. BRAILLE III. (2) Continued practice in reading and writing. Transcribing in Braille. 308. BRAILLE IV. (2) Advanced reading and transcribing in Braille.


The purpose of this department is to give the student facility in oral and written Spanish and to furnish him a background in the history, literature, and psychology of the Spanish people. 301,302. ELEMENTARY SPANISH. (4-4) A course in grammar, pronunciation, conversation, and reading. 301 corresponds to the first two years of high school Spanish and may be taken without college credit by those who need to make up an entrance deficiency. 401-402. INTERMEDIATE SPANISH. (3-3) Continued grammar, conversation, and reading. 411-412. THE SPANISH BIBLE. (2-2) A course designed to familiarize the student with the Spanish Bible as well as to increase his facility in reading. 413-414. SOUTH AMERICAN LITERATURE. (2-2) The reading of outstanding literature from the Colonial Period to the present. 50

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